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10 things about you


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1) I fear for my finals
2) I work for the next 7 days
3) I am mad at my College for sending me registration stuff, but not my housing
4) Someone I am close too is leaving for Europe for 2 months and it is kind of sad for me
5) I am thinking that some people are ridiculous
6) My breaks in my car are getting bad and I am mad because my sister is driving it now for her training.
7) I have listened to the same song for 2 hours now because it is stuck in my head
8) I slept all afternoon and I am not tired.
9) I wish I can talk to someone right now
10) I miss the good ol' days.

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! I owned tom in halo dos like 45 times
@ I have red hair
# my dog is retarded (like tom :hehehe: )
$ i am in a relationship
% I am excitted about the last NET
^ I hope bobs comes home
& I love :coagulated milk:
* I don't like this
) I am thinking why i didn't use numbers

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a. i have brown hair
b. i love photography.
c. I hate algebra.
d. I'm wondering why I didn't use numbers.
e. i love drawing.
f. I pop my wrists all the time.
g. I like chocolate bunnies.
h. I love music.
i. writting and listening.
j. I love rough sports.

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Ten) i like choclate
Nine) Boys have cooties
Eight) I'm sick because i got boy cooties
Seven) I live in TX Which has alot of boy cooties
Six) I'm single because all boys have cooties
Five) My kittens had kittens
Four) I'm sitting in the Kitchen with all the food
Three) I'm hungry because i'm to lazy to go get my own food
Two) This is boring
One) I'm finally done

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[quote name='Proud2BCatholic139' post='964701' date='Apr 28 2006, 09:13 PM']
He is a male. Proof is on the RC thread and in his profile is a picture and then it leads to a link, yeah, he said he would date me if we lived in the same town. So, I am pretty sure he is a male.
the pic in my profile leads to a link? oh and yes im a dude so no rugs for me.

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One.) two three!
Two.) I have nothing left to write
Three.) I'm really bored
Four.) duh. Or I wouldn't be filling this out AGAIN
Five.) I have a rap song in my head.
Six.) I want to turn that light out its hurting my eyes
Seven.) I turned the light out
Eight.) :evil:
Nine.) Darkness... mwhahaa
Ten.) It's over!!

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1) I am the master of halo2
2) I just watched 'collateral'
3) I am listening to 'no remorse' by metallica
4) I sleep alot
5) I work alot
6) I do school alot
7) the last 3 are what my life consists of
8) north dakota is cold
9) so is minnesota
10) and I like age of empires, in which no one can beat me

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1) I work full time and it is fun
2) I got a new job along with my old one and that should be fun
3) I am seeing an old friend soon and that should be fun
4) I am feeling a bit defensive lately
5) I am peeved with ignorance some people have on here
6) I am happy that today is Wednesday
7) I can't wait until I climb the bluffs.
8) I like to skip rocks in the water
9) I don't like to wear sandles too much
10) I love ultimate frisbee

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z) my name is Bonnie Mae [mod]don't do that, please[/mod]
y) I'm a freshman in high school
x) I have one sister
w) I have alot of brothers
v) I'm listening to Greenbay and Metalica
u) I act, sing, dance, party!
t) I read about the evils of drink so i gave up reading
s) I going to go to CHIC
r) I love batman
q) do i have ten yet ........one, two....five....seven...yeah i do

Edited by homeschoolmom
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Ora et Labora

[quote name='BonnieLass' post='968492' date='May 2 2006, 12:40 PM']
Ten) i like choclate
Nine) Boys have cooties
Eight) I'm sick because i got boy cooties
Seven) I live in TX Which has alot of boy cooties
Six) I'm single because all boys have cooties
Five) My kittens had kittens
Four) I'm sitting in the Kitchen with all the food
Three) I'm hungry because i'm to lazy to go get my own food
Two) This is boring
One) I'm finally done

what boy got you cooties?! :lol:

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[quote name='Ora et Labora' post='971241' date='May 4 2006, 01:02 PM']
what boy got you cooties?! :lol:

the one from the theatre!!!!! :sadder: i still got them too

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Ora et Labora

1. My name is Kristina Michelle Elizabeth Marie [mod]don't do that, please[/mod] (confirmation names included.) lol
2. I have two sisters
3. I have 3 brothers all younger *weep*
4. I love chocolate
5. I am a Literature fanatic
6. I am reading Eldest and I LOVE it!!!
7. I have blue eyes
8. I love to sing and take voice lessons as well as piano
9. I love fairy tales and any sort of fantasy
10. I live in TX the awesomest state ever. lol

Yeah, thats me.

Edited by homeschoolmom
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[quote name='heavenseeker' post='968550' date='May 2 2006, 01:47 PM']
the pic in my profile leads to a link? oh and yes im a dude so no rugs for me.

Dude...I thought you were a chick! Sorry! :ninja:

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duh Kristina of course TX is the awesomest state ever!!
Bonnie I thought you were a sophmore?

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