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i dont mind talking to non-catholics about differences between faiths it just gets me mad when they attack me or the church because they believe diferently.

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Lounge Daddy

[quote name='heavenseeker' post='985719' date='May 20 2006, 12:56 AM']
i dont mind talking to non-catholics about differences between faiths it just gets me mad when they attack me or the church because they believe diferently.

i can understand that
Patience can be irritating, cant it ???
Extra prayers then

Walk away if possible
Planting a seed can be all a big deal at times

God bless you,
And all Catholic seeders

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[quote name='heavenseeker' post='985719' date='May 20 2006, 12:56 AM']
i dont mind talking to non-catholics about differences between faiths it just gets me mad when they attack me or the church because they believe diferently.

But when you attack [i]their[/i] beliefs or religious institutions, it's just spreading 'the Truth' :sweat:

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Noel's angel

This is a thread about dealing with anti-Catholicism, please, if your are going to post, write something constructive.

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[quote name='ChrisZewe' post='985455' date='May 19 2006, 04:25 PM']
What they all mean to say is that they just tell people that if they don't subscribe to Catholic beliefs, they're going to Hell.

If you don't have any positive contributions to phatmass threads, then just go away. Why are you here anyway? You obviously hate the Catholic Church because you have no idea what the Church teaches. Why do you feel the need to attack the Catholic Church on a Catholic forum no less?

[quote name='PadreSantiago' post='985698' date='May 19 2006, 11:14 PM']
why do you feel the need to defend yourselves so badly? You are the majority and you are not being opressed. You are being over zealous by maintaining this ludicis notion that you are somehow being percecuted for your religion! Try being black or gay for a few days, tell me how you feel then.

The Church is being persecuted. Just take a look around us. The media is so polluted with horribly, anti-Catholic filth and that's just part of it. I am well aware of the persecution of other people and that is serious too. The point is, people attack what they do not understand. It would help if people would stop criticizing others until they know what they are criticizing.

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[quote name='ChrisZewe' post='985858' date='May 20 2006, 09:29 AM']
But when you attack [i]their[/i] beliefs or religious institutions, it's just spreading 'the Truth' :sweat:
ur also just pushing them further away

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[quote name='ChrisZewe' post='985858' date='May 20 2006, 09:29 AM']
But when you attack [i]their[/i] beliefs or religious institutions, it's just spreading 'the Truth' :sweat:

Your the biggest contributer to such anti-Catholic :censored: . Most people wouldn't go to such great lengths to attack the Catholic Church, but you feel the need to attack us on a Catholic forum. If you don't want to get kicked out again, you better cut the :censored:

Edited by Anthony
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[quote name='ChrisZewe' post='985521' date='May 19 2006, 06:11 PM']
One of the many reasons why there's so much scorn for the Catholic Church, right there.

Huh?! What is wrong with that? You once again have contributed nothing to this thread. Why don't you just stop.

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[quote name='ChrisZewe' post='985858' date='May 20 2006, 08:29 AM']
But when you attack [i]their[/i] beliefs or religious institutions, it's just spreading 'the Truth' :sweat:

The problem isn't that anti-Catholics won't accept the "Truth" blindly. the problem comes (as with anything), when evidence is given, but the other party ignores it.

I have had MANY conversations where I provide proof after proof after proof, and the other party simply chooses to ignore what I am showing them. Catholicism isn't about blind faith entirely. There is plenty of evidence to provide a solid foundation as to why I have the faith that I do.

I see what your point is, but I think it is misdirected.

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Ash Wednesday

[quote]why do you feel the need to defend yourselves so badly? You are the majority and you are not being opressed. You are being over zealous by maintaining this ludicis notion that you are somehow being percecuted for your religion! Try being black or gay for a few days, tell me how you feel then.[/quote]

Hmm... Padre, I don't know what area you live in, but Catholics and Christians take a [b]lot[/b] of flack for their religion in areas that are largely leftist and secular. I've grown up and been schooled in largely secular areas so I don't share your viewpoint. You may view the Judeo-Christian platform that western civilization was largely based on as still being strong or in the majority, but from my experience that really isn't the case. In progressive places in the U.S. and Europe, Christianity is NOT in the majority. Public displays of one's agenda are welcomed in largely secular places -- EXCEPT public displays of Christianity. That is viewed as "intrusive." I think in the end, secularism and Christianity are pretty much incompatible with one another. Secularism in my experience is nothing but just a large backlash against Christianity. The bias, whether intentional or not, is still persistant.

KatS: I think oftentimes anti-Catholicism is out of ignorance. Sometimes people will say things and it's mostly out of ignorance and they aren't very well informed in the matter. I know I've spoken up when friends would say things that aren't true. Whether or not they choose to persist in their ignorance is up to them. It's important to keep a cool head when at all possible, though.

And then there are the Da Vinci Code ads. I just scowl at those and smile surreptitiously at every bad review the movie gets from film critics.

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Anti-Catholicism is mainly based around the facts that:
- You people are pagans and pray to Mary.
- You people worship [i]images[/i].
- You people are responsible, over the centuries, for more atrocities against fellow men than any other religious group.
- You people try to eat Jesus Christ every Sunday.
- And in the minds of the uninformed, you're all a bunch of child molesting old men.

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Noel's angel

I'm not ignorant on any of those topics. You know right well what you have said isn't true. Can you not find something better to do than try to cause disruption? Worship of Mary, idolatory, I've heard them all before, you could at least think of something half interesting and new to call us....

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