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hatred for bush..

MC Just

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[quote name='Sailahína' post='967809' date='May 1 2006, 08:47 PM']
Well if Bush is "mostly" prolife (even though you cannot be "mostly" prolife) I'd rather vote for him then Kerry who IS NOT prolife.[/quote]I don't think even that was the intent of this Thread. Read the first post. It pointed out Bush isn't perfect, but is trying to do a good job. It also said that even if the going in didn't meet Just War Theory standards, JPII did say that the US is obliged to stay. The opening post basically said we can disagree with Bush without 'HATRED' for the man.

But that nuance was lost in 'Catholic' self-righteousness following a political ideology.

Edited by jasJis
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[quote name='jasJis' post='968322' date='May 2 2006, 10:48 AM']
But that nuance was lost in 'Catholic' self-righteousness following a political ideology.

I disagree... I think the above should read "...lost in ignorance of Catholicism and proportional reasoning following a political idealogy that cherry picks Catholic teachings that support their desire instead of looking at the whole teaching."

God Bless,

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[quote name='ironmonk' post='968350' date='May 2 2006, 10:21 AM']
I disagree... I think the above should read "...lost in ignorance of Catholicism and proportional reasoning following a political idealogy that cherry picks Catholic teachings that support their desire instead of looking at the whole teaching."

God Bless,


How hypocritical. You've gone off a dozen about listening to the liberal media. Yet you use the liberal media's definition of prolife and accuse me of being ignorant for stating the Church's definition. Who is cherry picking? Show me where the Church has ever said that allowing exceptions for rape and incest is considered prolife. You can't.

I have never ever cherry picked Church teachings and I defy you to name one that I have.

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[quote name='Peccator' post='967240' date='May 1 2006, 02:27 PM']
Ok, honestly...does it make a difference if Bush is pro-life? He's in power and abortion is STILL LEGAL...what has changed - nothing.


What has changed?

Instead of using a question to justify your stance, why not try to do some research and find out the answer to the question?!

There are two more Catholics on the Supreme Court.

Here is an older list... [url="http://www.righttoliferoch.org/nbushlist.htm"]http://www.righttoliferoch.org/nbushlist.htm[/url]

And some other things...
President Bush signing the Compromise Terri's Law [url="http://www.righttoliferoch.org/nschpressign.htm"]http://www.righttoliferoch.org/nschpressign.htm[/url]

President Bush signs Unborn Victims of Violence Act

March for Life President Bush's Address

[quote]Bigger list...

Just 2004...
January 2, 2004 NGO Calls on Pro-abortion Europe to Counter "Christian" White House

Source: Friday Fax

January 7, 2004 Pro-Abortion Group Criticizes Bush's Pro-Life "Christian" Foreign Policy

Source: LifeNews.com


January 9, 2004 President Unveils School Choice Incentive Fund

At a meeting this afternoon with leaders of Catholic education, President Bush said he will call on Congress to establish a $50 million national choice incentive fund "to help more parents to send their children to the school that is best for them, no matter what kind of school it is."

The White House transcript of the president's remarks is available at

Source: Council for American Private Education (CAPE)


January 9, 2004 President Bush Celebrates Catholic Education

Source: Martin Gillespie Director of Catholic Outreach Republican National Committee


January 13, 2004 Bush Plans $1.5 Billion Drive for Promotion of Marriage

Source: New York Times
January 16, 2004 President Bush Declares Sunday, January 18, 2004 Sanctity of Human Life Day

Source: New Jersey Right to Life


January 16, 2004 2004 President Bush nominates [pro-life] Charles Pickering to Federal Bench President Sidesteps Obstructionist U.S. Senators including N.J. Senators Corzine and Lautenberg

Source: Associated Press Bush installs controversial judge on court

Source: New Jersey Right to Life


January 16, 2004 President Bush Uses Recess Appointment to Confirm Pickering

Source: LifeNews.com


See also: FRC [Family Research Council] Praises Recess Appointment of Charles Pickering to Federal Bench [url="http://www.frc.org/get.cfm?i=PR04A05"]http://www.frc.org/get.cfm?i=PR04A05[/url]
January 20, 2004 President Bush Supports the Federal Marriage Amendment in his State of the Union address

Source: New Jersey Coalition to Defend Marriage

January 21, 2004 Housing Starts Increase Residential construction activity picked up in December, helping to make all of 2003 the best year for home builders in a quarter-century and underscoring the critical role the sector played in the economy's resurgence.

