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X-men and Da Vinci Code

Ash Wednesday

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Ash Wednesday



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[size=1][color="330000"]Hey I saw xmen with a ton of my friends.
We laughed.

I had no idea what was going on, but it was cool.

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[size=1][color="330000"]Yea...he is kinda hot when he is being torn to shreds yet...not.... at the same time.


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:rolleyes: shut up about this already. x-men has always been bigger so of course this was going to happen. it dosent mean xmen was better or vice versa
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Fixxer XMen is better than Da Vinci......if you like the Da Vinci code so much, what are you doing here>

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X-Men was better. Box office, Roger Ebert, Berardinelli and I agree.

Da Vinci Code-extremely average film

X-Men 3-excellent film

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[quote name='ironman' post='992174' date='May 28 2006, 09:54 PM']
Fixxer XMen is better than Da Vinci......if you like the Da Vinci code so much, what are you doing here>

did i say i like it very much? there are many fans of xmen(the comic) who thought it was terrible so i said it could be vice versa for people . box office numbers dont mean a movie is better.

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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' post='992103' date='May 28 2006, 08:54 PM']
Wolverine owns Tom Hanks and his nasty hair.

[size=1][color="330000"]That is probubly one of the funiest things I have ever heard in my entire life!

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[quote name='phatcatholic' post='992412' date='May 29 2006, 02:49 PM']

oh man, that's great!

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[quote name='ironman' post='992402' date='May 29 2006, 01:28 PM']
You're totally right.........

Actually he is... Movies with high ticket sales can be completely retarded. Take Napolean Dynamite. Also, I'm sure the Da Vinci Code got more sales than many movies better than it (I'm sure you agree).

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Ash Wednesday

[quote name='Fixxxer' post='992169' date='May 28 2006, 08:50 PM']
:rolleyes: shut up about this already. x-men has always been bigger so of course this was going to happen. it dosent mean xmen was better or vice versa

I hope you do realize that it is a bit more intelligent and sensible to [i]not[/i] post in a thread that you find annoying.

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