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Okay...I'm flipping out here!


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Okay, where do i begin... this February I went to visit the Sisters of St. John the Baptist. It is a great community and it was the first one i've ever visited in my search for a home. When i was there i felt like i was completely at home and there were images of My Three everywhere. And never before have i felt closer to my Eucharistic Lord that when i was there. Even in the middle of the night when i couldn't sleep i opened my Bible randomly to the book of Samuel where Our Lord was calling him in the night. My Beloved called me to Himself while i was there! It was amazing but...the only problem is, the sisters have become very...liberal. They don't have perpetual Adoration anymore and the Beatiful Habits that the Father Founder, Pater Johannes Haw, designed are gone! The sisters have destroyed a few of thier beatiful baroque style churches and they've replaced them with square rooms with modern art everywhere.
The Mother General asked me if i had any concerns about the order and i told her EVERYTHING. Then she just said i was too young to understand anything. She asked me if i had any request and i asked her if i could wear the habit that the Father Founder designed. She said i was seeking materialistic things and my reply was that i was only seeking my bridal dress and my Cross because i knew that the habit is a penance to wear. She was silent, then she changed the subject. I found out later that it was the Mother General that started a sort of movement to change the habit in the sixties and threatened to leave if it was not done.
So here's my confusion, I love the way the sisters were before, the habit, Adoration, Tradition, but would it be naive of me to think that if I were to enter the order, all of that would come back? Should i enter because i fell in love with the way things were? I need your advice, especially from the Religious here... :(

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Okay, where do i begin... this February I went to visit the Sisters of St. John the Baptist. It is a great community and it was the first one i've ever visited in my search for a home. When i was there i felt like i was completely at home and there were images of My Three everywhere. And never before have i felt closer to my Eucharistic Lord that when i was there. Even in the middle of the night when i couldn't sleep i opened my Bible randomly to the book of Samuel where Our Lord was calling him in the night. My Beloved called me to Himself while i was there! It was amazing but...the only problem is, the sisters have become very...liberal. They don't have perpetual Adoration anymore and the Beatiful Habits that the Father Founder, Pater Johannes Haw, designed are gone! The sisters have destroyed a few of thier beatiful baroque style churches and they've replaced them with square rooms with modern art everywhere.
The Mother General asked me if i had any concerns about the order and i told her EVERYTHING. Then she just said i was too young to understand anything. She asked me if i had any request and i asked her if i could wear the habit that the Father Founder designed. She said i was seeking materialistic things and my reply was that i was only seeking my bridal dress and my Cross because i knew that the habit is a penance to wear. She was silent, then she changed the subject. I found out later that it was the Mother General that started a sort of movement to change the habit in the sixties and threatened to leave if it was not done.
So here's my confusion, I love the way the sisters were before, the habit, Adoration, Tradition, but would it be naive of me to think that if I were to enter the order, all of that would come back? Should i enter because i fell in love with the way things were? I need your advice, especially from the Religious here... :(

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It seems to me that you have answered your own question: You fell in love with what was, not what is. All the things you appreciate about what was in the order IS present in MANY other faithful orders. My personal recommendation is that you explore orders where you would be supported and nurtured, formed in holy will, not told that you are "too young to understand".


Go visit SMME, NOP's, etc! Have a taste of authentic religious life as it is practiced today!

Edited by Veritas
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wow!!!! That is very interesting to read and hear the responces of the Mother General. I can understand her comment about the founding habit, it does seem to be that you are also wanting things to go back to the way it was. However that will not change unless every other person in the order agrees to it!!! That is one way things change in a community, everyone has to agree about the idea!

If you have already fallen in love with the community and SIsters, don't worry about the habit. the most important thing is that you will be the one wearing it. That it self is a grace!!! You can't be picky about the habits because it is a symbol, a reminder to you and to all around you of your dedication and sacrifices to Christ!!!!

i would add more but my time is short!!!

