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Dominican Missionaries for the "DEAF"


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ASL Signers, and Interperters!!!!!!! I present to you the Dominican Missionaries
for the Deaf Apostolate!



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Yes I know, and I hapeen to be an ASL'er lol. I'm in ASL II at my High School, I plan to take it on more in the community since it only goes up to ASL II here in the school.

For those who dont know, ASL means; American Sign Language. :)

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[quote name='shortnun' post='957460' date='Apr 22 2006, 09:06 PM']
They wear black scapulars... interesting. I wonder about the history of their founding.

They're legit, I can tell you that much. Their founder is on our private "Founders Forum" yahoo group.


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[quote name='shortnun' post='957460' date='Apr 22 2006, 08:06 PM']
They wear black scapulars... interesting. I wonder about the history of their founding.
[quote name='Gemma' post='957806' date='Apr 23 2006, 08:17 AM']
They're legit, I can tell you that much. Their founder is on our private "Founders Forum" yahoo group.

Oh I don't doubt that they're not legit (grr, double negative). I was intrigued by their black scapulars as the Dominican habit is usually all white, with black cappas. (The exception here being the Dominican women with black veils.) And I wondered about their history b/c they don't look very old. Meaning that this is a wonderful development in recent history. Then I saw that they're in California--Western Province--which may explain why I've never heard of them. Not that I should have heard about them necessarily, but I go to school with the Central Province student brothers and grew up in the Eastern and Southern Provinces. And I like Dominicans, and have done ministry with persons with disabilities. And this community is such a wonderful blend of two of my loves!

[quote name='AlterDominicus' post='957849' date='Apr 23 2006, 09:58 AM']
I think its awesome. See I know I've seen priest sign masses, its the coolest thing ever!!!! :woot:
I've seen dozens of Masses signed, but never by the priest. That is AWESOME!!!

Edited by shortnun
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Until Vatican II, Dominican brothers wore black scapulars- St. Martin DePorres is a well-known Dominican brother.

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[quote name='brendan1104' post='959170' date='Apr 24 2006, 01:41 PM']
Until Vatican II, Dominican brothers wore black scapulars- St. Martin DePorres is a well-known Dominican brother.
You know, that makes sense now (the reference to St. Martin and all). Thanks for filling in the blanks for me Brendan!

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  • 4 months later...

Amy Welborn ([b][url="http://amywelborn.typepad.com/"]her blog "Open Book"[/url][/b]) posted a link about this community today:

[b][url="http://amywelborn.typepad.com/openbook/2006/09/in_the_silence.html"]Her link "In the silence"[/url][/b]

[b][url="http://www.cathnews.com/news/609/15.php"]Catholic News article about brothers taking vows[/url][/b]


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That is awesome, I still sign even though I've been out of school and ASL for a while - this year I am taking Spanish I and ONLY Spanish I lol.

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