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OLAM & Sisters of Reparation


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Hi all!

I just came across this site and wow am I amazed!! After reading through some of the posts I wish I found this site earlier. You are all such amazing people!
I am certain of my vocation and now I am on the hunt for a community. I went to the SMME retreat a few weeks ago and had a fantastic time but I dont know that I am being called there.
In July I am flying down to visit the Sisters of Reparation in Ohio and then onto OLAM to spend a week with the externs. I have no idea if I am being called to the active or contemplative life or a combination of the two but I was wondering if anyone can tell me a little bit more about the these communities?



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Guest phatdaddy

to the Phamily.

You've come to the right place. You will get all the information you can handle. God bless you in your discerment.

Mr. Ray :D:
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Welcome!! I don't know much about those two communities but OLAMDad's daughter, Sr. Lauren is in her first year at OLAM so he should be able to help answer any questions about them :) And I think there is someone else on here who is interested in OLAM...

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One of our old phatmassers is an extern at OLAM so she'd be great to talk to! OLAM Dad would also be a really great resource for you. Everything that magnificat already said basically... :blush:

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[quote name='magnificat' post='982754' date='May 16 2006, 04:09 PM']
Welcome!! I don't know much about those two communities but OLAMDad's daughter, Sr. Lauren is in her first year at OLAM so he should be able to help answer any questions about them :) And I think there is someone else on here who is interested in OLAM...

I met Sister Lauren when I was at the Shrine when the Sister Servants of the Eternal Word took me there just for fun!!! During that time I was in Birmingham visiting the Sister Servants!!! Now back to OLAM, Sister Lauren is the kewlest!!!! I think you will love OLAM, its very BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Edited by Sixtina87
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Poibaire, do you have an apostolate that you feel called to? Or a specific spirituality (Franciscan, Dominican, Carmelite, ect)? That can help narrow down a search.
If you are interested in an order that has nursing, teaching, and pastoral care, look into [url="http://www.ssfpa.org"]the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration near South Bend, Indiana.[/url] They are amazing!
God Bless!

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[quote name='be_thou_my_vision' post='983706' date='May 17 2006, 11:12 AM']
Poibaire, do you have an apostolate that you feel called to? Or a specific spirituality (Franciscan, Dominican, Carmelite, ect)? That can help narrow down a search.
If you are interested in an order that has nursing, teaching, and pastoral care, look into [url="http://www.ssfpa.org"]the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration near South Bend, Indiana.[/url] They are amazing!
God Bless!

Hey Jenny,

Thanks for that great site! To be honest, I was determined to stay close to home as this is killing my parents so I only started looking at communities close to the border like SMME. Praise be Jesus that my parents and I are now growing into this call and I am now open to any community like OLAM which is about as far as you can get! In my search the only three communities that has responded are SMME, OLAM, and Sisters of Reparation, all others doors have shut. I am pretty sure I am drawn to the contemplative life with a small apostolate. I dont feel called to teaching but I do love healthcare (I had planned on going to med school this yr) and evangelization like the Daughters of St Paul. I had always thought that I shouldnt let my human weakness get in the way of God's call so I figured I would be open to any and all and let God lead me. At first I thought I loved the Dominican spirituality with the focus of education and striving for truth (and getting a masters in Theology was always a dream of mine) but now I am not so sure and I dont really know much about the other spiritualities and I have to look into that! It can really be overwhelming and expensive to fly all over the place to find my new home but I trust that the Lord will guide me and I will know when I am home :)

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Welcome Allison,
I wondered what you meant in an earlier post that " all others doors have shut"?

I don't know how much time and travel you can expend in visiting communities from your home, but two other communities with a healthcare apostolate and solid community and prayer life are the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma Michigan and the Hawthorne Dominicans.

If you want more contemplative/ monastic life and a limited apostolate you could inquire about the Benedictines at St. Emma Monastery in Pennsylvania. They staff a retreat facility on their premises and are experiencing a renewal of vocations.

All the communities I mentioned have websites.

God bless!

