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Pursuing the priesthood as a Franciscan


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First off I'd like to say hi to everyone, as you can tell by my post count I'm new. I'll get to the point though. I've known that God had been calling me to the priesthood at least since I was in middle school. I haven't felt any pull towards the diocesan life, and I've had a really hard time deciding between the orders. I have, however, always felt a great attachment to St. Francis of Assisi, and through much prayer think that the Franciscan life is what the Lord is calling me to. Right now though I'm basically at a starting point, not sure which Franciscan group to get in touch with, and I guess I'm just asking you guys(and girls, of course) for some friendly advice. I would really appreciate it. God bless

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The Franciscan Friars of the renewal are awesome! their website is [url="http://www.franciscanfriars.com/"]http://www.franciscanfriars.com/[/url] my younger brother is looking into them too. BTW welcome to the phorum
God BLess and Mary keep

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Thank you all for your fast replies, I appreciate it. I will definitely check out those orders. I'm really glad I found this forum. As I said I feel that the Franciscan life is the one God is calling me to, but I'm taking my time and have a while to make my mind up. I'm really excited about this path though.

What about Capuchins? I understand they are Franciscans but what makes them distinct?

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I'm not the best answer on this one but I'll tell you that the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal are 'CFR's. :D:

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Hi Jake,

My name is Br. Matthew. I am a Franciscan friar and I just finished my second year of theology in my studies for the priesthood. [url="http://www.franciscans.org"]The website for the Conventual Franciscans[/url] feel free to click and explore. We have tons of information about Francis, the life of the friars and the path towards solemn vows and ordination.

in Francis and Clare,
fr. Matt Foley, OFM Conv.

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[quote name='Jake' post='982170' date='May 16 2006, 11:57 PM']
Thank you all for your fast replies, I appreciate it. I will definitely check out those orders. I'm really glad I found this forum. As I said I feel that the Franciscan life is the one God is calling me to, but I'm taking my time and have a while to make my mind up. I'm really excited about this path though.

What about Capuchins? I understand they are Franciscans but what makes them distinct?

I'm a bit slow to reply...been a bit busy...besides I didn't want it to appear a bidding war :P:

There's good info on the Caps (I presume you are in the USA) at [url="http://www.capuchin.com/"]Capuchins[/url]

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:drool: I would so join the CFRs if God actually called me. Check them out they are worth your time and discernment.

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From what I know of them, the Conventual Franciscans are a good order. The Friars of the Renewal seem to be the most outspoken about their orthodoxy, but the important thing is to discern where God wants you to be rather than worrying about which order a "real Catholic" should join (having said that, I am definitely an orthodox Catholic). They have a nice retreat center at Mount St. Francis, Indiana (near Louisville) and I'm now belong to one of the Conventual parishes in Louisville. Sometimes I hang out with one of the brothers who lives at the parish. He's encouraging me to look into the priesthood, which I was pretty gung-ho about until... well, I met this girl :blush: Now... I dunno... just open to wherever God leads, or the possibility of church discipline changing to allow optional celibacy for the priesthood ;-)

Edited by LouisvilleFan
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I have to say, the life that Saint Francis of Assisi led is pretty sweet. I have also felt drawn to that sort of life. Though if anything I am pretty sure it is the diocesan. We'll see though...

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