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Question on CvC debate


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[quote name='Tarcisius' post='984461' date='May 18 2006, 11:11 AM']
Goldenchild, they do not care enough about us(not that I am a sede) to "save us". We confront them with the harsh reality and they hide like children with childish excuses.

I understand that making it known what peril the Church is currently in is scary to those on the edge of conversion and so a seperate room might be appropriate. But also, those people once they convert will need to learn everything about the situation the Church is in. Or else :o they might go to fisheaters, where people arent afraid to talk about serious things like men to find out what its all about.

Although on the other hand, soon to be converts might find it very interesting that these internet Catholics have such zeal for and knowledge of there faith. They might look at how they guard there Church with such love that they might think there is actually something to it all.

When I think of some of the great Saints, i cant imagine them saying I wont talk with you about your issues, your to far out there, you might scare the children, If i remember correctly many devoted there lives to correcting such people, often seeking them out.

There is a board for lameness! If ever something was going to discourage converts it would be seeing how frivolous and bored Catholics are.

In closing, I understand your fear. I wept when i realized what shambles the Church was in. Remember that the Truth is all that matters.
AS usual you miss the point. There is nothing wrong with asking questions if you are asking to actually learn an answer. Its another thing to ask just to start an argument and refuse to listen to reason. If someone wants church teaching explained, there are more than enough people to explain it. But if you are coming to tell us there is no Pope, or the Church became apostate in the 60's or some other fantasy, there is not much room for discussion -is there? [ other than pointing out the obvious error].

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As usual you start off with a personal attack, thanks:). I dont think it would be allowed for me to ask questions like, how does(something completly heretical) fit in with Church teaching? It seems when questions like that are asked they would now get deleted.

If you were being honest, you would have to admit that trads, as a whole, are able to use logic and reason much more properly then novus ordoians. Your "logic" relys on feelings and niceities.

also, adressing qfnol 31,

[quote]The reason that most Traditionalist arguments don't convince me is their apologetic style that doesn't lend to much thinking. This doesn't mean some don't have good arguments or some don't know what they're talking about, but if they get their information from a place like SSPX's American website or the Novus Ordo-you-know-what site it's so obvious. Both of those sites are so biased and also heretical by Trent's own standards, which I can say because I sat down to read it.

The problem with most of their arguments is that they're dull and boring and show a lack of any actual learning. I actually enjoy when there is someone who can take me on by actually using Trent or what Vatican II says.[/quote]

I think that its ironic you would say this. Since dUST and others are always saying that trads are the ones that interpret things for themselves(think) instead of just strictly following church teaching and tradition. Fact based apologetics may be boring but its truth filled, unlike most phatmassers "thinking"

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