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Wow doesn't really just make u feel like dirt


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when you find out your freind likes the girl you like and she likes him.

and you actually thought you might have had a chance with her

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x.x [mod]uncharitable remarks (personal attack). -hugheyforlife[/mod]

That wasn't charitable. I'm sorry, but Curtins really makes me angry.

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I never posted about any girl not wanting to persue a relationship with me.

so you probably have the wrong person

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ouch that smells of elderberries man. me and my bros-in-arms always make sure we know who's going for who to avoid these complications...

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Happened to me freshman year.

Actually, the friend and I can now look back on it and laugh...but that's hard to see at first.

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[quote name='raptor13' post='984286' date='May 17 2006, 11:38 PM']
ouch that smells of elderberries man. me and my bros-in-arms always make sure we know who's going for who to avoid these complications...

Yeah, I told all my buddies that I liked Alison (now my gf) as soon as I figured it out. Needed to cut out the competition of all the best guys at the student parish, lol........

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[quote name='curtins' post='984077' date='May 17 2006, 08:57 PM']
Now? Not now- that would be so awkward.

Before- that may have been a good idea.
coffee and chit-chat has the advantage of being innocuous enough to pass as a simple episode of 'hanging out'. If you like the girl, then talk to her. If she's not officially with the guy, then you are not bound by anything. If he is officially with her then you're toast, but until then you're as legitimate a candidate as he is.

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Im doing a bit better today- yesterday was not so hot for this reason and for some other stuff i had going on with one of my freinds which seems to be clearing up. Im over the initial shock/dissapointment sorta deal. so I guess I've calmed down. I mean I want to wish them well etc and all the best but sometimes its hard to bring urself to that so Im trying.

As for talking to her at this point- I would wager to say they're unofficially official- idk if that makes any sense. Its just that everyone knows they like each other and its just a matter of time before they're officialy official. So we'll see. I'm certainly not gonna cut and run. We'll see what the future holds.

Thanks everyone for the support etc. Its good to know im not the only person whos ever been through this sorta deal.

God bless

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Screw 'em both. Ignore them for now, if you want to speak to them in the later future, time heals all wounds.

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