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Okay...I'm flipping out here!


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[quote name='Slave_of_the_Trinity' post='980517' date='May 13 2006, 04:33 PM']
I thought that it would be impossible to change at first, but as i was walking down the hall of the convent i saw a sister in the Traditional habit. My heart dropped and i fell in love! :lust: I never saw anything so beautiful in my entire life! But, your right, i should be happy with what i have and stop trying to be like St. Theresa of Avila. If it is the Will of the Most Holy Trinity for things to change, then may He be always praised, and if not, like wise may He be always praised! Ecce Angilla Domine!

You mentioned that one Sister still wears the tradition habit of the community., I have seen that!!! the OSF Sisters in East Peoria are 2 communities combined. A dear friend of mine who lives near me left the OSF not long after her communty was transferred. I met one of her fellow Sisters there when i was on a visit. She still wears the tradition habit as well and not the modified habit.

She i believe was given permission from the Bishop and the Mother Gerneral to continue wearing the older habit because she knew what was best for her. Most communties now a days go to the modified habit to wear the communities who are more traditional wear the full habit. for example the Dominicans and Carmelites and the Poor Clares!!!!

I can see where you are comming from about the habit and falling in love and thats were most of us tend to fall in love even more is with the traditional or full habits. If one see's a modified habit, now to me it seems like a uniform instead of religious garb. thats why i perferr the full habits, they look nicer too!!!! LOL!!!

On regards to the community, since they changed the way the habit was to the one they wear now, they won't be able to make a habit that is more traditional if you were to enter there. Just look around and see what other traditional communities you find and let God show you the way!!!

I wish you the best of luck!!!

God Bless!!!

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If they've a website, I'd really like to see it.

Just my 2 cents: enter then lead a reform.

Or: gather everything you can about the Pre-VatII congregation, and lead a reform.

Don't worry that you don't have "practical" experience. The Holy Ghost will either give you infused knowledge, or will lead someone there to help you.

Pray to the founder and the founding members. Tell the founder outright what you're feeling, and ask his prayers and guidance.


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[quote name='Gemma' post='980705' date='May 13 2006, 11:26 PM']
If they've a website, I'd really like to see it.

Just my 2 cents: enter then lead a reform.

Or: gather everything you can about the Pre-VatII congregation, and lead a reform.

Don't worry that you don't have "practical" experience. The Holy Ghost will either give you infused knowledge, or will lead someone there to help you.

Pray to the founder and the founding members. Tell the founder outright what you're feeling, and ask his prayers and guidance.


Thanks for your advice Gemma. The sisters do have a website but it's in German. Its- johannesbund.de

By the way, does anyone know how i can combine the two topics. I accidently made two of the same topic! :blush:

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well I can't tell you what to do. You should get a Sprititual director. I don't know whats holding you back. Maybe you should stay with them? I would say keep looking into other orders, pray allot, trust in God, and don't leave that one order until your sure it's not for you. :)

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Your right, I should simply say to My Three Fiat Voluntas Tua! And just let it go to the Trinity. He always knows exactly what to do. ;)

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You must hold on to your believe that the Lord will truly lead you where HE wants you. As to entering an order with the intention of making drastic changes to the way things used to be, I believe will only bring you heartache. And more then likely that would not be a popular move and you might be asked to leave as a troublemaker.
You stated this is the first group that you met, well go meet some more!!! There are alot of orders out there, all with different habits, rules, and apostolates. Keep an open mind about the Baptistine sisters and spend more time with them. Maybe if you know what they are really about, an external like a modified habit will not seem so upsetting.
Slow down, have some fun with this and do some serious exploring.

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Slave of the Trinity,

I'm sorry to hear that you had such a disappointing conversation. My advice is to look elsewhere. It sounds like they are entrenched in the "liberalism" and it's not a good idea to enter with the presupposition that you'll be able to change it later. If you don't you're stuck...and even if you do, it'll be after you've gone through formation, which is not particularly a great enviornment for you to be growing closer to God if you are upset daily by what goes on around you.
I would also second the advice about getting a SD.

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[quote name='alicemary' post='980759' date='May 14 2006, 12:04 AM']
You must hold on to your believe that the Lord will truly lead you where HE wants you. As to entering an order with the intention of making drastic changes to the way things used to be, I believe will only bring you heartache. And more then likely that would not be a popular move and you might be asked to leave as a troublemaker.
You stated this is the first group that you met, well go meet some more!!! There are alot of orders out there, all with different habits, rules, and apostolates. Keep an open mind about the Baptistine sisters and spend more time with them. Maybe if you know what they are really about, an external like a modified habit will not seem so upsetting.
Slow down, have some fun with this and do some serious exploring.

This order isn't the same as the Baptistine Sisters. The order I'm talking about is called in German~ Johannesschwestern von Maria Konige or St. John Sisters of Mary the Queen. I have visited dozens of communitied all over from the Trinitarians of Mary to the Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Montenegro. I don't know, i gotta take this one step at a time that's for sure and I have to leave everything in the Hands of My Three.

