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pick a sin, any sin


pick a sin, any sin  

120 members have voted

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I know, its impossible to get away with a sin anyways, and if you wanted to, why?? Why would you want to get away with one??

any sin is not just injuring to your health of your soul, if you sinned it would make your inclination to sin stronger. The more you sin, the more it makes it harder to resist it in the future.

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Those of us entertaining the question are certainly not wasting our time. Did you read my last post? IMO, you who are bothering to bash dairy for making this post are wasting YOUR time. This poll really did put me in check, making me realize, wow, I do still need a lot of work. I will say this: I admire those of you who honestly cannot answer this poll because you love God so deeply. I admit I did not think deeply at all about those (specifically Fulton Sheen Warrior) who said, prior to my previous post, [quote]That's like asking what's my favourite way to hurt someone I love.[/quote] However, I admonish (pfft.. as if I have any room to admonish any of y'all.. I just mean to express my brotherly displeasure in) those who refuse to speculate because they're too afraid.
And please, don't bash the poll. Again, I wish I could've been one of you who are honestly answering that you hate sin with all your heart. For some of us, the body still controls a portion of the spirit. Granted, I do hate sin because I know I should, and I know that sin is repugnant to God, and I do hate sin such that, in I'm happy to say many instances (well, those where I recognize the possibility of it), I can consciously reject it, but I do not hate sin such that there is no inner part of me that still wants to sin. I hope I do not come across as mean, but I really want some of you to understand what I am saying.
Oh, and uruviel - I think it was clarified earlier that the poll question is more along the lines of "which do you wish was not a sin" or even "which do you wish was a good thing".. If not, hopefully it is clearer now.

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Fulton Sheen Warrior


I can see what you are saying, and in [i]your[/i] philosophy (which I like), this poll isn't totally a waste.

BUT, what bothers me is the manner in which the question is being asked. It almost makes light of sin.

Again, I see what you mean about taking a good hard look at our selves. This is an examination of conscience.

Yet, Why couldn't the question be something like,

"If you could overcome one of the seven deadly sins which one would you choose?"

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[quote name='Fulton Sheen Warrior' post='991040' date='May 26 2006, 10:30 AM']
Yet, Why couldn't the question be something like,

"If you could overcome one of the seven deadly sins which one would you choose?"
That is a [i]terrific[/i] question.

I'll tell you what I did and suggest either that or something similar (just a suggestion)

1.) ID the one sin you think is hurting you the most and that you want to be free from.
2.) Go to Mass every day that you can get there. After receiving Communion, spend a few seconds or as long as you want, just asking God for the strength to overcome this particular flaw. If you can only get to Sunday Mass then pray for strength during the week.
3.) Pray the Rosary every day that you can. You should be able to make time for this, because you could pray the Rosary at your home, at your leisure! Do the same contemplation of your battle as you'd do at Mass.
4.) Give thanks to God for [b]all[/b] of your victories.
5.) You know, if you can't get to Daily Mass, get to Daily Mass anyways. :topsy:

I did this right before New Year's Day for a particular weakness, and it has worked wonders.

Edited by XIX
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I like the question, if you could overcome, thats great. Maybe I misunderstood the question too but I still dont' like the question, IF YOU COULD SIN. It bothers me.

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Lust, unfortunatly, i'm suffering the consequences right now. It's rather unfortunate really. No sin is worth committing, and there is no such thing as getting away with it. Eternal damnation is not the only reward for committing mortal sins.

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[size=1][color="330000"]I think the poll is pretty accurate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have talked to some people I know who do not represent the Catholic Church, and do not understand the seven capital sins, mortal sins, and venial sins. Explaining the difference of venial and mortal, to even some Catholics my age who attend Mass every Sunday, confirmed, but do not know the difference between mortal and venial sins, is kind of difficult for them to understand. Do not rip too much of dairy. She may not fully understand how serious sin really is or fully know the difference.

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Theologian in Training

[quote name='Proud2BCatholic139' post='998329' date='Jun 6 2006, 10:36 AM']
I have talked to some people I know who do not represent the Catholic Church, and do not understand the seven capital sins, mortal sins, and venial sins. Explaining the difference of venial and mortal, to even some Catholics my age who attend Mass every Sunday, confirmed, but do not know the difference between mortal and venial sins, is kind of difficult for them to understand. Do not rip too much of dairy. She may not fully understand how serious sin really is or fully know the difference.

Further, I think we are quick to judge her question as shallow, pointless, etc. because it asks us to take a long hard look at ourselves, our weaknesses, and what we are prone to in this life. And, truth be told, no one likes that, and no one wants to admit our weaknesses before ourselves, others, or God (even though He clearly knows). Yes, no one wants to commit sin, because, at heart it is as offense against God, and, at heart, no one wants to intentionally "hurt God," however, if we are truly honest, each and every one of us could find one of those seven that become for us more friend, at times, than foe.

Now, understand, I am by no means justifying any of these seven nor am I advocating continuing to commit one of the seven, I am merely saying that those seven are the sins of our life, and if we have not confessed one of them more than the others than we have not struggled for holiness. Now, granted, I know many saints were able to avoid those seven, and lived very holy lives, and I don't doubt that it still occurs, but there are also a majority of others to which these seven are a daily struggle, and I think, though I cannot be sure, that was perhaps the mindset of dairygirl when she posted this.

God Bless

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  • 4 weeks later...

Once someone is born again they hate sin.

I would not want to "get away" with any sin.

I would feel horrifed that I have sinned against God.

This is called Grieving the Holy Spirit in some circles.

If someone has the attitude, gee Id love to get away with sin...there is something lacking there.

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[quote name='zwergel88' post='990614' date='May 25 2006, 04:47 PM']
sloth, I'll school you in procrastination

Bring it on. :boxer:

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Wow...we're all a bunch of lustful sinners.

Prayer commencing in 5...4...3...2.....

[quote name='Budge' post='1014545' date='Jun 29 2006, 11:07 AM']
Once someone is born again they hate sin.

I would not want to "get away" with any sin.

I would feel horrifed that I have sinned against God.

This is called Grieving the Holy Spirit in some circles.

If someone has the attitude, gee Id love to get away with sin...there is something lacking there.

For someone so abhorrently opposed to sin you seem very uncharitable.

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[quote]or someone so abhorrently opposed to sin you seem very uncharitable.[/quote]

Actually unless I totally agree with you or water down my views, I suppose I will be seen as uncharitable.


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[quote name='Budge' post='1016839' date='Jul 3 2006, 06:33 PM']
Actually unless I totally agree with you or water down my views, I suppose I will be seen as uncharitable.


Not true at all. There are many people on here who I do not wholly agree with (or agree with at all), but they still are very charitable people. Charity has nothing to do with whether or not we think alike or hold the same values and beliefs. It has to do with you attitude and whether you can be adult enough to treat others with respect, even when you find it hard to do. In the face of confrontation or opposition you can measure your charitablility by your actions. A good place to start would be with not attacking PhatMass with ridiculuous propositions and arguing just to argue.

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