The Commerce Department reported today that housing construction increased by 1.7 percent last month from November ending 2003 on a high note. For all of last year, the number of housing units that builders broke ground on totaled 1.85 million, up from 1.70 million in 2002.

The total for 2003 marked the strongest performance since 1978, when housing construction came to 2.02 million.

Source: Associated Press
January 21, 2004 George Bush Stands Up for Marriage

Source: Alliance Defense Fund alansears@alliancedefensefund.org
January 21, 2004 President Bush Wants Abstinence Program Funding Tripled by 2005

Source: LifeNews.com


January 22, 2004 President Bush Calls March for Life Participants

"Above all, we must continue with civility and respect to remind our fellow citizens that all life is sacred and worthy of protection. I know as you return to your communities you will redouble your efforts to change hearts and minds, one person at a time. And this is the way we will build a lasting culture of life, a compassionate society in which every child is born into a loving family and protected by law."

Source: White House:


January 29, 2004 UNFPA Permanently Loses $59 Million

For the past two years, the Bush administration has, in fact, determined that UNFPA supports forced abortions in China, and is therefore ineligible for US funding. A high-ranking congressional staff member told the Friday Fax that the current bill follows this same procedure, and "since Kemp-Kasten has not changed, and since UNFPA's actions in China have not changed, we fully expect the administration to take the same action it has taken for the past two years regarding UNFPA."

Source: Friday Fax
January 29, 2004 Pro-Life Groups Say President Bush's Record Strong, Deserves Re-Election

Source: LifeNews.com


February 2, 2004 NRL PAC announces endorsement of President Bush

Source: Press Release issued by the National Right to Life Political Action Committee

For further information, call Laura Echevarria, 202-626-8825, send e-mail to mediarelations@nrlc.org , or visit the NRLC website at www.nrlc.org.
February 3, 2004 Congress Reallocates UNFPA Money, Abortion Funding Battle Continues

Citing the UN Population Fund's (UNFPA) failure to convincingly show that it is not participating or condoning coercive family planning and abortion programs in China, Congress has permanently reallocated the $56 million earmarked for the UNFPA over the past two years to other programs. The money will now go to programs to improve maternal health and combat sex trafficking.

We commend the Bush Administration for its continued strong enforcement of the Kemp-Kasten Anti-Coercion law -- a law that was completely disregarded during the Clinton Administration, Douglas Johnson, Legislative Director for National Right to Life Committee, told LifeNews.com. Any agency that collaborates in China's brutal compulsory abortion program should not receive U.S. taxpayer funds.

Source: LifeNews.com: [url="http://www.lifenews.com/nat323.html"]http://www.lifenews.com/nat323.html[/url]

February 4, 2004 Statement by President Bush Regarding the Deplorable Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Ruling

Today's ruling of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court is deeply troubling. Marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman. If activist judges insist on re-defining marriage by court order, the only alternative will be the constitutional process. We must do what is legally necessary to defend the sanctity of marriage.

Source: White House: [url="http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/02/20040204-9.html"]http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/20...20040204-9.html[/url]
February 9, 2004 Abortion Advocates Ready to Defeat Bush, Support John Kerry

Source: LifeNews.com


February 10, 2004 Bush's Pro-Life View on Abortion Gives 4% Advantage Over John Kerry

A new national poll by Rasmussen Reports shows that President Bush gains a four-point advantage over likely Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry because of his pro-life views on abortion.

Source: LifeNews.com


February 10, 2004 NARAL Launches 25M Fundraising Campaign to Elect Abortion Advocates

The pro-abortion group NARAL has launched a campaign to raise $25 million to defeat pro-life President George W. Bush and elect pro-abortion candidates to Congress.

Source: LifeNews.com


February 11, 2004 President Bush Plans to Back Federal Marriage Amendment

Source: Washington
February 11, 2004 Bush Administration Seeks Partial-Birth Abortion Records to Defend Ban

Source: LifeNews.com


February 12, 2004 UNESCO Pledges End to Support and Promotion of Abortion

UNESCO's Director-General has just issued a memo directing all UNESCO offices in the world no longer to support or promote abortion in any way, insisting that abortion is outside the scope of UNESCO's mission.

