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Eutychus please respond...


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Matthew 16:18
"And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, [b]and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.[/b]"

Says nothing about this being conditional on the good behavior of Peter or his successors.

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Can priests and bishops misuse the athority given to them by God? And when misused, is it binding?

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God Conquers

Enter Eutychus:

LittleLes reincarnated as a non-denom.

Boy, that "current magesterium" sure fooled me by [b]telling me exactly which verses are being read[/b] in the missal right in front of me.

I'll never figure out that there are skipped verses!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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[quote name='jasJis' post='981194' date='May 14 2006, 09:14 PM']
Can priests and bishops misuse the athority given to them by God? And when misused, is it binding?

I think it would depend on the situation.

When St. Pio was told by a superior (unjustly) that he couldn't say Mass in public, he was obedient even though there was no real reason for him not to say Mass.

I think that if we know that a Bishop is going against Church teachings, then it would not be binding... but we must be sure that we know the Church teaching well, so many people think they know when they don't. The topic would have to be in black and white. For example if a Bishop pushed abortion, we know that topic is black and white and there is no exception.

The authority of the Church verse the authority of individual Bishops is different... try to think of the Church as the forest and the trees as the clergy... a few trees do not make a forest, but all of the trees make a forest. A few bishops do not make the Church - all of the Bishops make up the Church.

The Church = a forest
A tree = a bishop/priest

I think where much of your viewpoint is coming from is that you are mistaking the two.

The Church does not equal a bishop/priest.
The Church equals the collective bishops and priests... thousands of them. 1/3 of them will be bad in the last days... as told to us by Mary at Fatima that had 70,000 witnesses. The bad ones will make the news while all the good ones tend to go unnoticed.

Notice the difference below... The link at the bottom has the numbers with links so that you can study it...

abuse of civil, 2155, 2242-2298
of the Apostles, 551, 873, 1444, 1575
bishops, 883, 888, 894, 1596, 2034, 2179
Christ's, 581-82, 651, 668-69, 1063, 1441, 1673, 2173
[u][b]the Church's,[/b][/u] 85, 119, 553, 874, 895, 918, 1023, 1125, 1399, 1578, 1635, 1673, 1792, 2037, 2420 [color="#3333FF"](my addition: i.e. the Forest)[/color]
[u][b]of the Church's [i]ministers[/i][/b][/u], 875, 1551, 1563 [color="#3333FF"](my addtion: i.e. Bishops/Priests = the trees)[/color]
civil and human, 1900, 1901, 2234
common good and, 1903, 1906, 1909, 1928, 2266, 2293, 2406, 2429, 2498
duties of, 1917, 1923, 2235-36, 2241, 2272, 2316, 2354, 2498
family and, 2202, 2207, 2234
foundation of, 1899, 1918, 1920, 1930
foundation of human, 1897-1904
God's, 156, 239, 668, 1295, 1381, 2086, 2777
illegitimate civil, 2155
Jesus and religious authorities in Jerusalem, 575, 587, 589, 591, 595-96
law as the enactment of, 1951
legitimate exercise of, 1897, 1921
limits to, 2267
[b]of the Magisterium of the Church[/b], 88, 2036
necessary for human society, 1897-98, 1919
refusal to obey, 2256
respect for, 1880
respect for others and, 1902, 1930, 2199, 2254
service of, 2235
of the Supreme Pontiff, 1594, 2034
of the symbol, 194-95
of truth, 1777
war and international, 2308


God Bless bro,

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