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Hi Allison! Welcome to PM! Definately let us know how your visits go, I really want to know about the Sisters of Reparation. They seem like a great group and I want to visit them eventually. About staying closer to home, have you looked at the [url="http://www.sistersofourladyimmaculate.com/main.html"]Sisters of Our Lady Immaculate[/url] ? A girl from phatmass entered with them a few years ago and she seems pretty happy with them. They are very orthodox and do religious eduucation and run a nursing home. They are in Ontario and Nova Scotia from what I know.

[url="http://www.carmelitedcj.org/"]The Carmelites of the Divine Heart of Jesus[/url] are another community that is in Canada. They also have convents in various parts of the US. They are contemplative-active and have a beautiful prayer life.

good luck with everything!

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One quick question, which province/territory is home?? It would help to narrow down the focus a bit. As for me. I live in Ottawa.

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[quote name='passionheart' post='984079' date='May 17 2006, 07:00 PM']
One quick question, which province/territory is home?? It would help to narrow down the focus a bit. As for me. I live in Ottawa.

I am just outside of Toronto :)

[quote name='ThyHolyLove' post='983962' date='May 17 2006, 05:13 PM']
Hi Allison! Welcome to PM! Definately let us know how your visits go, I really want to know about the Sisters of Reparation. They seem like a great group and I want to visit them eventually. About staying closer to home, have you looked at the [url="http://www.sistersofourladyimmaculate.com/main.html"]Sisters of Our Lady Immaculate[/url] ? A girl from phatmass entered with them a few years ago and she seems pretty happy with them. They are very orthodox and do religious eduucation and run a nursing home. They are in Ontario and Nova Scotia from what I know.

[url="http://www.carmelitedcj.org/"]The Carmelites of the Divine Heart of Jesus[/url] are another community that is in Canada. They also have convents in various parts of the US. They are contemplative-active and have a beautiful prayer life.

good luck with everything!

Hey! I would be happy to tell you about my visits :) I checked out both of the communities you mentioned but their discernment retreats fall when I am out of the country (grad present!!) and when I contacted them my calls were not returned or they told me that I would probably have to wait until next yr. In response to stlmom, that is what I mean by doors opening or closing. It was a total fluke that I came across SMME a few days before the retreat and some barriers to going were lifted at the last minute and the same thing happened with OLAM and Sis. of Rep. I try not to read into things too much but a few priests and sisters have told me to pay attention to doors opening and closing since God will use every little occurance to guide me on my journey:)

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[quote name='stlmom' post='983924' date='May 17 2006, 04:01 PM']
Welcome Allison,
I wondered what you meant in an earlier post that " all others doors have shut"?

I don't know how much time and travel you can expend in visiting communities from your home, but two other communities with a healthcare apostolate and solid community and prayer life are the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma Michigan and the Hawthorne Dominicans.

If you want more contemplative/ monastic life and a limited apostolate you could inquire about the Benedictines at St. Emma Monastery in Pennsylvania. They staff a retreat facility on their premises and are experiencing a renewal of vocations.

All the communities I mentioned have websites.

God bless!

Thanks for those fantastic sites! I had never come across them before but I do remember Benedict Groeschel talking about the Hawthorne Dominicans. I think I might have to make some more visits LOL!

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Pax et Bonum and :welcome: to Phatmass.

I can probably help you with many of the questions you have about OLAM, I was there today (all week actually). :) I'm not there anymore though. :( My family had our first visit with my daughter, Sr. Lauren on Monday and Tuesday. She entered last year and is an extern so you'll definitely get to spend a lot of time with her when you visit. I'm jealous. :)

My daughter Kristina was at the SMME retreat as well. There are pictures of her [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=44570"]in this thread[/url] if you're wondering which one she was. She went straight from SMME to OLAM for a 5 day aspirancy. Feel free to PM me if you have any personal questions you want to ask. The other Phatmasser that will be entering OLAM in July is HiddeninHisHeart. She doesn't post much but she might see this thread (Hi, Katie!).

I pray that God will continue to bless you in your discernment process. You're very fortunate to have supportive parents.


p.s. - Sr. Lauren spent many years discerning with the DSP. She really loves them and when you get to talk to her I'm sure she would be happy to tell you how their charism differs from that of the Franciscans.

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:bye: We hope you're feeling welcome.

I don't really have much to add other than that. But if the Spirit moves me, I'll make an additional post. :)
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