This dramatic policy change started with a report in the Friday Fax last October 31. That report initiated an internal UNESCO investigation and the eventual admonishment from the Bush Administration.

Source: Friday Fax
February 13, 2004 Bush repeats support for school vouchers

Source: Associated Press

Source: National Right to Life


February 20, 2004 President Bush Selects Another Pro-Life Judge [William Pryor] Through Recess Appointment

Source: LifeNews.com


February 24, 2004 President Bush Backs Gay Marriage Ban Amendment

Source: Associated Press

President Bush will back a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage in an attempt to halt same-sex unions like the thousands that have been allowed this month in San Francisco, his spokesman said Tuesday.

"He has always strongly believed that marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said.
February 27, 2004 Bush administration criticizes China on religious rights record

Source: Catholic News Service
February 27, 2004 Bush Administration Subpoenas More Partial-Birth Abortion Records

Source: LifeNews.com


February 2004 Encounter With President Bush at Church

March 1, 2004 Bush Appoints More Pro-Life Bioethics Council Members, Kerry Criticizes

Source: LifeNews.com


March 8, 2004 President Bush's Encounter With Woman at Church

Source: [url="http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/s/stjohns.htm"]http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/s/stjohns.htm[/url]

March 11, 2004 Bush Administration Considering Warning Labels On Condoms

Source: Associated Press

The Bush administration is considering requiring warning labels on condom packages noting that the contraceptive devices do not protect users from all sexually transmitted diseases.
March 11, 2004 Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie, a devout Catholic, spoke via satellite to a crowd of over 500 people at the Franciscan University of Steubenville

March 13, 2004 Religious, Anti-Abortion Groups Among the Winners as Abstinence-Only Funding Increases

Source: Associated Press
March 19, 2004 Bush Administration Calls Strong Families Key for Development

The Bush Administration continues to break new ground at the UN on defending life, faith, family and national sovereignty. They deserve our thanks, praise and support, even from those good European pro-lifers who do not support the American effort in Iraq.

We report today on the public face and voice of the Bush Administration on family issues at the UN, Ambassador Ellen Sauerbrey. She and her team, including Ann Corkery, are amazing.

Source: Friday Fax
March 23, 2004 Women's Abortion Signs Get Better Reception at President Bush's Rally

Orlando, FL -- After campaign staffers for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry destroyed their signs saying their abortions hurt them, Rebecca Porter and her friend Cindy decided to try their luck with the signs at a rally for President George W. Bush. The difference was amazing.

Source: LifeNews


March 26, 2004 Bush, the World Beater: The president's economy is the best out there.

Source: National Review Online

April 1, 2004 President Bush Signs Unborn Victims of Violence Bill That Kerry Opposed

Source: National Right to Life
April 2, 2004 What Has Gone Right in Iraq

April 2, 2004 Abortion Advocates Complain at UN that Universal Right to Abortion is stalled

Abortion advocates met last week to complain that the global advance for abortion on demand has been stalled because of ongoing opposition from the Bush Administration and the Catholic Church.

Source: Friday Fax
April 2, 2004 President Bush's Bioethics Council Releases Assisted Fertility Report

A landmark report issued by the President's Bioethics Council has raised new questions about the regulation of potentially life-threatening reproductive technology.

Source: LifeNews.com


April 5, 2004 President Bush Criticized for Abstinence Funding Commitment

Source: LifeNews.com


April 5, 2004 Unborn Victims Bill Only a Frist Step In Protecting All Pregnant Women

Source: LifeNews.com


April 9, 2004 President's Easter Message

Source: White House


April 21, 2004 Vice President Cheney Defends President's Strong Pro-Life at National Right to Life Awards Dinner

Source: [url="http://www.lifenews.com/nat458.html"]http://www.lifenews.com/nat458.html[/url]
April 23, 2004 (Pro-Abortion) Magazine Mocks President Bush as Pawn of (Pro-Life) Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute

April 26, 2004 Bush Administration Scraps Agency's Plans to Back Pro-Abortion Conference


Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Just one day after a few hundred thousand abortion advocates gathered in the nation's capital, the Bush administration is pulling the plug on a federal agency's plan to support an international conference that is backing abortion.
April 27, 2004 Karen Hughes (Bush's Adviser)Comments About Pro-Abortion


"I think after September 11, the American people are valuing life more and I think those are the kind of policies the American people can support, particularly at a time when we're facing an enemy, and really, the fundamental difference between us and the terror network we fight is that we value every life."

