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Survey: Many believe 'Code' claims


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[quote][b]‘Da Vinci’ undermines faith, survey claims[/b]
Controversy over film reaches fever pitch a day before its world debut

Alastair Grant / AP
MSNBC News Services
Updated: 4:11 p.m. ET May 16, 2006
“The Da Vinci Code” has undermined faith in the Roman Catholic Church and badly damaged its credibility, a survey of British readers revealed Tuesday as tensions over — and hype for — the forthcoming film reached a fever pitch.

As its stars off headed to walk the red carpet at Cannes, where the film was set to debut Wednesday before a worldwide release Friday, at least two countries limited the film's release.

The British survey, released by a group of prominent Catholics, revealed that readers of Dan Brown's blockbuster novel are twice as likely to believe Jesus Christ fathered children and four times as likely to think the conservative Catholic group Opus Dei is a murderous sect.

“An alarming number of people take its spurious claims very seriously indeed,” said Austin Ivereigh, press secretary to Britain’s top Catholic prelate Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor. “Our poll shows that for many, many people “The Da Vinci Code” is not just entertainment.”[/quote]
[url="http://msnbc.msn.com/id/12815760/?GT1=8199"]Full article here.[/url]

A number of Catholics on here have ridiculed the idea of boycotting or even debunking [i]The Da Vinci Code[/i], on the grounds that it is merely harmless fiction, on the same level as Willy Wonka, or "The Mummy," and that opposing the claims of the novel's premises regarding Christ and the Church is silly.

The facts seem to speak otherwise.

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Here's a fact that I'd bet all the money in my pockets on

If any Catholic quit believing in the Church because of a work of fiction. That person never believed the Eucharist was real and was not a Catholic to begin with.

There is no way.

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I have a hard time fathoming how someone could believe it after hearing much of the plot on a documentary last night. It went on and on with more and more twists and turns. I fail to understand how anyone could be lead astray by it unless they were looking for a reason to be lead astray.

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[quote name='hot stuff' post='982823' date='May 16 2006, 04:26 PM']
Here's a fact that I'd bet all the money in my pockets on

If any Catholic quit believing in the Church because of a work of fiction. That person never believed the Eucharist was real and was not a Catholic to begin with.
There is no way.
As has been pointed out over and over, the issue here isn't about strong Catholics, strong well-educated in their Faith, losing the Faith over this nonsense.
The unfortunate truth is that many people, including many "Catholics," are woefully ignorant of the truths of the Catholic Faith. Many are falling for the lies of TDVC. Yes, this is a sad reflection on these people and the level of education about religious matters. Yes, if more people were truly knowledgable of the Catholic Faith, this movie wouldn't be such a big threat.

But are we to simply let this movie and its lies go unopposed, simply because good strong knowledgable Catholics will not be taken by its lies? Are we to simply dismiss those whose Faith is not has strong, or who have not been properly educated, as lost causes, and not oppose something which will lead them to be more opposed to the Truth, rather than lead them to the Truth?

We should support that which leads people to the Truth, not that which leads them away from the Truth, and into belief in lies and blasphemies.

And for those who are strong Catholics, what is the reason why we should watch this movie?
Why should we contribute money and ratings to blasphemy?

To be able to refute it?
There are plenty of resources available on the lies of TDVC surrounding Christ and the Church.

For "entertainment"?
There are plenty of other entertaining movies, etc. out there. Why should Catholics wish to be entertained by blasphemy?

Oh well, I suppose it's for the same reason that Catholic institutions should support "The Vagina Monologues." <_<

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[quote name='Socrates' post='982833' date='May 16 2006, 06:44 PM']
As has been pointed out over and over, the issue here isn't about strong Catholics, strong well-educated in their Faith, losing the Faith over this nonsense.
The unfortunate truth is that many people, including many "Catholics," are woefully ignorant of the truths of the Catholic Faith. Many are falling for the lies of TDVC. Yes, this is a sad reflection on these people and the level of education about religious matters. Yes, if more people were truly knowledgable of the Catholic Faith, this movie wouldn't be such a big threat.

But are we to simply let this movie and its lies go unopposed, simply because good strong knowledgable Catholics will not be taken by its lies? Are we to simply dismiss those whose Faith is not has strong, or who have not been properly educated, as lost causes, and not oppose something which will lead them to be more opposed to the Truth, rather than lead them to the Truth?[/quote]
I think this is a very good and important point. You can say all you like that "it's just fiction," but many people, ignorant of the truth, may (and I know some do) take the "factual matter" (read lies) behind the story seriously and believe it.

