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Public flogging


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Guest Rick777

Hmmm.....I agree criminals should be punished but I don't agree with using flogging as a form of punishment. I dont think many others will either.

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[quote name='Tarcisius' post='975673' date='May 8 2006, 07:32 PM']
hey it doesnt even hurt that bad.

I think you should probably look into flogging and punishments of the sort before saying that they wouldn't hurt that bad. If done correctly, it would hurt quite a bit.

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[quote name='Era Might' post='975734' date='May 8 2006, 09:23 PM']
Flogging is barbaric.
My thoughts exactly

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The candidate supporting flogging is fast becoming my favorite political candidate EVER. I almost hope he wins, because then I'd get to hear him defend the merits of flogging for years to come!

Anyway, today in the [url="http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060510/COLUMNISTS19/605100485/1101"]Indianapolis Star[/url] a columnist interviewed The Flogger. Here is some of what he had to say:

[quote]"I guarantee you it is not a priority of (mine) to introduce flogging legislation."
That's good.
Still, Walker wouldn't back down from his stance. While saying anti-abortion legislation would be his top concern as a senator, he defended flogging as a biblically based punishment.
"It's not a core value for me, but it's part of the inspired word of God, so I know it works," he said. "If that makes me a radical, then so be it. I'll accept the label. But I don't think it's a radical position."
Actually, it's the definition of a radical position. Walker, however, defines flogging as a "compassionate" alternative to jail for some people convicted of crimes such as drug abuse or being drunk in public.
Ahh, yes, compassionate whipping? I can't imagine why Walker didn't make that his campaign slogan.
"I want to see what works to change behavior," he continued. "This is about public humiliation. Public humiliation has been an effective deterrent for centuries."[/quote]
If flogging is compassionate, there's NO WAY I ever want to end up in jail. Not that I was pulling for that in the first place, but now it's definitely off my list.

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why don't we just make our prisoners into gladiators and have them fight to the death in huge domes like in that movie mad max: beyond thunder dome. We'd kill two birds with one stone...kinda like when UK sent all their prisoners to Australia except we will kill them so they cannot reproduce, sever the bloodline; it's the only way to be sure.

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[quote]kinda like when UK sent all their prisoners to Australia except we will kill them so they cannot reproduce, sever the bloodline; it's the only way to be sure.[/quote]

What you trying to say dude? That we're all crims??? :P: :lol:

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[quote name='Sojourner' post='972854' date='May 5 2006, 09:13 PM']

So yeah, what do you think? Should public flogging be reinstituted?

A man can keep his dignity through a flogging.

[quote name='Era Might' post='975734' date='May 8 2006, 09:23 PM']
Flogging is barbaric.
also, effective at deterring criminal behavior. Added to that, it would save money and jail space for really hardened criminals. This extra space and money might encourage a relaxation of the death penalty.

Flogging rules.

[quote name='Tarcisius' post='975673' date='May 8 2006, 08:32 PM']
hey it doesnt even hurt that bad.
Yes, it totally hurts like crazy. A proper flogging doesn't involve a man and a stick just standing in one place. Over in Singapore, they take a bamboo rod and run AT the floggee, applying maximum force in a highly concentrated thin stripe.

Major ouchies.

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' post='980349' date='May 13 2006, 02:44 PM']
also, effective at deterring criminal behavior. Added to that, it would save money and jail space for really hardened criminals. This extra space and money might encourage a relaxation of the death penalty. [/quote]

People usually don't think about consequences when they're committing a crime. Just a fact of human nature.

Besides, just because something "works" doesn't mean it is just. But we've gone over that before. :P:

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God the Father

If the prospect of spending 5 years in a cell with a big man named Avocado doesn't deter crime, I fail to see how the prospect of a public flogging would.

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[quote name='Era Might' post='980375' date='May 13 2006, 04:18 PM']
People usually don't think about consequences when they're committing a crime. Just a fact of human nature.

Besides, just because something "works" doesn't mean it is just. But we've gone over that before. :P:
well now let's see. we can't kill them, we can't deprive them of cable television, we can't put them in holes...

just [i]what[/i] form of punishment would be just? I think flogging is visceral and violent, but non-fatal and sufficiently embarassing so as to make criminals think twice before they do something stupid.

when a gangbanger is reduced to public whimpers for his crimes instead of doing a little time in the pokey so he can build up his rep, perhaps it'll make a difference in crime rates. Then, the fellas who don't respond well to flogging can take up residence at State Penal Apartments.

[quote name='God the Father' post='980570' date='May 13 2006, 08:09 PM']
If the prospect of spending 5 years in a cell with a big man named Avocado doesn't deter crime, I fail to see how the prospect of a public flogging would.
nobody gets to see the tender moments you and Avocado would share...flogging would of necessity be made public.

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