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Question for you guys


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Okay, this is a stupid question that with a little thought on my part I could probably figure out for myself, but what can I say... anyway

My vocation story in a nut shell: I have thought about whether or not I have a vocation to become a nun for many years now and more or less came to the conclusion that I don't, however, I'm probably to young to have come to any definate conclusion and I'm open to anything. Recently, a priest, when I was in confession, told me that he thought I might have a vocation and asked me if I had ever considered being a nun. So that kinda made me revisit the question.

So,anyway... I recently found out that the Benedictine nuns that are located very close to where I live are having a retreat in July for women discerning a vocation. It sounds pretty cool. Should I go? There is one other issue, the description said for people 18-40. I don't turn 18 till November. Should I just ask them to make an exception? I guess it can't hurt to ask, but I worry about stuff like that.

So what do you guys think? Advise me. Phatmass advice is the best.

Thanks folks! :cool:

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Well, considering July-November really isn't that big of a difference (it's not like you're 14 or something, it's just a matter of months) - if you truly feel this could be good for you, I'd ask. No hurt in asking. Pray it over, see what the Lord says. ^_^

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Come and see!

There's no harm in asking. Why don't you write to the nuns, give a potted version of your story (just a para or so - much like what you've written here) and ask if you might be able to attend, even though you'll be a few months shy of eighteen? If you go and it's not for you, then you won't have lost anything. On the contrary, you'll probably gain much from the weekend itself that may deepen your prayer life, whatever plans God has in store for you.

You could also consider talking it over with the priest who mentioned it to you. That he asked you about it in the first place seems to me to be an indicator that he'd be happy to help you in any way he could.

Above all, pray. It's by prayer that our heart can become and remain open to God's still, small voice. He won't abandon you, but rather bring you to a conviction of who He wants you to be. So keep praying! :sign:

Love and prayers,


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Puella gives sage advice.

I find it intriguing that a priest, during confession, suggested you might have a vocation. During confession the priest is acting in Persona Christi and as such, more than ever, what he says should be given a lot of consideration.

A retreat with the Benedictines would be great. I say go for it.

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I say it couldn't hurt to ask. You would only be a few months shy of 18, right?

May I ask, would that be the Benedictine nuns in Latrobe PA?

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I just noticed that the Benedictine nuns I mentioned in an earlier post are having a vocations day of recollection on Sunday May 7, with an opportunity to meet and talk with one of the community if you wish. Is that something you might want to do as well?

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[quote name='stlmom' post='957792' date='Apr 23 2006, 05:50 AM']
I say it couldn't hurt to ask. You would only be a few months shy of 18, right?

May I ask, would that be the Benedictine nuns in Latrobe PA?

Yep those are the ones. I don't know what they are doing on May 7th, I just heard about the thing in July. How are you familiar with them?

And yes I am only a few months shy of 18.

Thanks for the advice, you guys are smart. :)

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I was raised in western PA, part of the diocese of Greensburg. Going to a Catholic school back in the day, we would read about the sisters in our diocesan newspaper. I don't have direct connection with the sisters now that I've been a midwesterner for 25+ years, but I enjoy reading the nuns newsletters online. I am attracted to Benedictinism as it applies to ordinary and regular people as well as in monastic life. Keep us informed if you decide to go to any of their vocation recollection/discernment functions. It is exciting to see St. Emma's having a rebirth of new vocations in the last 10 years!

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[quote name='stlmom' post='958162' date='Apr 23 2006, 10:46 PM']
I was raised in western PA, part of the diocese of Greensburg. Going to a Catholic school back in the day, we would read about the sisters in our diocesan newspaper. I don't have direct connection with the sisters now that I've been a midwesterner for 25+ years, but I enjoy reading the nuns newsletters online. I am attracted to Benedictinism as it applies to ordinary and regular people as well as in monastic life. Keep us informed if you decide to go to any of their vocation recollection/discernment functions. It is exciting to see St. Emma's having a rebirth of new vocations in the last 10 years!

Ah, so St. Emma's is the Latrobe, PA monastery? *PP makes a mental note*

Yes, do let us know how it goes! The Benedictines are making a comeback on PM :P: :ninja: :sign:

Love and prayers,


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[quote name='zwergel88' post='957618' date='Apr 22 2006, 10:27 PM']
Okay, this is a stupid question that with a little thought on my part I could probably figure out for myself, but what can I say... anyway

My vocation story in a nut shell: I have thought about whether or not I have a vocation to become a nun for many years now and more or less came to the conclusion that I don't, however, I'm probably to young to have come to any definate conclusion and I'm open to anything. Recently, a priest, when I was in confession, told me that he thought I might have a vocation and asked me if I had ever considered being a nun. So that kinda made me revisit the question.

So,anyway... I recently found out that the Benedictine nuns that are located very close to where I live are having a retreat in July for women discerning a vocation. It sounds pretty cool. Should I go? There is one other issue, the description said for people 18-40. I don't turn 18 till November. Should I just ask them to make an exception? I guess it can't hurt to ask, but I worry about stuff like that.

So what do you guys think? Advise me. Phatmass advice is the best.

Thanks folks! :cool:


I think asking them to make an exception is a great idea. You never know until you ask. Who knows what the Lord has in store for you!

Ask, and it shall be given to you. Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened to you.
(Matthew 7:7)

I can't imagine what journey I would be on had I not asked the Daughters of St. Paul to allow me to discern with them even though I am right at their age limit!

I'd still be searching probably or worse yet, given up!

And the fact that the Priest said for you to look into religious life says something right there that it is from God. You will know you did the right thing if you feel immense peace with your decision, that is the true work of the Holy Spirit, allow yourself to be open to that!

Lauren :)

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Definitely ask for the exception! There is no harm in asking if they would be able to let you visit with them. I'm sure that the sisters would be enthused to meet you. I mean I think it was St. Therese who knew she wanted to be a nun at about 14 and even went to the Pope to ask for an exception. I know you aren't asking for that big of a step yet but it's still worth a shot.

God bless-

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GO GO GO!!!!!! (Ok, pray about it first, but I hope you call them!) I've been on retreat there at St Emma's & they have a really neat community...I actually thought about joining them once...but I think God wants me elsewhere...They are semi-cloistered & have the neatest tabernacle in the shape of a dove in their Eucharistic Chapel...You get 1 week a year for retreat & 1 for vacation & family can come once a month for dinner (at least I think this is what one of the sisters told me!) You'll have to let us know if you decide to go...I agree with everyone up above about the priest's comments...Very good!


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How's it going,
Check out this trailer [url="http://grassrootsfilms.com/clip/trailer_fishersofmen_medium.html"]http://grassrootsfilms.com/clip/trailer_fi...men_medium.html[/url] of this production we made called"Fisher Of Men". I know your question was about being a nunMaybe this will help you out.Watch the trailer and really think about your yes to his call.I hope it helps you out in anyway

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I have a friend who joined the Benedictines at St. Emma's, she is happy there and they are a good order. I also know they have beautiful retreats there as some of my friends go. I would like to make it to one but have to get one that my schedule will allow for. There is no harm in visiting, I say if you are interested, check it out.

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