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Should Seeing the Da Vinci Code be deemed a sin?


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[quote name='ChrisZewe' post='982539' date='May 16 2006, 12:04 PM']

>_> An image is worth a thousand words.

That means that who ever designed the cover at doubleday is reasonable, it does negate the fact that Dan Brown claims to be legit or that the thosands take his 'research' as fact. <_< >_>

[quote name='ChrisZewe' post='982549' date='May 16 2006, 12:19 PM']
If they can somehow incorporate carnage and/or female flesh, then I beg to differ.
:lol: agreed :shock: :unsure: ;)

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[quote name='Theoketos' post='982556' date='May 16 2006, 01:22 PM']
That means that who ever designed the cover at doubleday is reasonable, it does negate the fact that Dan Brown claims to be legit or that the thosands take his 'research' as fact. <_< >_>

Hundreds of millions believe that the Hindu faith is truth, and yet you don't attack Hindu works that are presented as fact...many many more Hindus who believe that the universe exists in Vishnu's mouth than there are those who believe Brown's nonsense.

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[quote name='ChrisZewe' post='982559' date='May 16 2006, 12:25 PM']
Hundreds of millions believe that the Hindu faith is truth, and yet you don't attack Hindu works that are presented as fact...many many more Hindus who believe that the universe exists in Vishnu's mouth than there are those who believe Brown's nonsense.

Good point, but the Hindu religion does not claim to represent the Christian faith.

Further, it would behoove me to dialogue with my Hindu brothers, both for my sake and theirs, (espcailly theirs if Christianity is all that is it cracked up to be, as God is Love.)

Lastly, I am glad to hear you say that I do not attack Hindus. :P

I am not sure that I have attacked anyone sense the fourth grade playground.

Man you are lobbing softballs today, Chris...

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[quote name='Theoketos' post='982562' date='May 16 2006, 01:34 PM']
Man you are lobbing softballs today, Chris...

x.x Trying not to get banned again.

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Desert Walker

Ok fine. if it's so wrong to shout LIAR! when someone lies, next lie that comes my way I'll just sit like a dummy and watch people get fooled.

Great plan. That's how social leaders have been leading people like lemmings for thousands of years.


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[quote name='ChrisZewe' post='982568' date='May 16 2006, 12:35 PM']
x.x Trying not to get banned again.

:lol_roll: Good for you. :idontknow:

Maybe I will be less of an easier target for rude jokes, but I cannot promise anything.

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[quote][b]Reading "Da Vinci Code" does alter beliefs: survey[/b]
LONDON (Reuters) - "The Da Vinci Code" has undermined faith in the Roman Catholic Church and badly damaged its credibility, a survey of British readers of Dan Brown's bestseller showed on Tuesday.

People are now twice as likely to believe Jesus Christ fathered children after reading the Dan Brown blockbuster and four times as likely to think the conservative Catholic group Opus Dei is a murderous sect.

"An alarming number of people take its spurious claims very seriously indeed," said Austin Ivereigh, press secretary to Britain's top Catholic prelate Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor.

"Our poll shows that for many, many people the Da Vinci Code is not just entertainment," Ivereigh added.


ORB interviewed more than 1,000 adults last weekend, finding that 60 percent believed Jesus had children by Mary Magdalene -- a possibility raised by the book -- compared with just 30 percent of those who had not read the book.


In the survey, readers were asked if Opus Dei had ever carried out a murder. Seventeen percent of readers believe it had, compared with just four percent of non-readers.[/quote]

Some say "OH, but it's just a fiction book."

They ignore that the author claims the book to be based on factual research.

[b]1868 [/b]
Sin is a personal act. Moreover, we have a responsibility for the sins committed by others when we cooperate in them:
-by [u]participating directly and voluntarily in them[/u];
-by ordering, advising, praising, or [u]approving them[/u];
-by [u]not disclosing or not hindering them when we have an obligation to do so[/u];
-by [u]protecting evil-doers[/u].

It is a sad day when a Christian sees nothing wrong with this "story".

The cause? Maybe lack of reverence, maybe a lack of knowledge, maybe a lack of understanding... but in any case a Christian to support this film by seeing it, is a cause of great saddness.

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Just think if this ends up being the major cause of great persecution of the Church during the end times.

