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pick a sin, any sin


pick a sin, any sin  

120 members have voted

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[quote]Shucks now friend, at least use solid, stand up, Protestant resources for correcting our Catholic friends here. When I evangelize Buddhist's it doesn't do me any good if I call them Muslims. Try to thoroughly learn where they are coming from so you can reach them where they are at. These anti-catholic tracts aren't going to help you do that. Stay firmly rooted in your Bible (KJV I hope), but read their catechism as well.[/quote]

See - a perfectly charitable post by "jesuspaidtheprice" - a person that I have nothing in common with past the number of appendages protruding from my torso.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1014545' date='Jun 29 2006, 10:07 AM']
Once someone is born again they hate sin.

I would not want to "get away" with any sin.

I would feel horrifed that I have sinned against God.

This is called Grieving the Holy Spirit in some circles.

If someone has the attitude, gee Id love to get away with sin...there is something lacking there.
[/quote] well boy oh boy arnt we Holy... just because you are born again (Baptised 'born of WATER [b]and[/b] Spirit') it does not make them not want to sin anymore. we all have our sins that we enjoy even if we dont admit it (which is due to pride). my favorite sins are sins of Lust particularly that kind of lust which is sexual in nature(Lust is not only sexual). when we commit a sin we do it because we enjoy that sin or because at that moment in time we are hoping that God will just 'let us off the hook this once'.

there is at least 1 thing that we all wish was not a sin. what builds virtue however is knowing its a sin, wanting to do it, and resisting because you know its the wrong thing to do. the best virtues are built out of resisting something not because its a sin but because it offends God.

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  • 1 month later...

[quote name='Fulton Sheen Warrior' post='989808' date='May 24 2006, 01:16 PM']

That's like asking what's my favourite way to hurt someone I love.

No bueno :ohno:

[quote name='Pontifite 7 of 10' post='1016848' date='Jul 3 2006, 03:45 PM']
Homies pray for me! I'm struggleing with lust!

will do my friend. I am in that boat too at times.
Mad prayers bro.

Striving towards Sainthood!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a good poll. I don't know what all you other people are talking about...saying this poll is gay and carp like that.
For those people that answered "I refuse to speculate"-- If God asked you about a sin you committed, are you going to say "I refuse to speculate" or some dumb thing like that?

Oh Man, it's late...I mean early.

Edited by ThatGuy
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I've thought about this exact scenario a number of times over the years... I am human, after all. And ultimately I turn to Christ because I know a sinful lifestyle provides no fulfillment or true happiness, but it ain't easy to avoid sin.

And I voted for lust. It's the only sin that's really any fun, except for gluttony, which isn't nearly as much fun as sex (well, I don't really know since somehow I've managed to remain a virgin... all due to God's grace because I sure haven't always been in the right mind).

I'm curious what dairygirl voted for? We haven't heard from her since she started this controversial thread... which is part of the reason I like it :)

By the way, haven't we really gotten away with committing all the deadly sins? Isn't that the Gospel?

Edited by LouisvilleFan
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Budge - we do not have the attitude "gee I'd love to get away with sin"
Rather, those of us who have voted for a sin in this poll still have the flesh-oriented desire to sin, but, by being here and through follow-up self-examinations of conscience, we show our spirit's desire to not sin. Each person is a battleground of good and evil, spirit vs flesh. Here's a good example: try to stop masturbating. Hopefully, you agree that it's wrong. You will struggle to stop masturbating because your flesh wants to do it, even though your spirit does not. Thus, if this is your biggest struggle, in this poll you would vote lust, since it is what your flesh wants the most.

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I think this quote attributed to [url="http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn"]Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn[/url] hits the nail on the head:

[quote]If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart? [/quote]

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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1047712' date='Aug 21 2006, 10:57 PM']

And I voted for lust. It's the only sin that's really any fun, except for gluttony, which isn't nearly as much fun as sex (well, I don't really know since somehow I've managed to remain a virgin... all due to God's grace because I sure haven't always been in the right mind).


So a Priest asks a Rabbi, "Why don't you eat pork?" The Rabbi replies, "It's against my religion, why don't you have sex?"

"It's against my religion.", the Priest answers.

The Rabbi says, "You should try it, it's better than pork."

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me either!! Other than the fact that 'getting away' has nothing to do with God, there is NO getting away with anything, it's not like he looks away for an instant, I think it's unhealthy to fantasize about getting away with a sin. Not saying any of y'all are doing that, but still..

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[quote name='heavenseeker' post='1051888' date='Aug 27 2006, 11:42 PM']
i still dont see why anyone would want to get away with a sin

For one thing, I am aware that it's an unrealistic scenario in the sense that I know the long-term consequences of sin are not worth the satisfaction we get from it, but on the other hand I'm not going to lie and say I've never thought about what it would be like if I could get away with a one night stand or something :) Has everyone not thought this at one time or another? I'm not saying it's right... I'm just being honest. In fact, it's definitely not right.

On the other hand, maybe the point I made earlier didn't hit home with others like it did with me when I thought of it, but every Christian gets away with all the deadly sins. That's grace; without it, we're all dead.

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I just don't like the terms your useing. Gets away with. That implies to me, the person is like worming their way out, they are GETTING AWAY with a sin, unoticed. What happens is we sin, and we are forgiven through confession. We are not getting away with anything.

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thats the same way i view it, we go to confession to be forgiven for our sins. we dont get away with any of them, its not Gods going to look away and miss something that we do or give us a freebe.

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