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Moussaoui Gets Life Imprisonment


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I was expecting him to get sentenced death. The jury's decision surprised me but fair call by them. There's no question that prison can be worse than death to some. I won't lie - I hope he gets shanked during his one hour out in the yard. Everyday. :idontknow:

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' post='970410' date='May 3 2006, 07:54 PM']
executing him would only make him 72 virgins richer. Let him rot in a cell. Maybe he'll convert...but I ain't holding my breath. ^_^

When did that happen? I thought it was only 50. I mean for 72 virgins, that kinda gives an insight on why he was making jihad on us.

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[quote name='hierochloe' post='972494' date='May 5 2006, 02:36 PM']
I was expecting him to get sentenced death. The jury's decision surprised me but fair call by them. There's no question that prison can be worse than death to some. I won't lie - I hope he gets shanked during his one hour out in the yard. Everyday. :idontknow:

Considering that in a supermax he will have no direct contact with other inmates, that will probably be pretty hard to do. It would have to be a guard who "shanks" him.

Putting him in a supermax effectively removes him from society and renders him incapable of doing any future harm.

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[quote name='Cam42' post='973319' date='May 6 2006, 04:37 AM']
Considering that in a supermax he will have no direct contact with other inmates, that will probably be pretty hard to do. It would have to be a guard who "shanks" him.

Putting him in a supermax effectively removes him from society and renders him incapable of doing any future harm.
Alas my hopes are dashed....which is so often a good thing. :cool:

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Yeah. This will be complete and utter torture for him. No contact, no recreation except for his Koran and a plastic t.v. that will only show his religious show and thats it. And to do all of this in a space that is as big as a small bathroom.

No daylight.... man... I would want to die myself if I was put in that situation.

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[quote name='OLAM Dad' post='970731' date='May 4 2006, 09:21 AM']
Judge to Moussaoui at sentencing...

[quote]"Mr. Moussaoui, you came here to be a martyr in a great big bang of glory," she said, "but to paraphrase the poet T.S. Eliot, instead you will die with a whimper."[/quote]

Justice is served

Very witty, and very true. In my opinion, the death penalty is very wrong and un-necessary. I'm glad that Moussaoui recieved life in prison.

God bless-

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[quote]French authorities said Thursday they may eventually press the United States to have Moussaoui serve his life sentence in France under agreements providing for transfer of convicts. They were awaiting formal word of his sentencing conditions. [/quote]I think it's sad that some people are gleeful about the terrible conditions will live with in a SuperMax facility. Is that revenge I hear?
I'ts great to be cut off from society by being in solitary confinement, but what if he's transferred to France? Does France have SuperMax? Will France keep him from having contact with the outside world?
What motivation will Moussaoui have to repent while he is in SuperMax? Any at all? With no outside contact, what will influence him? Will Moussoui slowly lose touch with reality and go insane and lose the ability to repent? Is that the right thing to do? Or in his case, is a sure and just punishment be more humane with a clear and sure deadline and motivation to make peace with God and repent. None of us live forever. Is God cruel when he allows people like Moussaui to cause the untimely death of 3,000 souls without regard for their opportunity to repent? Justice is death for his actions. Mercy is providing him a clear and firm time frame to repent and make peace with God. Don't you think it would be a blessing and a gift to know your hour of death so that you can make sure you are in a state of Grace?

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