God Bless you!!!

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There are lots of possibilities here. Maybe God wants you there, to help bring about some changes. Maybe He doesn't, but wanted to give you this experience to learn something from. Prayer is the primary way in which you can discern which is His will. Get to Mass as often as possible, Adoration and Confession if you can, and speak to a priest whom you trust and who knows you well.

Be assured of my prayers for you too! :sign:


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[quote name='Sixtina87' post='980370' date='May 13 2006, 04:16 PM']
wow!!!! That is very interesting to read and hear the responces of the Mother General. I can understand her comment about the founding habit, it does seem to be that you are also wanting things to go back to the way it was. However that will not change unless every other person in the order agrees to it!!! That is one way things change in a community, everyone has to agree about the idea!

If you have already fallen in love with the community and SIsters, don't worry about the habit. the most important thing is that you will be the one wearing it. That it self is a grace!!! You can't be picky about the habits because it is a symbol, a reminder to you and to all around you of your dedication and sacrifices to Christ!!!!

i would add more but my time is short!!!

God Bless you!!!

I thought that it would be impossible to change at first, but as i was walking down the hall of the convent i saw a sister in the Traditional habit. My heart dropped and i fell in love! :lust: I never saw anything so beautiful in my entire life! But, your right, i should be happy with what i have and stop trying to be like St. Theresa of Avila. If it is the Will of the Most Holy Trinity for things to change, then may He be always praised, and if not, like wise may He be always praised! Ecce Angilla Domine!

Edited by Slave_of_the_Trinity
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[quote name='Veritas' post='980366' date='May 13 2006, 02:10 PM']

It seems to me that you have answered your own question: You fell in love with what was, not what is. All the things you appreciate about what was in the order IS present in MANY other faithful orders. My personal recommendation is that you explore orders where you would be supported and nurtured, formed in holy will, not told that you are "too young to understand".


Go visit SMME, NOP's, etc! Have a taste of authentic religious life as it is practiced today!
You asked for sound advice and Veritas gave it. With the exception of leaving out OLAM as an option I wouldn't have said anything different.

You, you would be being naive if you were to think that you could change things.

Find a good order that will nurture and for you. Don't walk...RUN.


p.s. - I'm sorry about all this, it must be difficult.

[quote name='Veritas' post='980366' date='May 13 2006, 02:10 PM']

It seems to me that you have answered your own question: You fell in love with what was, not what is. All the things you appreciate about what was in the order IS present in MANY other faithful orders. My personal recommendation is that you explore orders where you would be supported and nurtured, formed in holy will, not told that you are "too young to understand".


Go visit SMME, NOP's, etc! Have a taste of authentic religious life as it is practiced today!
You asked for sound advice and Veritas gave it. With the exception of leaving out OLAM as an option I wouldn't have said anything different.

Yes, you would be being naive if you were to think that you could change things. (and you know this)

Find a good order that will nurture and for you. Don't walk...RUN.


p.s. - I'm sorry about all this, it must be difficult.

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[quote name='Slave_of_the_Trinity' post='980352' date='May 13 2006, 02:47 PM']
Okay, where do i begin... this February I went to visit the Sisters of St. John the Baptist. It is a great community and it was the first one i've ever visited in my search for a home. When i was there i felt like i was completely at home and there were images of My Three everywhere. And never before have i felt closer to my Eucharistic Lord that when i was there. Even in the middle of the night when i couldn't sleep i opened my Bible randomly to the book of Samuel where Our Lord was calling him in the night. My Beloved called me to Himself while i was there! It was amazing but...the only problem is, the sisters have become very...liberal. They don't have perpetual Adoration anymore and the Beatiful Habits that the Father Founder, Pater Johannes Haw, designed are gone! The sisters have destroyed a few of thier beatiful baroque style churches and they've replaced them with square rooms with modern art everywhere.
The Mother General asked me if i had any concerns about the order and i told her EVERYTHING. Then she just said i was too young to understand anything. She asked me if i had any request and i asked her if i could wear the habit that the Father Founder designed. She said i was seeking materialistic things and my reply was that i was only seeking my bridal dress and my Cross because i knew that the habit is a penance to wear. She was silent, then she changed the subject. I found out later that it was the Mother General that started a sort of movement to change the habit in the sixties and threatened to leave if it was not done.
So here's my confusion, I love the way the sisters were before, the habit, Adoration, Tradition, but would it be naive of me to think that if I were to enter the order, all of that would come back? Should i enter because i fell in love with the way things were? I need your advice, especially from the Religious here... :(

