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hatred for bush..

MC Just

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[quote name='Tarcisius' post='961621' date='Apr 26 2006, 09:33 AM']
they are one in the same, republicrats, There is no choice, Vote for neither party.[/quote]

I've got two names for you: Samuel Alito and John Roberts.

I cringe to think whom Kerry or any other prominent Democrat would have nominated, and thank God we don't have to deal with that...at least for the time being.

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Brother Adam

[quote name='Tarcisius' post='961644' date='Apr 26 2006, 01:55 PM']
Lord have mercy.

Never did I say, do not vote, I said do not vote for an evil party. Vote for a third party candidate.

I call someones actions evil if they directly and obviously conflict with the Church. Which both Bush and Kerrys actions do.

Do you own a mirror by any chance?

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Do you own a mirror by any chance? [/quote]

[quote]Calling someone evil because you don't agree with them is not much of an argument.[/quote]

hahahahahaha :lol_roll:

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[quote name='hot stuff' post='961555' date='Apr 26 2006, 09:42 AM']

I could have SWORN you've said on multiple occassions that political threads shouldn't be posted.

Wait on second thought, I think it was Akalyte.
My bad

i just got tired of all the ignorance and free for alls yall were having on here. I had to say something.

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Let's let this thread drop and debate something that matters more.

What should we do in Iran, based on what we've experienced with Iraq?

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[quote name='Tarcisius' post='961644' date='Apr 26 2006, 10:55 AM']
Lord have mercy.

Never did I say, do not vote, I said do not vote for an evil party. Vote for a third party candidate.

I call someones actions evil if they directly and obviously conflict with the Church. Which both Bush and Kerrys actions do.

What if the third party candidates views are much worse than either the Democratic or Replican candidates views? Should I still vote for a third party candidate? Should I vote at all then? How is that going to help anything? I would rather have a presidential candidate who stands up for what is right. Bush did just that. Yes, we are at war, but there is a reason (despite the number of people who died). Also, those who are fighting in the war in Iraq volunteered because they know that the only way that those people are ever going to have a good life is if we give the government back to them, which means getting rid of Sadaam Hussein; which we accomplished. There is a reason why we are fighting this war. I will agree that things weren't handled in the best way, but Bush is doing the best that he can. I hope you can one day recognize that.

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it is not easy to be president true, but one could say others have done better.

that's the point.

he's not evil, he's just dumb and NOT the right guy for the job.

changing horses in the middle of the stream would have been better. i don't think i should be forced to consent to murder and the lack of control of American soliders in iraq (another site found with evidence Iraqui prisoners had been tortured almost to the point of death- oh but that's okay cuz we can do that in gitmo too) because the president has a hard job.

why can't the repubs or dems find anyone worthwhile? goodness somedays i just think if those dems could find a candidate that was prolife, they'd really have something going for them.

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To be fair, it is equally disturbing to hear people scream the virtues of Bush as if he were some uberpresident as it is to hear those who complain as if he were Satan's handmaid. The last major terrorist attack on America, Pearl Harbor, was far worse in the damage it did to the US, and Franklin D. Roosevelt took to action in a way that not only the whole world supported, but the whole world supported with the same enthusiasm he had put forth. FDR is an uber president. Bush is somewhere between mediocre to second rate.If you choose to speak about the pressures of the presidency, then I care to submit that those pressures have come with every age and to every president. I care to submit the names of JFK and Ronald Reagen, who had quite a fun time with the Cold War, a much more serious threat to the US than terrorists.

God bless,

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[quote name='Tarcisius' post='961481' date='Apr 26 2006, 09:58 AM']
I do not hate Bush, But I hate his sins, I hate what he stands for, I hate his evil actions.

I hope that i am somehow wrong but by all evidence that i have seen he is a satanist working for people more evil and more powerful than him.

It still amazes me the lack of knowledge that people who say they hate him, have of him.

Bush has done a great job. He was much better than Clinton. He is honest and has integrity.

There were WMD's. The war was just according to the Catechism. Michael Moore totally lied in his movie.

It should speak volumes to people who claim to be Catholic when the media and hollywood distorts the truth to the point of lying about Bush.




Bush is the best president a lot of people here have known, if they think otherwise then they have been dooped by the lies of the media and crooked dems in the senate.

Also... don't be so stupid in regards to your faith... LEARN PROPORTIONAL REASONING!


[b]Human Life is the first priority.[/b]

[b]Moral Priorities for Public Life (in order):
1) Protecting Human Life[/b]
"Abortion and euthanasia have become preeminent threats to human life and dignity because they directly attack life itself, the most fundamental good and the condition for all others".28 Abortion, the deliberate killing of a human being before birth, is never morally acceptable

[b]2) Promoting Family Life[/b]
God established the family as the basic cell of human society. Therefore, we must strive to make the needs and concerns of families a central national priority. Marriage must be protected as a lifelong commitment between a man and a woman and our laws should reflect this principle.

