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what rotten Popes?

Lounge Daddy

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I don't think I'm being unreasonable. I'm making a judgement on the human actions of humans. Why couldn't I? What's unreasonable about that? It's unreasonable to close your eyes and not recognize human error, thinking that what a Churchman does is 'perfect', just as it's unreasonable to paint ALL Churchmen as corrupt. What is unreasonable?

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Lounge Daddy

this is helpful... thanx

was Alexander VI just a punk thug?
thank God for protecting the Church from him and all evil attacks

God bless The Church and long live the Pope

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[quote name='jasJis' post='970776' date='May 4 2006, 10:40 AM']
I don't think I'm being unreasonable. I'm making a judgement on the human actions of humans. Why couldn't I? What's unreasonable about that? It's unreasonable to close your eyes and not recognize human error, thinking that what a Churchman does is 'perfect', just as it's unreasonable to paint ALL Churchmen as corrupt. What is unreasonable?
What is unreasonable about this stance is that you know better-- you know all Catholics don't consider churchmen perfect. That's the whole point of it all-- a hospital for sinners who don't always or necessarily even often practice what they preach. You know we believe in a difference between infallibility in teaching and inpeccability in life-- the only impeccable people would be Jesus and Mary.

I know you understand the difference here. It is unreasonable to attempt to paint the Catholic position as considering popes perfect. No one considers all churchmen or the hierarchy perfect.

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[quote name='Lounge Daddy' post='970958' date='May 4 2006, 11:21 AM']
this is helpful... thanx

was Alexander VI just a punk thug?
thank God for protecting the Church from him and all evil attacks

God bless The Church and long live the Pope

did you read the wiki article I posted? I realize wiki might not be the greatest source but it would be a start...

apperently committed his first murder at 12

bought his way into the Papacy (wiki says he actually paid off the cardinals, with money from the indulgences, to gain his power)

had his daughter married in one of the Vaticans most eleborate weddings... thats right his daughter

[quote]Alexander's successor on the Throne of St. Peter, Francesco Todeschini-Piccolomini, who assumed the name of Pope Pius III (1503), forbade the saying of a Mass for the repose of Alexander VI's soul, saying, "It is blasphemous to pray for the damned."[/quote]

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Lounge Daddy

[quote name='rkwright' post='971205' date='May 4 2006, 02:38 PM']
...Pope Pius III (1503), forbade the saying of a Mass for the repose of Alexander VI's soul, saying, "It is blasphemous to pray for the damned."
tragic and hilarious at the same time

ya, i read the entire wiki article at work last night. thanks for the link
history is a pretty interesting thing

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Inquisitor Generalis

[quote name='Lounge Daddy' post='969567' date='May 3 2006, 09:59 AM']
we had a few rotten Popes, didn't we?
which were they?[/quote]

John Paul II and Paul VI. [mod]Pope bashing is out of style. - L_D[/mod]

[quote name='rkwright' post='971205' date='May 4 2006, 01:38 PM']
did you read the wiki article I posted? I realize wiki might not be the greatest source but it would be a start...

apperently committed his first murder at 12

bought his way into the Papacy (wiki says he actually paid off the cardinals, with money from the indulgences, to gain his power)

had his daughter married in one of the Vaticans most eleborate weddings... thats right his daughter

Alexander VI was a far, far, far better Pope than anything we've gotten recently. If he were alive today, I'd have only three words: Viva il Papa!

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It's a good thing you aren't a sedevacantist...then you'd be a heretic by Vatican I. :)

By the way, doesn't SSPX itself look down upon fornication, immodest dress, et cetera? I know FSSP does.

Funny how when it's the Pope you don't care so much. I think consistency would be good today.

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The Pope does not have to be a priest. Any confirmed Catholic male may become pope, if I remember my laws. Thus a pope could have a daughter through no indiscretions, and considering Peter's denial of Jesus, I don't think indiscretions remove one's ability to pope (v.)

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Inquisitor Generalis

[mod]Pope bashing is out of style. - L_D[/mod]

Somebody asked a question (which popes have we had that were "rotten"), and I gave an answer. Of course, if I had named some pre-Vatican II pope nobody would have edited anything, or even cared. This just shows the liberalist agenda of Phatmass.

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Guest Rick777

[quote name='Inquisitor Generalis' post='972797' date='May 5 2006, 05:20 PM']
John Paul II and Paul VI. [mod]Pope bashing is out of style. - L_D[/mod]

Pope Paul VI? Even after everything he said about some of the not so nice effects of Vatican II? Like this:

We believed that after the Council would come a day of sunshine in the history of the Church. But instead there has come a day of clouds and storms, and of darkness ... And how did this come about? We will confide to you the thought that may be, we ourselves admit in free discussion, that may be unfounded, and that is that there has been a power, an adversary power. Let us call him by his name: the devil.

And this:

It is as if from some mysterious crack, no, it is not mysterious, from some crack the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God.

Hmmmmm.....usually sedes love this Pope for these quotes and use it as ammunition for their crazy ideas.....Yah, I just thought that was wierd. God Bless! :saint: Dont forget to pray for our current Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, luckily he's da bomb. :smokey:

Edited by Rick777
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[quote name='Rick777' post='973174' date='May 6 2006, 12:09 AM']
It is as if from some mysterious crack, no, it is not mysterious, from some crack the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God.
I totally read that quote wrong the first time I glanced at it.. I just saw something about Satan smoking crack.. yeah, he definitely does that..

anyway, cool post. :cool:

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Lounge Daddy

[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' post='973185' date='May 6 2006, 02:32 AM']
I totally read that quote wrong the first time I glanced at it.. I just saw something about Satan smoking crack.. yeah, he definitely does that..

anyway, cool post. :cool:

Alexander VI smoked crack? what?
what fiction is being sent about these threads?

Just remember "don't pray for the damned"

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Lounge Daddy

I very much like the quote:

...Pope Pius III (1503), forbade the saying of a Mass for the repose of Alexander VI's soul, saying, "It is blasphemous to pray for the damned."


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It's threads like these that can lead men to listen to black metal to kill time as opposed to posting on here.

The majority of the comments have been attacks on "rotten popes" luckily, it shaped up near the end.

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