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Desert Walker

The simplest answer to those very good questions at the beginning is simply to present the benefits of being Catholic.

Catholic priests are channels, sacramentally, of sanctifying grace into your life. Even if they are intellectually off the wall.

A Catholic who energizes his faith finds himself among a family of saints and angels in heaven, and finds that he is the son of an awesome mother too (Mary)!

And I tell you, if you have faith that the consecrated bread is Jesus Christ, whether at communion or adoration, the healing, soothing effect of that Blessed Sacrament is beyond words.

Try having a romantic faith in Catholicism.

Ignore those who think romantic faith is for simpletons. Because the surest way for a Catholic to lose their faith is to pay attention to the arguments.

Don't pay a lot of attention to the arguments, and by ALL MEANS don't get emotionally involved in them! Get emotionally involved in the idea of a Communion of Saints. Get emotionally involved in the idea of Mary's maternal care for you. Get involved in the FAITH part of the Faith.

Leave the intellectual rambling to the people who can't be satisfied with a simple answer.

[quote name='jasJis' post='979446' date='May 12 2006, 02:29 PM']
Mixed reviews. I mostly liked it. I had to re-read his posts (and PM's) a few times. Some points gave me a fresh perspective, other points I don't think were answered. Things are being mulled around in my mind and heart. I know I will never be a "True Believer" in the Catholic Church. It's the line of separating the REAL Theology from the Practiced Theology of the Church.

Keep in mind that theology is not the same thing as faith. True faith needs only a simple, unqualified statement to be satisfied (i.e. God is love). Theology can be, and is, very complicated. Faith doesn't have to be.

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