For you SAT/ACT fans...
Dan Brown is to the Catholic Church what Michael Moore is to the Bush Administration

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Its not so much that would be bad in and of its self for a good strong Catholic to see the movie- its that they would be supporting something that is turning many souls away from the truth (I've seen it happen personally), disgraces our Lord, and is a real danger to many souls. Personally I know I can't see it because throughout the whole movie I would refute everything. You don't need to see the movie to be informed about the Da vinci code. Read the Da Vinci Hoax or check the Da Vinci Code out at ur local libary

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[quote name='curtins' post='982648' date='May 16 2006, 12:41 PM']
Its not so much that would be bad in and of its self for a good strong Catholic to see the movie- its that they would be supporting something that is turning many souls away from the truth (I've seen it happen personally), disgraces our Lord, and is a real danger to many souls. Personally I know I can't see it because throughout the whole movie I would refute everything. You don't need to see the movie to be informed about the Da vinci code. Read the Da Vinci Hoax or check the Da Vinci Code out at ur local libary

And I find it interesting that the same people here who insist that all Catholics are obligated to support all the USCCB's statements concerning federal spending ands economic policy or Cardinal Mahoney's opinions regarding immigration laws, etc., are the same ones who are perfectly fine with completely disregarding the Vatican's statements about watching the Da Vinci Code. :detective:

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Archbishops say Da Vinci boycott not necessary

Catholics were free to watch The Da Vinci Code movie but should remember its central claims are fictional, two Australian Archbishops said ahead of tomorrow's box office release.

The Age reports that Melbourne's Archbishop Denis Hart said he would leave it to people to make a mature judgement about whether or not to watch the movie, but they should be sure of their facts.

Archbishop Hart said the The Da Vinci Code is a story with an intriguing plot, but "it goes to the heart of the Catholic religion because it makes allegations which are not in any way substantiated by fact."

"It will be hurtful to a lot of Christians. The church has not tried to suppress anything, Jesus was not married, he is God. People should read the Gospels to discover the truth about Jesus," he said.

Many church leaders around the world have urged Christians to boycott the film - based on the best-selling but wildly inaccurate novel by Dan Brown.

Meanwhile Archbishop Philip Wilson, the newly elected President of the Bishops Conference, believes people should see the movie but take it as just a fictional story.

AAP reports that Archbishop Wilson said he had not read Dan Brown's best selling book which explores theories - embraced by millions of readers - that Jesus married Mary Magdalene, who had their child and that the bloodline survives.

Theologians say there is no evidence in the scriptures to support the marriage theory, although some believe Mary Magdalene was a close follower of Jesus.

But many church leaders see the film as a new opportunity to reach the wider community.

Perth Archbishop Barry Hickey, chairman of the bishops' media committee, said the church welcomed any interest in Jesus Christ generated by The Da Vinci Code, and had compiled resources to help people.

The Australian Catholic Bishops' Committee last month set up a web resource site on the book and movie (www.acbc.catholic.org.au/DaVinciCode.html).

Archbishop Wilson said the church was preparing some material on The Da Vinci Code, which it would make available to Catholic schools and parishioners in South Australia over the next week.

"A kit which just puts the claims of the movie in the right perspective," he said.

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[quote name='Socrates' post='982783' date='May 16 2006, 04:50 PM']

And I find it interesting that the same people here who insist that all Catholics are obligated to support all the USCCB's statements concerning federal spending ands economic policy or Cardinal Mahoney's opinions regarding immigration laws, etc., are the same ones who are perfectly fine with completely disregarding the Vatican's statements about watching the Da Vinci Code. :detective:


And who's ignoring it Soc? The good cardinal states he does not object to anyone seeing the film if they understand its fiction. He's the Vatican's authority on cultural issues.

If you're after hypocrisy, keep looking.

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Oh Ironmonk......

You still have not answered my proposition.....is it because you can't????? Methinks it is.....


[quote]Cardinal Paul Poupard, head of the Pontifical Council for Culture, on Monday told Europe 1 radio he had no objection to people seeing the film if they understand it is fiction, but many would watch this "nonsense" and think that it was true.[/quote]

[quote]Catholics were free to watch The Da Vinci Code movie but should remember its central claims are fictional, two Australian Archbishops said ahead of tomorrow's box office release.[/quote]

The heirarchy of the Church is pretty clear and consistent on this.....not a sin. They are simply reminding us that as we go, not to forget that it is a work of fiction.

You can quote the Catechism all you like Ironmonk, but you are incorrectly applying your view to the Catechetical teaching......

hot stuff had it right earlier today.

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[quote name='Cam42' post='983091' date='May 16 2006, 08:00 PM']
Oh Ironmonk......

You still have not answered my proposition.....is it because you can't????? Methinks it is.....



From Reuters...

At the Vatican, language from some church leaders has been equally strong. Last month, powerful Archbishop Angelo Amato, the second-ranking official in the Vatican's Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, said Catholics should "should boycott 'The Da Vinci Code' and speak out against it and reject its lies against the church." Soon after, highly visible Nigerian Cardinal Francis Arinze said Christians should consider "legal means" against the film and the book, though he did not elaborate.


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