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Fidei Defensor

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Fidei Defensor

So, in my health class, we are having a"sexual orientation" day to learn about orientations, and we had to write a comment/question for discussion. So, I wrote "why was homosexuality taken off the list of mental disorders?"

I thought I would just pose a question to you all for discussion - is homosexuality a mental disorder, and why or why not?

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It is a disorder.

Something that is disordered goes against order... i.e. unnatural.

Same sex attraction was taken off the medical list of disorders because of politics.

Attraction is developed... attraction is not a biological thing.

The first doctor who came forward saying it was genetics had same sex attraction disorder. He only studied twelve dead people and assumed if they where straight or had SSA.

Please read this... it is the most comprehensive honest study on same sex attraction that I have seen.
Homosexuality and Hope

God Bless,

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Homosexaulty was taken of the list of mental disorders because homosexual men and women are not crazy.

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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='984455' date='May 18 2006, 11:06 AM']
Homosexaulty was taken of the list of mental disorders because homosexual men and women are not crazy.

Some are... but that's not the point... it was taken off due to politics and godless men thinking that they know right and wrong.

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Well locking a perfectly sane man or women in an isanery, just because he or she happens to be tempted to the same gender, is also very godless.

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Are homosexual tendencies disordered? Yes the Church defines them as such because they are contrary to the laws of nature.

Are homosexual tendencies a mental disorder? No There is a distinction.

Other things that are disordered but not considered mental disorders

premarital or extramarital sex

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Desert Walker

[quote name='catholicinsd' post='984465' date='May 18 2006, 09:16 AM']
Well locking a perfectly sane man or women in an isanery, just because he or she happens to be tempted to the same gender, is also very godless.

Better be clearer on that catholicinsd:

So everybody who has a definable mental disorder is sent to an asylum? No. Only if they possess zero social functioning capacity.

Here's my take on it though (as the budding Resident Conspiracy Theorist):

The Illuminati, recognizing the need to undermine the influence of traditional religious principles on American culture in order to better acclimate people to the idea of World State/Religion, triggered and sustained a revolutionary mentality in the gay population. They knew full well that a social movement of this kind would do wondrous damage to the traditional social structures.

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Homosexuallity is a violation of nautral law. Think about it. Men and women are naturally drawn to one another and the fruit of this attraction is children and the next generation comes.

What comes from homosexual attraction? Is it disordered? Yes. Is is a mental illness? Yes. Should homosexuals be locked up? No. We should however reach out to our brothers and sisters in Christ and with great charity.

Homosexually has become a social and political movement. lt is a disorder with civil rights.

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It really depends how one would define mental illness. As many mental illnesses have a neurological or genetic cause that's not something that differentiates homosexuality from them. But we don't normally go as far as saying personality traits, like being lazy or temperament, are mental illnesses. Although technically we probably could as these things could be seen as impairments. But that doesn't even apply to homosexuality. All you can say is that it's abnormal, but that doesn't really mean anything and doesn't make it a disease in my opinion. But to some it might.

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[quote]Attraction is developed... attraction is not a biological thing[/quote]

Everything is biological. Anyway, to some extend that probably is true, but the chemistry behind how we develop it is probably innate. Studies have shown that homosexuals' brains react in the same way to pheromones from the same sex as do heterosexuals' brains to stuff from the opposite sex. And neither react to the other stuff.

I don't believe in tabula rasa as it seems that we are all in some ways programmed from birth to do certain things.

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Momma's Boy

If psycholigical disorders are the same as mental disorders, then homosexuality is often a mental disorder (not nec. always). I don't tend to buy that people are born that way either. More of a sociological thing.

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Ok folks here's a brief synopsis of psychology .

Psychology is referred to as a "soft science" and with good reason. (as opposed to say biology or physics) The underlying principle for assessing mental disorders is the question "How well can the person function in society with this behavior?"

Can they take care of themselves?
Can they work and pay their bills?
Do they have a social network?

Its a little bit of an oversimplification but I'd rather not produce volumes of text on the subject. For the purpose of this discussion this is pretty dang close.

What makes it a soft science? Because society plays a role in determining what is "mental health". 20 years ago, a person would be considered nutty if he was walking down the street loudly talking to himself. Today we assume he's on his cell phone.

But seriously

While people like to perpetuate various conspiracy theories as to why the APA took Same Sex Attraction disorder out of diagnostic manuals, the true reason they did was the fact that homosexuals were being more accepted in society. Homosexuals were able to respond in the positive to the three basic questions I listed. i.e. They were able to function in society.

The APA was not advocating a homosexual lifestyle. Nor was it endorsing it. The APA is a secular organization that observes behavior. It does not necessarily make moral assessments.

Again to be clear, the Church defines homosexual tendencies as disordered. She defines the actions as disordered and sinful. She does not claim that homosexuals have a mental disorder.

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You can't really pigeon hole homosexuals as just having one cause for their disorder, the same way you cannot pigeon hole a homeless person's reason for being homeless.. There are many variable influences that affect homosexual tendencies which include:

1. Having chemical imbalance in the brain
2. Environmental influences
3. Mental disorder
4. Peer pressure

Although it is a disorder, reasons for it's manifestation are varied. Accordingly, they are also called to chastity regardless of their tendencies. It is of particular importance that we define whether we are talking about practicing and non-practicing. Just as they sin when they succumb to their tendencies, we equally sin when we succumb to our heterosexual tendencies.

Edited by AngelofJesus
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Desert Walker

[quote name='hot stuff' post='984545' date='May 18 2006, 11:33 AM']
Ok folks here's a brief synopsis of psychology .

Psychology is referred to as a "soft science" and with good reason. (as opposed to say biology or physics) The underlying principle for assessing mental disorders is the question "How well can the person function in society with this behavior?"

Can they take care of themselves?
Can they work and pay their bills?
Do they have a social network?
Its a little bit of an oversimplification but I'd rather not produce volumes of text on the subject. For the purpose of this discussion this is pretty dang close.
What makes it a soft science? Because society plays a role in determining what is "mental health". 20 years ago, a person would be considered nutty if he was walking down the street loudly talking to himself. Today we assume he's on his cell phone.

But seriously

While people like to perpetuate various conspiracy theories as to why the APA took Same Sex Attraction disorder out of diagnostic manuals, the true reason they did was the fact that homosexuals were being more accepted in society. Homosexuals were able to respond in the positive to the three basic questions I listed. i.e. They were able to function in society.

The APA was not advocating a homosexual lifestyle. Nor was it endorsing it. The APA is a secular organization that observes behavior. It does not necessarily make moral assessments.

Again to be clear, the Church defines homosexual tendencies as disordered. She defines the actions as disordered and sinful. She does not claim that homosexuals have a mental disorder.

Still, since the French Revolution was planned inside Lodge meetings, and executed by active Freemasons, it stands to reason that secret societies are behind a great deal of social unrest and revolution.

When stuff like the gay invasion of that mass in New York happens it makes me wonder.

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