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What Bush Will and Won't Say on Monday

Lil Red

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Desert Walker

[quote name='hot stuff' post='982527' date='May 16 2006, 10:54 AM']
Its a moronic error that they perpetuate then. I have yet to see a white supremacy movement without a confederate flag waving.
Of course, white supremacists are morons

Yes. They are. Dateline did a special on them and, upon seeing them in action, I felt embarrassed to be white.

Anyway, I think it is a gross injustice to label the south racist and bigoted. Many do that, forgetting that most of the men who founded this nation were Freemasons. In Freemasonry (above the 32nd degree I believe) it is believed that one is inherently superior in all respects (spiritually, biologically, intellectually) to anyone who has not been initiated into the 32nd Degree or above. There are 33 public degrees of which most Freemasons are aware, and 327 secret degrees of High Freemasonry to which only "superior" individuals are admitted, for a total of 360 degrees; a perfect circle. I could be wrong about "specism" beginning at the 32nd degree, but I know it is believed above the 33rd degree.

I think the whole Federal System is hopelessly corrupt, and that the descent down a slippery slope toward totalitarianism began some years ago. That is why I express regret about the Confederacy's loss of the war. They must have saw it coming.

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[quote name='hot stuff' post='982180' date='May 16 2006, 10:06 AM']
Well when you share thoughtful musings about how you "Wish the south had won"

The continuation of slavery would have been one of the obvious and most glaring results.
hardly a certain outcome. Slavery was sort of on its last legs anyway at that time and was rapidly becoming less profitable and more troublesome to the South. Industrialization had marginalized the Southern influence in national politics and if the CSA had won they would have had to devote more resources to industrialization. This would have eventually bred a climate more like the Northern states as cities grew larger.

Indeed, as an American I wish that the Southern cause (not necessarily the Confederate States of America) had prevailed and that the Federal government respected its boundaries as defined by the Constitution. Since FDR, it's been sort of in an 'emergency powers' mode. Kind of like a dictator seizing power. The states should have more say, and the South was right on about that.

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' post='982647' date='May 16 2006, 12:41 PM']
hardly a certain outcome. Slavery was sort of on its last legs anyway at that time and was rapidly becoming less profitable and more troublesome to the South. Industrialization had marginalized the Southern influence in national politics and if the CSA had won they would have had to devote more resources to industrialization. This would have eventually bred a climate more like the Northern states as cities grew larger.

Indeed, as an American I wish that the Southern cause (not necessarily the Confederate States of America) had prevailed and that the Federal government respected its boundaries as defined by the Constitution. Since FDR, it's been sort of in an 'emergency powers' mode. Kind of like a dictator seizing power. The states should have more say, and the South was right on about that.
True. The real issue in the War Between the States was the power of the Federal Government vs. States' rights. Despite some of his public rhetoric, Lincoln was in reality hardly a crusader for racial equality, and wanted to have all the blacks deported back to Africa.
There was at least as much racism in the North as in the South.
Since Lincoln and the War Between the States, the powers of the federal government have grown exponentially, and this growth continues to this day. Activist federal judges claiming power to overthrow state laws (Roe v. Wade being a particularly infamous example) are a legacy of this federal statism.

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i fail to see the validity of discussing white supremacy and what could have happened if the confederates won on a topic about immigration. It doesn't make sense.

What i have a hard time understanding is that many will admit to being here illegally, the president of mexico calls them illegal and then they ask to be made citizens. People who break the law should not be citizens. They already disregard the law.

I remember lou dobbs talking about this problem for the past three years. He said over and over again it would be bigt and it was a huge problem and no one listened. (not that he is my favorite news guy but he went after some politicians who thought that it was not a big deal)

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Desert Walker

[quote name='jezic' post='982947' date='May 16 2006, 05:57 PM']
i fail to see the validity of discussing white supremacy and what could have happened if the confederates won on a topic about immigration. It doesn't make sense.

What i have a hard time understanding is that many will admit to being here illegally, the president of mexico calls them illegal and then they ask to be made citizens. People who break the law should not be citizens. They already disregard the law.

I remember lou dobbs talking about this problem for the past three years. He said over and over again it would be bigt and it was a huge problem and no one listened. (not that he is my favorite news guy but he went after some politicians who thought that it was not a big deal)

If you're failing see the connection, just read between the lines of current events. This immigration issue has very little to do with the people who have decided to come and live here outside the law and whether or not they should or should not be deported.

This is about changing the demographic of the United States mainland. This change has already irreversibly happened. You can't deport over ten million people, it's physically close to impossible.

That's why the INS did nothing to stop the influx of illegal immigrants. Our leaders have known this is happening for years. It wasn't a matter of incompetence! The Feds are experts at finding people and doing whatever to them! Why NOW does the President send National Guards down to the border?! Why NOW does a sitting president take decisive action?!

Because NOW, nothing can be done!!!

TOO LATE IS WORSE THAN NEVER. And they know that.

It's a show. The damage to our demographic is already done. You better learn Spanish. And you won't need to know U.S. history anymore. This country, as it has been, is on its way out.

The dream of the Pilgrims is coming to an end. Actually, it ended when the South lost the Civil War.

I'm not saying I'm totally against the change. These people are Catholic in culture (it seems). That's good for us.

What worries me is that none of this is an accident. We're taught in school to think that historical events "just happen." You wake up one day and everything is suddenly changing and you're supposed to think that it "just happened that way," that it's just an inevitable thing.

But that's not true.

History is DIRECTED by men of power. Change rarely comes from the grassroots up because the power of those at the top is usually too great to be dealt with by anyone outside the Power Circle. And those in power actually make certain that the grassroots is ill-equiped to mount a socio-political change. It can only happen when a social leader like Martin Luther King arises from the lower caste itself to lead the masses who live outside the Circle of Power to change the directives of the members of the Circle of Power.

I pray for such a man or woman to arise from us. But it's doubtful given that education in this country has been banalized by the Department of Education.

But as I said, what worries me is that history is being directed by the Circle of Power. and I greatly fear where they might be leading us......

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[quote]he dream of the Pilgrims is coming to an end. Actually, it ended when the South lost the Civil War.

I think that one goes a little bit to far. It is tough to say what woudl have happened if things had been different in the civil war.

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Desert Walker

[quote name='jezic' post='983642' date='May 17 2006, 08:28 AM']
I think that one goes a little bit to far. It is tough to say what woudl have happened if things had been different in the civil war.

I yeah, I know. It is tough. Speculation always remains speculation.

But I also think hindsight is 20/20. Knowing what I know about the Confederate Movement, it desired to preserve the "homeland" socio-political system. Those men, by and large, were fighting for their HOME COUNTRY! Their LAND, their HOMES, their families, their livelihoods, their LIBERTY!

The north faught because the Queen of the Ant Colony told them to.

Which was nobler? Which was holier? Which was more "American?"

On a side note, anyone who is interested can delve into the Congressional archives, and you will find, tucked away somewhere, a single letter. It was a letter written by Karl Marx to President Abraham Lincoln. In the letter, Karl Marx congratulates President Lincoln for keeping the United States undivided. Why? Because, says Marx, only a UNITED States of America can be introduced to COMMUNISM.


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