[b]3) Pursuing Social Justice[/b]

[b]4) Practicing Global Solidarity[/b]


Today's democratic societies . . . call for new and fuller forms of participation in public life by Christian and non-Christian citizens alike. Indeed, all can contribute, by voting in elections for lawmakers and government officials, and in other ways as well, to the development of political solutions and legislative choices which, in their opinion, will benefit the common good.5 In the Catholic tradition, responsible citizenship is a virtue; participation in the political process is a moral obligation. All believers are called to faithful citizenship, to become informed, active, and responsible participants in the political process. As we have said, "We encourage all citizens, particularly Catholics, to embrace their citizenship not merely as a duty and privilege, but as an opportunity meaningfully to participate [more fully] in building the culture of life. Every voice matters in the public forum. Every vote counts. Every act of responsible citizenship is an exercise of significant individual power ."6 Even those who are not citizens are called to participate in the debates which shape our common life.

Life and Dignity of the Human Person
Every human person is created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, each person's life and dignity must be respected, whether that person is an innocent unborn child in a mother's womb, whether that person worked in the World Trade Center or a market in Baghdad, or even whether that person is a convicted criminal on death row. We believe that every human life is sacred from conception to natural death, that people are more important than things, and that the measure of every institution is whether it protects and respects the life and dignity of the human person. As the recent Vatican statement points out, "The Church recognizes that while democracy is the best expression of the direct participation of citizens in political choices, it succeeds only to the extent that it is based on a correct understanding of the human person. Catholic involvement in political life cannot compromise on this principle."17

Bush was the ONLY one with a chance of winning the presidency that met this MUST of the Catholic Faith.

NO ONE in the demo party that will be running for president will meet the above criteria.

The above priorities are Catholic Prioriities. War is sometimes just and all criteria were met. Abortion is NEVER just. Same sex marriages and unions ARE NEVER just. These two reasons alone make it a sin to vote for anyone who supports them.

It's time to get educated and think for yourself. I'm sure some of you here had lefto pinko commie teachers that had an influence on you... DO NOT base your opinion on UNANSWERED questions... find the answers, don't be so lazy... Listen to all sides and try to find transcripts or full videos to see for yourself.

Bits and pieces of videos or transcripts are taken out of context repeatedly by the media and lefto commies.

What happens when someone learns to think for themselves and starts to get the facts????

See for yourself...

Please don't be lazy, listen to all sides and get the facts... only listening to the media and the lefto wackos is like only listening to Jack Chick.

God Bless,

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You know, I wasn't impressed by those threads the FIRST time around. Of course, I'm not a devout follower of the Ironmonk School of Logic but from the outside it looks a lot like making claims endorsed only by media fringe groups, accusing anyone who doesn't take you seriously of "not thinking" or something like that, posting new threads with some combination of these claims and then promptly ignoring them once they've trainwrecked, then later pointing to those exact threads as proof of intellectual high ground. Bill O'Reilly, for instance, is hailed far and wide for being the knee-jerkiest of the conservative knee-jerks, and even he apologized (albeit as insincerely as you could hope for) on account of his WMD claims. Maybe he thought "integrity" was an issue.

My main beef with the Ironmonk approach is that when claiming that anyone who doesn't agree with you isn't thinking, you lead by example with a mental process saying "I think I'll ignore this hole in my thinking" or "I think this contradictory evidence to my claims doesn't merit a response, because, uhh... HERE'S A LINK TO SOMETHING ELSE."

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I don't feel like posting a long-winded explaination of my political philosophy and I think you guys already know anyway. However, I will say this: I don't hate the man personally; that would be ridiculous. I do however hate almost everything he has done to this country, and almost everything he stands for.

That's how I feel and I don't think that I should have to suffer the scorn of my peers for that view.

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[quote name='MichaelFilo' post='962158' date='Apr 26 2006, 07:35 PM']
To be fair, it is equally disturbing to hear people scream the virtues of Bush as if he were some uberpresident as it is to hear those who complain as if he were Satan's handmaid. The last major terrorist attack on America, Pearl Harbor, was far worse in the damage it did to the US, and Franklin D. Roosevelt took to action in a way that not only the whole world supported, but the whole world supported with the same enthusiasm he had put forth. FDR is an uber president. Bush is somewhere between mediocre to second rate.If you choose to speak about the pressures of the presidency, then I care to submit that those pressures have come with every age and to every president. I care to submit the names of JFK and Ronald Reagen, who had quite a fun time with the Cold War, a much more serious threat to the US than terrorists.

God bless,

Point of information:
When Pearl Harbor was attacked the whole rest of the world was already at war and we were the ones who were not at war. There had been considerable pressure on the US to get involved in WW2 but Roosevelt refused. WW1 had been a heavy burden on our country and we were still trying to be isolationist. "The rest of the world" supported the decission but they were either they were losing ex. France, UK, Russia or they were tired of us sending supplies to their enemies ie Germany, Japan, Italy. Citing FDRs ability to get other countries support is not good evidence. It in itself did not show strong leadership. Remember many Americans had already crossed the border to fight with the Canadian and British forces.

My personal opinion is that it takes much more courage to stand for what you know is right when the rest of the world is not with you. Also , my opinion, I liked the rest of your post. Both JFK and Reagan did a great job in the Cold War.

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