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Da Vinci Code


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What will you tell a co-worker, friend, classmate, and family member if they asked you questions about some of the claims in the book/movie?

How will you defend the Truths of the Faith?

Can you trust what the Gospels say? If so why?

Was Jesus married? If not why not?

Are the Gnostic Gospels true? If not why not?

Did the Catholic Church try to hide these books? If not why not?

Did Jesus ever pass on secret/hidden knowledge to others while not telling his Apostles? If not why not?

Is Jesus Divine? If so why?

And what about the paintings and Opis dei? Do they really have monks?

What will you say if asked all these questions?


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[quote name='jnorm888' post='985544' date='May 19 2006, 05:47 PM']
What will you tell a co-worker, friend, classmate, and family member if they asked you questions about some of the claims in the book/movie?
How will you defend the Truths of the Faith?
Can you trust what the Gospels say? If so why?

Was Jesus married? If not why not?

Are the Gnostic Gospels true? If not why not?

Did the Catholic Church try to hide these books? If not why not?

Did Jesus ever pass on secret/hidden knowledge to others while not telling his Apostles? If not why not?
Is Jesus Divine? If so why?

And what about the paintings and Opis dei? Do they really have monks?
What will you say if asked all these questions?
Much of this has already been discussed on these boards. I'd recommend [url="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1586170341/qid=1148086390/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/002-2323353-4496057?s=books&v=glance&n=283155"][i]The Da Vinci Hoax, by Carl E. Olson and Sandra Miesel[/i][/url] which gives clear and in-depth refutations of TDVC's nonsensical claims.

Short answers:
1) Jesus was not married, because that was not part of His mission as Savior. None of the Gospe;s calims Jesus was married, and this is the tradition handed to us from the Apostles.

2) The Gnostic "gospels" were not true, but were written long after the death and resurrection of Christ and the four true Gospels by the Gnostics, members of a pagan dualistic religion which taught salvation by "secret knowledge" ("gnosis") available only to an elite few, and hidden from all else.
The true Christians never preached hidden knowledge, but made the knowledge of salvation open to all, as St. Iranaeus taught in "Against Heresies" which condemned the Gnostics and their false "gospels."

3) The Church condemned these books as the lies they were (see above), but did not "hide" them, in the sense of believing in the "hidden knowledge" and keeping it from the masses. These Gnostic "gospels" were soon largely forgotten, until new-age types revived an interest in them in modern times.

4) Christ never passed on "hidden knowledge" to his disciples. There is no record of this in the teachings of his disciples or their successors (the Church). This point was made by St. Iranaeus in "Against Heresies." Such "secret" teachings were taught only by the Gnostics, who were outside the real Church.

5) Christ is divine - true God and True Man. This was consistantly taught in the Gospels, and through the teachings of the Church. [url="http://web.archive.org/web/20040202005608/http://ic.net/~erasmus/RAZ98.HTM"]Go here[/url] for Biblical proofs of Christ's divinity.

6) Opus Dei is a Catholic lay order and does not even have monks. [url="http://www.opusdei.us/art.php?p=7017"]The facts about Opus Dei here.[/url]

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[quote name='jnorm888' post='985544' date='May 19 2006, 05:47 PM']
What will you tell a co-worker, friend, classmate, and family member if they asked you questions about some of the claims in the book/movie?
How will you defend the Truths of the Faith?
Can you trust what the Gospels say? If so why?

Was Jesus married? If not why not?

Are the Gnostic Gospels true? If not why not?

Did the Catholic Church try to hide these books? If not why not?

Did Jesus ever pass on secret/hidden knowledge to others while not telling his Apostles? If not why not?
Is Jesus Divine? If so why?

And what about the paintings and Opis dei? Do they really have monks?
What will you say if asked all these questions?

Yes, it would be very good as a Catholic to have ready answers to these questions. I've yet to actually have to discuss the Da Vinci code with anyone, but I'm sure those questions will come up soon enough. props.

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