Hi Slave of the Trinity! What a good question! You must follow your heart on this one. Am I correct in assuming that this community is cloistered?

I know exactly where you are coming from, having visited men's communities that have become too liberal. My recommendation is to pray praY!!!!! and to seek advice from trusted sources. If you truly feel deep down that you are called to be a Nun (or in my case a Priest) of the Renewal (reform of the reform) go for it! Our generation must ensure that our Catholic Traditions are restored. However, some of the older generation feel completely different and this is where the difficulty lies! ( :idontknow: Not to sound synical or weird, but we do know that their generation is passing away, which does create openings for us, young people totally devoted to God thru loyalty to the Magisterium. Habits/cassocks/clericals rock and are tried and true down thru the generations. I've never understood the reasoning that some give to discard them! :ohno:

Well, enough ramblings! Follow ur heart, for one true soul can and will always make a difference. Hopefully, this may help a little! If u'd like more detailed info, send me a pm message!

Ur in my prayers!

Your Brother in Christ,

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The Baptistines are not cloistered, and in fact do a LOT of good missionary work in many countries. They all still wear a modified habit, and are a much beloved congregation. I'm sorry they don't fit your bill, but they are an important part of the church.

[url="http://baptistines.home.att.net/"]http://baptistines.home.att.net/[/url] Their website

Edited by williamb
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[quote name='williamb' post='980585' date='May 13 2006, 08:56 PM']
The Baptistines are not cloistered, and in fact do a LOT of good missionary work in many countries. They all still wear a modified habit, and are a much beloved congregation. I'm sorry they don't fit your bill, but they are an important part of the church.

[url="http://baptistines.home.att.net/"]http://baptistines.home.att.net/[/url] Their website

This order isn't the Baptistines. It's called in German ~ Johannesschwestern von Maria Konige or Sisters of St. John from Mary the Queen. It's different. I wish i could explain how incredible the order was from what i've read and seen in thier archives.... :sadder:

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[quote name='OLAM Dad' date='May 13 2006, 07:06 PM' post='980546']
You asked for sound advice and Veritas gave it. With the exception of leaving out OLAM as an option I wouldn't have said anything different.

You, you would be being naive if you were to think that you could change things.

Find a good order that will nurture and for you. Don't walk...RUN.


Your right, i don't intend to change a thing unless Our Lord makes it obvious it's His Will, i just fell in Love with Christ there more than anywhere! I've been to dozens of orders from Mexico to Europe and not one has felt more like home. Am i going insane, falling in love with an order that goes against most of the traditions near to my heart or is God bidding me to go there? When I was there this February, we had benediction and the chants were in German not latin. When i asked why, not one of the sisters could explain. From that day on, we sung Tantum Ergo and O Salutaris Hostia!! While i was walking in the halls i heard two sisters singing latin the next day. I don't think that all hope is lost, but I also am not crazy enough to convince myself that any of that was my doing. Instead it was God working through me. What i said to the Mother Superior, I would have never dreamed of saying in my entire life, but it came out and the wierd thing is, it was my voice but it wasn't my words! How crazy must i sound? I'm sorry... I just was so hopeful that....i don't know never mind.