Source: [url="http://www.lifenews.com/nat484.html"]http://www.lifenews.com/nat484.html[/url]
April 29, 2004 Strong Economic Growth Continues in the First Quarter of 2004

March's increase in employment was the largest in almost four years. 308,000 new jobs were created in March - the largest monthly increase since April 2000 - and 759,000 jobs have been added over the last 7 months. Additionally, there was a cumulative upward revision of 87,000 jobs for the previous two months, showing that more jobs were created in January and February than initially thought.

The household survey puts the increase in employment even higher at 978,000 over the last 7 months. The national unemployment rate was 5.7% in March - far below its peak of 6.3% in June 2003, and below the average of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.

Over the past year, the unemployment rate has fallen in 44 of the 50 states. Initial unemployment claims have remained at levels consistent with strong job growth.

Source: [url="http://www.gop.com/news/read.aspx?ID=4147"]http://www.gop.com/news/read.aspx?ID=4147[/url]
May 3, 2004 Photograph shows President Bush jogging with a serviceman who lost a leg in Afghanistan.

See photograph at: [url="http://www.snopes.com/politics/bush/jogging.asp"]http://www.snopes.com/politics/bush/jogging.asp[/url]
May 6, 2004 Concerned Women For America Praises FDA for Rejecting Morning-After Pill Bid



May 17, 2004 NIH Letter Affirms Bush Position Against Funding Destructive Research

Source: [url="http://www.lifenews.com/bio303.html"]http://www.lifenews.com/bio303.html[/url]
May 17, 2004 Bush renews call for same-sex marriage ban

Source: CNN


May 17, 2004 President Bush Hits Pro-Life Themes in Commencement Address

May 21, 2004 Bush renews call for same-sex marriage ban

May 2004 Bush Administration Pulls Plug on Financing of Pro-Abortion Global Health Council Conference

Source: www.nrlc.org/news/2004/NRL05/bush_administration_pulls_plug_o.htm

End of Story, others here need to stop lying... Bush is pro-life.

[quote name='hot stuff' post='968553' date='May 2 2006, 02:52 PM']

How hypocritical. You've gone off a dozen about listening to the liberal media. Yet you use the liberal media's definition of prolife and accuse me of being ignorant for stating the Church's definition. Who is cherry picking? Show me where the Church has ever said that allowing exceptions for rape and incest is considered prolife. You can't.

I have never ever cherry picked Church teachings and I defy you to name one that I have.
Symantics is not the issue here. Bush in regards to moral truth is pro-life - for those who do not know what "moral truth" to be, in other words he believes that he is pro-life and defends life. He is in error in thinking that it's acceptable to use for rape and incest but he cannot be logically termed pro-choice for that when actions speak louder than words.

You lack a clear understanding of proprotional reasoning or you ignore it - I don't know which. You cherry picked the teaching on those who refuse to work and welfare. You ignore a nations right to regulate immigration. etc... you think like the liberal media... although you can fix that.

Edit... Also, I wasn't exactly thinking of you when talking about cherry picking - it was more of a general address to those that cherry pick - they know who they are - or maybe they don't :idontknow: ; I could be wrong about you cherry picking but it appears to be that way from various posts of yours that I have read.

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[quote] Symantics is not the issue here. Bush in regards to moral truth is pro-life - for those who do not know what "moral truth" to be, in other words he believes that he is pro-life and defends life. He is in error in thinking that it's acceptable to use for rape and incest but he cannot be logically termed pro-choice for that when actions speak louder than words.

You lack a clear understanding of proprotional reasoning or you ignore it - I don't know which. You cherry picked the teaching on those who refuse to work and welfare. You ignore a nations right to regulate immigration. etc... you think like the liberal media... although you can fix that.[/quote]

When you call me a liar, there are a few things that become the issue here.