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[quote name='zunshynn' post='980748' date='May 13 2006, 09:52 PM']
what do you mean they "won't be able to make a habit that is more traditional"?

ops my bad, i didn't mean to say more tradition, i think!!! What i meant was that they may not be able to make the traditional habit anymore since they changed their habit to be more modified, comming up with the pattern to make the traditional habit would be impossible since that pattern may have been thrown out!!!



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[quote name='Sixtina87' post='980843' date='May 14 2006, 07:23 AM']
ops my bad, i didn't mean to say more tradition, i think!!! What i meant was that they may not be able to make the traditional habit anymore since they changed their habit to be more modified, comming up with the pattern to make the traditional habit would be impossible since that pattern may have been thrown out!!!


The habit would be easy to make. I've seen it, I just have to go find the URL.


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Hi, does this order have a website? The Sisters of St. John the Baptist site that I am familiar with was founded by an Italian priest. They have a habit that is similar to the DSP's, and they seem to be OK.

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[quote name='OLAM Dad' post='980546' date='May 13 2006, 05:06 PM']

Yes, you would be being naive if you were to think that you could change things. (and you know this)

Find a good order that will nurture and for you. Don't walk...RUN.


I'm joining an order that i am intent upon reforming. I cannot be a proper judge of your situation, but i do have reasonable belief that reform is possible.

I know first of all, that i am not responsible for those who are lax in their religious practice. They are intelligent and mature enough to make a decision, and God will hold them to it, they would however be to stubborn to listen to me.

But what is hopeful in my case, that as some are liberal, there are also some who are traditional, and many in between. (perhaps even conservatives that just lost there passion). There is no narrow minded liberals who scorn traditionalists. And many of the recent vocations are of the more traditional or orthodox sort.

I also, am taking a risk with my formation. I believe in my pre-religious formation, God has granted me many things, in my own reading and experiences. So i go, with prayers that i may continue in brave perserverence in formation if it may not always be up to God's standards.

I also am aware that those who are undergoing formation are also of the more traditional sort.

What does concern me though, is i get the impression of a hostility towards tradition. If that is the case, that does put this order into question. Is God giving you the strength to endure persecution. That is a form of cross, and believe me when liberals persecute the orthodox, they are only helping us in our holiness. Just as the pharisees persecuted Jesus, with their insistence on liberal innovations and creativity in divine and religious matters. But is that the kind of cross you are called to? I don't know.


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[quote name='MC IMaGiNaZUN' post='980926' date='May 14 2006, 01:21 PM']
I'm joining an order that i am intent upon reforming. I cannot be a proper judge of your situation, but i do have reasonable belief that reform is possible.

I know first of all, that i am not responsible for those who are lax in their religious practice. They are intelligent and mature enough to make a decision, and God will hold them to it, they would however be to stubborn to listen to me.

But what is hopeful in my case, that as some are liberal, there are also some who are traditional, and many in between. (perhaps even conservatives that just lost there passion). There is no narrow minded liberals who scorn traditionalists. And many of the recent vocations are of the more traditional or orthodox sort.

I also, am taking a risk with my formation. I believe in my pre-religious formation, God has granted me many things, in my own reading and experiences. So i go, with prayers that i may continue in brave perserverence in formation if it may not always be up to God's standards.

I also am aware that those who are undergoing formation are also of the more traditional sort.

What does concern me though, is i get the impression of a hostility towards tradition. If that is the case, that does put this order into question. Is God giving you the strength to endure persecution. That is a form of cross, and believe me when liberals persecute the orthodox, they are only helping us in our holiness. Just as the pharisees persecuted Jesus, with their insistence on liberal innovations and creativity in divine and religious matters. But is that the kind of cross you are called to? I don't know.


I pray that if it be the Most Holy Trinity's will for me to endure such persecutions than, Ecce Ancilla Domini! The sisters I guess aren't against tradition, but they have become acostumed to the reform that took place at their time. Like i said before, when we started to sing Latin for benediction the sisters started to sing them in the halls and while doing thier work. It was like they were refreshed by the reminded of their noviatiate days when the order was traditional. Maybe, God is calling me to reform this order, I don't know, but what ever My Three desires, i am His handmaid.

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[quote name='Slave_of_the_Trinity' post='980353' date='May 13 2006, 01:49 PM']

So here's my confusion, I love the way the sisters were before, the habit, Adoration, Tradition, but would it be naive of me to think that if I were to enter the order, all of that would come back? Should i enter because i fell in love with the way things were? I need your advice, especially from the Religious here... :(

My first reaction is that you cannot expect to change things there. The only way you could change things is if God called you to do that and He gave you bunches of miracles!

My second reaction is that [u]you have to do what is your gut feeling[/u]. The way you described the Community and why you liked it there -- I have a suspicion that there are several convents that you would also feel at home in with all that you were attracted to there, PLUS the habit, Eucharistic adoration, etc. etc. (in fact, I'm wondering how you could feel at home there without those things???? -- unless of course it's the grace of God calling you there).

Have you visited any other places? I would suggest that you visit some more Communities and see where God pulls your heart after that. You'll be in our Phatmass Prayers!

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