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Hi everybody, here is my question: how do you deal w/anti-Catholicism & anti-Catholic bigotry? :maddest: It just seems to be everywhere and it is very discouraging & frustrating.

Thanks for letting me vent y'all :)

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Noel's angel

I've come up against it a lot recently. People from my school (a Catholic school no less), one of whom studies Religion, are vehmently anti-Catholic and reject everything the Church teaches, as well has swearing at me, calling me all the names under the sun.
But I actually take hope because they are so zealous. There is hope for them because they are showing that they actually care about the Church. It would be worse if they were apathetic.
Try to be patient with people, try and teach them and if they keep throwing it in your face, then walk away. Try and keep hope in Jesus and don't be discouraged because these people are merely the created, it is the Creator who really matters. Pray for them also, and pray for the strength to continue to grow in faith in today's secular world.

I dunno if that helps much, I'm sure we will both learn from future replys.

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Seriously though?

I make sure my sword is sharp, and I am ready to rebut anything that is thrown at me. If I don't have the answer on hand, I never just leave a conversation be, I will find the answer and let the person know.

If it is just flat out bigotry, I ignore it.

1 Peter 3:15
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

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What they all mean to say is that they just tell people that if they don't subscribe to Catholic beliefs, they're going to Hell.

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I stand up for what I believe and I pray for them. it's very frustrating at times because people don't even care about what you say or having misconceptions cleared up, they just want to yell at you because of it. But I stand firm and try not to let other people intimidate me. Sometimes people don't mean to be Anti-Catholic, they are just searching for honest answers or they want to know why you believe what you believe. The hardest form of anti-Catholicism is that of people who dont' want answers, they have too much animosity against the Church and are angry with you because you're part of it. I do what i can and if they won't listen, i step out of the debate and pray for them that they might see Truth

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[quote name='avemaria40' post='985509' date='May 19 2006, 06:42 PM']
I do what i can and if they won't listen, i step out of the debate and pray for them that they might see Truth

One of the many reasons why there's so much scorn for the Catholic Church, right there.

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[quote name='heavenseeker' post='985365' date='May 19 2006, 01:43 PM']
i do what i can to defend us and ignore the rest

that's good to not over think it, because I think we have a responsibility to defend our faith, its part of living what we believe and proffesing it! But also don't get too into it because it's better to ignore it when you've done your part!

[quote name='ChrisZewe' post='985521' date='May 19 2006, 06:11 PM']
One of the many reasons why there's so much scorn for the Catholic Church, right there.

I know it's because we call our religion, thE TRUTH. They are like, what is truth and why do you say so pridefully, what I BELIEVE IS TRUTH. It takes time to defend it but with grace from the holy spirit it can be done. I would reccomend using the facts you can to defend it, NEVER start an arguement without praying for grace, that God will give you the knowlege to tell this person what God wants him to hear. Because without God your nothing. Nthing but a nothin. lol. Then do your part as best you can and pray!

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why do you feel the need to defend yourselves so badly? You are the majority and you are not being opressed. You are being over zealous by maintaining this ludicis notion that you are somehow being percecuted for your religion! Try being black or gay for a few days, tell me how you feel then.

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Lounge Daddy

Eh, for me it depends on my situation and mood.

> One example is a man that works with me at night who is a Baptist who is simply misinformed (aren’t all anti-Catholics misinformed?) about Church history.
This is my “Hitler’s Pope” co-worker.

This co-worker loves history and facts.

He mentioned to me that he wanted to talk about the “Pope’s silence” sometime. I told him that would be great, got some great facts on some index cards and a few printed pages – thanks to a few amazing Phatmassers – and brought the facts to this brother Christian.

Another example is a co-worker who’s anti-Catholicism I have been sizing up. I will bring it up, when I must – and I know it will happen whether I like it or not.

This guy’s father is from the old Bosnia, Yugoslavia area – and has made some blatant anti-Catholic remarks, along with other, unrelated racist comments …so I am going to figure this dude out before I talk with him – which is my preferred approach.

If I were a less guarded, less shy man – I would have called him out on this long ago; but I prefer to let him do the talking and only answer when asked.
At the same time, it is my duty to bring something up – and I use my sense of timing, my God given instinct.

God gives everyone his or her own clock – everyone’s method, ability, and inclination is different.
Pray, and meditate - this is very helpful

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