You've listed off article after article about Bush's actions towards furthering the prolife cause. You have YET to hear me denounce those. But all of those things DO NOT make him prolife. His belief in the three exceptions makes him prochoice. Is he mildly prochoice? Fine but he ain't prolife. If a person believes in every teaching of the Church except for one dogma, they aren't Catholic. No matter how much they act upon the other teachings. If someone is against abortion except allowing one to (note the word here) choose to have one on cases of rape or incest, you aren't prolife

If you argue against that, you argue against Church teaching on abortion and you argue against the English language! You make the choice to allow the media to define what is prolife and what isn't.

And what you call cherry picking as far as the other issues is ludicrous. I have never spoken against Church teaching. I've simply corrected you.

Edited by jaime
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[quote name='hot stuff' post='968595' date='May 2 2006, 03:42 PM']
When you call me a liar, there are a few things that become the issue here.

You've listed off article after article about Bush's actions towards furthering the prolife cause. You have YET to hear me denounce those. But all of those things DO NOT make him prolife. His belief in the three exceptions makes him prochoice. Is he mildly prochoice? Fine but he ain't prolife. If a person believes in every teaching of the Church except for one dogma, they aren't Catholic. No matter how much they act upon the other teachings. If someone is against abortion except allowing one to (note the word here) choose to have one on cases of rape or incest, you aren't prolife

If you argue against that, you argue against Church teaching on abortion and you argue against the English language! You make the choice to allow the media to define what is prolife and what isn't.

And what you call cherry picking as far as the other issues is ludicrous. I have never spoken against Church teaching. I've simply corrected you.

First off:
pro-life (pr-lf)
Advocating full legal protection of human embryos or fetuses, especially by opposing legalized abortion.

Bush is pro-life. The Church is not the authority of the english language... it is the authority of faith, morals, the Christian faith. Language is an agreed upon method of communication, the majority of the English speaking world recognize Bush as pro-life... therefore he is by definition pro-life. [i]Is he mildy pro-life? Fine but he ain't pro-choice.[/i]

You have not corrected me, you have ignored the various quotes and links to Catholic teachings that I have posted. You rarely use Scripture and Catechism to defend your stance and when it's shown clear as day to you, you ignore it... Time to open your eyes to the truth Jamie.

Ok, this is meant to be constructive...
You are wrong... You are so wrong that you have no idea how you push people away from the faith (or maybe you do) because you are like Cardinal Mahony in many regards to your unorthodoxy cherry picking. Your priorities are not in the proper proportion according the the Church and you lack appear to lack logic to understand that. Maybe if you spent more time reading Scripture you would have a better understanding. I'm unsure. Many of your views do not reflect Church teachings in the Catechism or Scripture. You have been VERY selective in what you pay attention to or you look at things VERY liberally and liberalism FAILS the Church... at least that is what Cardinals loyal to the Magisterium say.

I'm done arguing with you over your misunderstandings.

God Bless.

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By your OWN definition, you have proven my point and defined Bush as prochoice. Apparently you are not even reading what you are typing.

[quote]Bush in regards to moral truth is pro-life - for those who do not know what "moral truth" to be,[/quote]

You are not arguing moral truth you are arguing moral relativism. "Oh he's close enough" is a relativistic argument. It is not a Catholic one

[quote]You have not corrected me, you have ignored the various quotes and links to Catholic teachings that I have posted. You rarely use Scripture and Catechism to defend your stance and when it's shown clear as day to you, you ignore it... Time to open your eyes to the truth Jamie.

Laughable. You have explicitly asked that someone correct you using Church teachings. I have done that and you ignored me. The best example is when you were corrected on one of the first immigration threads and YOU IGNORED a third of the Catechism because it went against your argument! I corrected you then and I will do it again when need be.

[quote]Many of your views do not reflect Church teachings in the Catechism or Scripture. [/quote]

Out of line and wrong. Never have you seen me argue against Church teachings


I have on many occassions disagreed with you. [b]But neither you nor anyone else can find a quote that where I have gone against Church teachings.[/b]

And I mean this sincerely Monk, back it up or shut your pie hole.

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Its personal now, and its going to stop. It has gone beyond facts, and gone personal.


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