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hatred for bush..

MC Just

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He is one hated man. Even by people who are not suppose to be hating. Bush isnt perfect, but I am glad he is in office and not Kerry. At least Bush has respect for Catholics, he has more respect for Catholics then Kerry does. He's installing Catholic pro-life justices, he says nothing but good about us.. Bush has been called the worst terrorist in human history. This is not possible and is very ignorant. yall are always criticizing the war in Iraq, are you omnipotent? Do you know everything? Do you know what its like to be president of USA? Do you know what its like to have to defend the country from terrorist muslim nations? Unless you do, I'll advise you to shut your pie holes. He has one hard responsibility. JP II condemned the war, but then said because we are so far into it we must finish. I remember that. Dont be a part of the liberal agenda.

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I do not hate Bush, But I hate his sins, I hate what he stands for, I hate his evil actions.

I hope that i am somehow wrong but by all evidence that i have seen he is a satanist working for people more evil and more powerful than him.

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[i]Do you know what its like to be president of USA? Do you know what its like to have to defend the country from terrorist muslim nations?[/i]

And yet his vacation time is staggeringly greater than a president who had to fight off both Nazis AND polio. The Great Depression wasn't nice to him either.


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I give Bush the benefit of the doubt, same as I gave Clinton. Both are imperfect men, but neither are truely evil pursuing evil goals, even when I disagree with them.

Vacation? Do you think the President goes on the same type of vacation you or I would? No phones, no e-mail, no confrence calls, no reading reports? Maybe during WWII and the Great Depression they couldn't tele-commute?

Aren't Christians supposed to assume good intent unless proven otherwise?

So the 'phishy' guy doesn't like the thread and it must be locked? What's up with that?

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I think it's a good idea for the President to divide his time between Washington and Crawford...security wise.

President Bush has done what he feels is appropriate. No politician is perfect, but some are a sight better than others.

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I could have SWORN you've said on multiple occassions that political threads shouldn't be posted.

Wait on second thought, I think it was Akalyte.

My bad

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[quote name='Tarcisius' post='961481' date='Apr 26 2006, 09:58 AM']
I do not hate Bush, But I hate his sins, I hate what he stands for, I hate his evil actions.

I hope that i am somehow wrong but by all evidence that i have seen he is a satanist working for people more evil and more powerful than him.

Last I checked we are supposed to hate all sin, but not the individual sinner. Are you qualified to decide his actions are evil or sinful?

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Brother Adam

[quote name='Tarcisius' post='961481' date='Apr 26 2006, 11:58 AM']
I do not hate Bush, But I hate his sins, I hate what he stands for, I hate his evil actions.

I hope that i am somehow wrong but by all evidence that i have seen he is a satanist working for people more evil and more powerful than him.

There is a philosophy book called "On bullsh*t". I wonder if it applies here.

Edited by Brother Adam
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Is war evil?

Serious question here, which is evil, war or peace at all costs?

Or is it a degree of evil?

I have seen war, have you?

I reserve my judgement on war. It is far more complicated than many believe it to be.

Red Knight

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Yes, we are all given the ability to use logic and reason. I think it was even your own Cam42 when talking about the sspxers who said that in cases of obvious sin etc it is ones duty to correct them.

Bush is skull and bones, bush has attended the bohemian gove cerimonies in which "mock" human sacrifices are made to an owl god. Under the bush administration millions have been donated to planned parenthood, your rights have been reduced to nothing, innocent children have been killed, the economy has crashed, liberal and modern attitudes are at an all time high.

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[quote name='Tarcisius' post='961581' date='Apr 26 2006, 09:02 AM']
Yes, we are all given the ability to use logic and reason. I think it was even your own Cam42 when talking about the sspxers who said that in cases of obvious sin etc it is ones duty to correct them.

Bush is skull and bones, bush has attended the bohemian gove cerimonies in which "mock" human sacrifices are made to an owl god. Under the bush administration millions have been donated to planned parenthood, your rights have been reduced to nothing, innocent children have been killed, the economy has crashed, liberal and modern attitudes are at an all time high.
[/quote]1.- Do you think more or less $$ would have been donated to planned parenthood with President Kerry instead of Owl Bishop Bush?
2- We have no rights now? Like what?
3- How do you think more innocent children would have survived under President Kerry? (Please refer to your answer to #1 above)
4- The economy has crashed? That's news to me and the low unemployment rate. Please explain.
5- Which liberal and modern attitudes have increased under Owl Bishop Bush as the result of Owl Bishop Bush that would not have increased under President Kerry?

Please help me out. I'm emotional, sarcastic, bitter, and a little high-strung. :sweat: I may benefit from your logic and reason...

Edited by jasJis
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i dont have the time right this second to go step by step why it would be about the same if kerry were in office. I just want to say that your missing the entire point. BUSH AND KERRY ARE EVIL, they are one in the same, republicrats, There is no choice, Vote for neither party.

why do give support to someone just because he is "less evil" thats lik supporting a demon because hes not the devil.

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[quote name='Tarcisius' post='961621' date='Apr 26 2006, 11:33 AM']
i dont have the time right this second to go step by step why it would be about the same if kerry were in office. I just want to say that your missing the entire point. BUSH AND KERRY ARE EVIL, they are one in the same, republicrats, There is no choice, Vote for neither party.

why do give support to someone just because he is "less evil" thats lik supporting a demon because hes not the devil.

If you don't vote, you have absolutely NO right to complain about the government.
So you are going to go be a hermit in some desert?
So the answer is to stick our heads under the sand like an osterich, or actually live in the real world?

Calling someone evil because you don't agree with them is not much of an argument.

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Lord have mercy.

Never did I say, do not vote, I said do not vote for an evil party. Vote for a third party candidate.

I call someones actions evil if they directly and obviously conflict with the Church. Which both Bush and Kerrys actions do.

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