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Okay...I'm flipping out here!


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[quote name='srmarymichael' post='981058' date='May 14 2006, 05:10 PM']
My first reaction is that you cannot expect to change things there. The only way you could change things is if God called you to do that and He gave you bunches of miracles!

My second reaction is that [u]you have to do what is your gut feeling[/u]. The way you described the Community and why you liked it there -- I have a suspicion that there are several convents that you would also feel at home in with all that you were attracted to there, PLUS the habit, Eucharistic adoration, etc. etc. (in fact, I'm wondering how you could feel at home there without those things???? -- unless of course it's the grace of God calling you there).

Have you visited any other places? I would suggest that you visit some more Communities and see where God pulls your heart after that. You'll be in our Phatmass Prayers!

I really appreciate all of the prayers and advice that you have offered. I really owe you all for you have cleared up a lot of things for me. I have to go with my gut feeling on this and, i really believe that God wants me to go to Germany. I don't know why but I really feel like it may be His will. I know now that whatever He decides will be for His Greater Glory so I'm safe just leaving it in His Hands. Thanks again for all of your advice. :D:

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I would continue to look at exactly what it is about the order that attracts you...& look elsewhere...If you are interested in cloistered communities...there is always the Pink Sisters...Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters they are called...But like so many others above me said...pray to the Holy Spirit! You'll be in our prayers as well... :sign:

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I would tend to recommend that you don't necessarily give up on the order, just feel out other orders. If you still feel the same about that order, then it would appear that God is calling you to it. Remember that you will take a vow of obedience. That is no light thing, if the abbess/Mother Superior/etc. is not committed to orthodoxy.

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[quote name='scardella' post='987305' date='May 22 2006, 04:30 PM']
I would tend to recommend that you don't necessarily give up on the order, just feel out other orders. If you still feel the same about that order, then it would appear that God is calling you to it. Remember that you will take a vow of obedience. That is no light thing, if the abbess/Mother Superior/etc. is not committed to orthodoxy.

I know, one day Fr. John Hardon was giving a talk to a group here in Mich. and he was talking about the jesuit vow of obedience to the pope and some woman stood up and asked if they too should make the same vow. It was a harmless question but Fr. Hardon got upset and said immediately, no because a vow is not meant to be taken lightly because it is a promise to God Himself that must be abided even if the pope is bad. So, i know that my vow of obedience is not to be taken lightly at all.

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Okay...here are 2 other Trintarian communities...Sisters of the Most Holy Trinity (in Cleveland, Ohio...but they are also in Europe) & The Trinitarians of Mary (near San Diego, California)...These are only suggestions & Orders that I thought you might want to take a look at... :) I think it is beautiful that you have a such a devotion to the Most Holy Trinity...Oh, there's also the SOLT Sisters...Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity...Peace & prayers! Brandelyn




Edited by brandelynmarie
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[quote name='brandelynmarie' post='989288' date='May 24 2006, 08:43 AM']
Okay...here are 2 other Trintarian communities...Sisters of the Most Holy Trinity (in Cleveland, Ohio...but they are also in Europe) & The Trinitarians of Mary (near San Diego, California)...These are only suggestions & Orders that I thought you might want to take a look at... :) I think it is beautiful that you have a such a devotion to the Most Holy Trinity...Oh, there's also the SOLT Sisters...Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity...Peace & prayers! Brandelyn

I have visited the Trinitarian Sisters of Mary in Mexico and I was accepted by Mother Lilie but things didnt work out for reasons that are yet unknown to me. I got a call from one of the sisters saying that i wasn't accepted, this was two months after i was in mexico. The Trinity didn't want me to enter there i guess. I did learn a lot when i was there, especially in the hours of Adoration. I have also checked out the other communities but... i don't know, i wasn't home there. :idontknow:

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That's ok...all we can do is Ask! Seek! Knock! & we shall Find! Maybe you could apply to the Trinitarian Order you are interested in & see if you would be accepted there....My attitude has become, I'll keep looking...as doors open, I'll go through them...if they close...I'm not forcing them open...Peace, chica!

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[quote name='brandelynmarie' post='992778' date='May 30 2006, 10:41 AM']
That's ok...all we can do is Ask! Seek! Knock! & we shall Find! Maybe you could apply to the Trinitarian Order you are interested in & see if you would be accepted there....My attitude has become, I'll keep looking...as doors open, I'll go through them...if they close...I'm not forcing them open...Peace, chica!

Miles gracia! I thank you for your kind words and I will take them into consideration. :)

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