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And you don't think all the discussion about the film hasn't educated even more "weak" Catholics? I am so sick and tired of being asked Da Vinci Code questions.

But I do

and I do so patiently and thoughtfully.

The reality is the book has been doing us a favor. It took a cheap slightly entertaining book to get some actual discussion on catechesis going. That's what's truly embarrassing about it.

Last I checked, 70% of Catholics in the US DON'T believe in the presence in the Eucharist. That's the real travesty. But there isn't a movie about it starring Tom Hanks so I guess there's no real emergency there! We've got nothing to boycott!!

And enough with the passive aggressive shots Soc. You're memory is flawed on the Vagina Monologue debate. I never supported the playing of it. I suggested that it might be wise to read the thing if you wanted to have an informed opinion on it.

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[quote name='hot stuff' post='982845' date='May 16 2006, 06:08 PM']
And you don't think all the discussion about the film hasn't educated even more "weak" Catholics? I am so sick and tired of being asked Da Vinci Code questions.

But I do

and I do so patiently and thoughtfully.
The reality is the book has been doing us a favor. It took a cheap slightly entertaining book to get some actual discussion on catechesis going. That's what's truly embarrassing about it.
Except that according to the study socrates posted it hasn't educated them; or more has lead them to believe that they have been educated by TDVC. It has brought up more discussion around the book, but like the study shows its moving people towards the lies.
Last I checked, 70% of Catholics in the US DON'T believe in the presence in the Eucharist. That's the real travesty. But there isn't a movie about it starring Tom Hanks so I guess there's no real emergency there! We've got nothing to boycott!!
Sad also... much worse than TDVC, yet with more and more people buying into the lies of TDVC why shouldn't we protest it?

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The book has been around for a few years.

The movie will be around this summer

2/3 of the people you go to mass with don't believe in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

What do you think is more pressing?

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hot stuff... 2/3!

satan is looking to finish these weak souls off once and all.

this is about souls.

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Is there a reason why this should be an either or situation?

How does not boycotting TDVC help people to believe in the Real Presence? Or vice versa, How does boycotting TDVC lead more people away from believing in the Real Presence?

I don't see the link... unless you're implying that we have a very limited resources and cannot educate on both issues at the same time?

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[quote name='Seven77' post='982899' date='May 16 2006, 06:33 PM']
hot stuff... 2/3!

satan is looking to finish these weak souls off once and all.

this is about souls.

Yes Seven he is

But the last third aren't going to walk out of the movie thinking "Wow did I get the whole Jesus thing wrong"

I defy people to show me anyone who believes in the presence that would be swayed. It ain't gonna happen!!

We should be less outraged about the stupid movie and more outraged about the lousy catechesis!

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the last poll done about American Catholic's belief in the real presence (from whence you get your numbers) had confusing wording. most Catholics believe in the Real Presence but do not know how to properly and precisely explain it.

brown's book is poorly written... but the movie might be well made, we'll have to see. then again, tom hanks is a goon.

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[quote name='hot stuff' post='982906' date='May 16 2006, 06:36 PM']We should be less outraged about the stupid movie and more outraged about the lousy catechesis![/quote]yes, we should. we each have to do our own part to catechize those around us.

[quote name='Aloysius' post='982920' date='May 16 2006, 06:42 PM'] then again, tom hanks is a goon.[/quote]naw, he's a goober :hehehe:

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[quote name='Aloysius' post='982920' date='May 16 2006, 06:42 PM']
the last poll done about American Catholic's belief in the real presence (from whence you get your numbers) had confusing wording. most Catholics believe in the Real Presence but do not know how to properly and precisely explain it.


I don't buy it. Not for a second. I spent 10 years working for the Church. I have no problems believing the results of the poll

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[quote name='hot stuff' post='982934' date='May 16 2006, 06:52 PM']I don't buy it. Not for a second. I spent 10 years working for the Church. I have no problems believing the results of the poll[/quote]agreed. what i don't understand is that if you can't believe in the amazing fact of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the sacrament of Eucharist, how can you believe in also the amazing facts of the Resurrection, the Divinity of Christ, etc.? :blink:

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