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[quote name='Slave_of_the_Trinity' post='980600' date='May 13 2006, 07:19 PM']
This order isn't the Baptistines. It's called in German ~ Johannesschwestern von Maria Konige or Sisters of St. John from Mary the Queen. It's different. I wish i could explain how incredible the order was from what i've read and seen in thier archives.... :sadder:


Oh, Hon... This post has really convicted me to reiterate: You MUST take a look at some faithful orders now. If you are in Europe, and need some suggestions, please make a new post asking! :flowers:

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[quote name='Slave_of_the_Trinity' post='980352' date='May 13 2006, 01:47 PM']
Okay, where do i begin... this February I went to visit the Sisters of St. John the Baptist. It is a great community and it was the first one i've ever visited in my search for a home. When i was there i felt like i was completely at home and there were images of My Three everywhere. And never before have i felt closer to my Eucharistic Lord that when i was there. Even in the middle of the night when i couldn't sleep i opened my Bible randomly to the book of Samuel where Our Lord was calling him in the night. My Beloved called me to Himself while i was there! It was amazing but...the only problem is, the sisters have become very...liberal. They don't have perpetual Adoration anymore and the Beatiful Habits that the Father Founder, Pater Johannes Haw, designed are gone! The sisters have destroyed a few of thier beatiful baroque style churches and they've replaced them with square rooms with modern art everywhere.
The Mother General asked me if i had any concerns about the order and i told her EVERYTHING. Then she just said i was too young to understand anything. She asked me if i had any request and i asked her if i could wear the habit that the Father Founder designed. She said i was seeking materialistic things and my reply was that i was only seeking my bridal dress and my Cross because i knew that the habit is a penance to wear. She was silent, then she changed the subject. I found out later that it was the Mother General that started a sort of movement to change the habit in the sixties and threatened to leave if it was not done.
So here's my confusion, I love the way the sisters were before, the habit, Adoration, Tradition, but would it be naive of me to think that if I were to enter the order, all of that would come back? Should i enter because i fell in love with the way things were? I need your advice, especially from the Religious here... :(

ahh this is a sticky situation. Anyways, i'm sorry that the mother did this to you. I can't believe she told you you were too niave to understand. When she said that you should have asked her to make you understand, ok sorry. Anyways, I'm glad about what you said to the materialistic thing. I don't agree with that mother at all. Apparently they have changed their ways and only God knows if it will go back. Me personally, and keep in mind I don't know all the circumstances, I would look into other orders. If it wasnt going to go back then you would feel like you weren't completeing something, if they didnt' even HAVE adoration I would die. I don't see how you could ever live like that, with a habit you don't feel fit to, and a place without adoration and tradition. Maybe there is another order just like the way this one used to be? I don't know! I hope it all works out though God Bless you!
In Christ,

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[quote name='uruviel' post='980679' date='May 13 2006, 10:49 PM']
ahh this is a sticky situation. Anyways, i'm sorry that the mother did this to you. I can't believe she told you you were too niave to understand. When she said that you should have asked her to make you understand, ok sorry. Anyways, I'm glad about what you said to the materialistic thing. I don't agree with that mother at all. Apparently they have changed their ways and only God knows if it will go back. Me personally, and keep in mind I don't know all the circumstances, I would look into other orders. If it wasnt going to go back then you would feel like you weren't completeing something, if they didnt' even HAVE adoration I would die. I don't see how you could ever live like that, with a habit you don't feel fit to, and a place without adoration and tradition. Maybe there is another order just like the way this one used to be? I don't know! I hope it all works out though God Bless you!
In Christ,

They have daily adoration but it is obly for two hours. I forgot to mention that in my conversation with Mother, she asked me what orders were thriving and I told her "The orders that stick to tradition and are following the ideals of their founders are thriving because girls, these days, who are entering the religious life are not looking for a place that has one foot in heaven and one on earth." She really thought about it. Maybe, you guys are right and i should look into other orders...but something is holding me back. Is it God or satan? :idontknow:

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