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[quote name='ChrisZewe' post='986338' date='May 21 2006, 07:45 AM']
Anti-Catholicism is mainly based around the facts that:
- You people are pagans and pray to Mary.
- You people worship [i]images[/i].
- You people are responsible, over the centuries, for more atrocities against fellow men than any other religious group.
- You people try to eat Jesus Christ every Sunday.
- And in the minds of the uninformed, you're all a bunch of child molesting old men.

You show proof that the reason why there is so much anti-Catholicism, because people will judge what they don't understand rather than come to learn about what they don't know.

First of all, we don't pray to Mary, we honor her. Big difference!
We don't worship idols. We have them in our Churches, but we don't worship them.
The Church has during that time was weak, but things have changed since then. Why must you bring up the Crusade and the Inquisition again! What happened then does not happen now obviously!
We're intolerant? That's rich! Do we attack other Churches or other people. No, absolutely not. We respect others for who they are, but we follow the teaching of Jesus Christ. It seems as though you are intolerant of Catholics. Wow! I bet you feel like a big jerk now.
What you said in the last point, only the ignorant really have a problem with the Church because of the priest scandles that happened in a time when the Church was not as strong as it is today. Things have changed dramatically since then. I think that if you didn't have something to complain about, you would find something so stupid to pick at. It doesn't work here though.

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[quote]First of all, we don't pray to Mary, we honor her. Big difference![/quote]

"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our deaths. [b]Amen[/b]"

You're right...you're just talking to a dead woman (also forbidden) in the mechanical, memorized sense of "actual" prayers, and ending it with amen. That's certainly not praying to her. And then there's the fact that you consider Jesus to be God...

[quote]We don't worship idols. We have them in our Churches, but we don't worship them.[/quote]

You're so uninformed that it hurts.

[quote]The Church has during that time was weak, but things have changed since then. Why must you bring up the Crusade and the Inquisition again! What happened then does not happen now obviously![/quote]

I was simply explaining why there's so much anti-Catholicism - past actions. Atone!!

[quote]We're intolerant? That's rich! Do we attack other Churches or other people. No, absolutely not. We respect others for who they are, but we follow the teaching of Jesus Christ. It seems as though you are intolerant of Catholics. Wow! I bet you feel like a big jerk now.[/quote]

No, actually, I feel just as I did a moment ago, but with a bit of amusement. I'm a human, of course I'm imperfect. Not caring for your particular brand of a pagan/Christian hybrid is just a manifestation of that which I hope to one day break. But yes, to say that Catholics are intolerant is a bit of an understatement...at least if you're talking about the ones who know their religion.

[quote]What you said in the last point, only the ignorant really have a problem with the Church because of the priest scandles that happened in a time when the Church was not as strong as it is today. Things have changed dramatically since then. I think that if you didn't have something to complain about, you would find something so stupid to pick at. It doesn't work here though.[/quote]

First off, I consider your calling the Church's past "weak" to be an incredibly amusing thing. The Church is weak [i]now[/i], going back on its past actions, liberalizing itself bit-by-bit, renouncing its history...utter foolishness. And the scandals keep on coming, buddy.

But no, I don't consider the child molestation issue to be one to dislike the Church for. However, a lot of people do, and I was simply giving a few reasons for anti-Catholicism. Not necessarily my own.

Edited by ChrisZewe
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Noel's angel

Let's not turn this into a debate. If people have something constructive to say in reply to the original question, then say it. But if you want to debate Catholicism, take it somewhere else, this isn't the place.

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It isn't debating when I'm answering his flooping question.

Edited by ChrisZewe
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Noel's angel

I was speaking generally. If you want to challenge Catholicism, take it to the debate table.

Can we please now get back to the original question?

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Noel's angel

Your list was WHY people are anti-Catholic, not HOW to deal with anti-Catholicism. It was a blatant challenge, you knew fully that it would provoke a response. There have been many like you on Phatmass before and I'm sure there will be many after.

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[quote name='prose' post='985522' date='May 19 2006, 07:14 PM']
Why is that? Because she is praying?

I am confused.

I believe I was answering that.

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Noel's angel

Prose was replying to your comment about WHY there is so much scorn for the Church. Your post was not in reply to the original question, and its nature provoked a question from prose.

That's all I have to say on the matter.

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Ash Wednesday

[quote name='ChrisZewe' post='986374' date='May 21 2006, 08:41 AM']

You need not resort to personal attacks.

Her point is, your so-called "response to falsehoods" is guaranteed to turn into a debate. Each of your accusations could be easily addressed on the debate board. Or on here. In which case, this thread will end up being moved there anyway.

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Guest Rick777

[quote name='ChrisZewe' post='986338' date='May 21 2006, 05:45 AM']
Anti-Catholicism is mainly based around the facts that:
- You people are pagans and pray to Mary.
- You people worship [i]images[/i].
- You people are responsible, over the centuries, for more atrocities against fellow men than any other religious group.
- You people try to eat Jesus Christ every Sunday.
- And in the minds of the uninformed, you're all a bunch of child molesting old men.

In the same way, we actually do "worship Mary" -- but not with the sort of worship that is due to God alone (latria) which has become the modern Protestant sense of the word (this is why many Catholics, using this modern definition, insist we don't "worship Mary"; we most definitely don't believe she is God! We do not "worship Mary" in any sense that Protestants accuse us of, i.e., "To worship" does not necessarily mean treating someone or something as God. The British call their magistrates and mayors "Your Worship," and I don't think any of them mistakenly consider Mayor So-and-So to be the Father Almighty. The point for Protestants reading this is this: if you come across a traditional Catholic text referring to "Mary worship" in a good light, don't freak out.

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