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I have a lot of the time, sometimes I'll act it out in my bedroom. I know my name, my apostolate and where, its really quite dreamy.

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The thought has come to mind. I think it arose out of a struggle in my discernment (mainly that there is a call to married/religious life and there is a call to a person/community). And I was/am struggling with the specific community part of that discernment.

Anywhoodle, my spiritual director was helpful in letting me constructively vent my frustrations. So I don't really know if it's a thought that still comes to mind frequently.

I know a woman who has long felt called to found a community. She (admittedly) has put it off for years, but it's coming back to haunt her (in a good way, of course). Please pray for her and her discernment.

MC IMaGiNaZUN, seeing as you asked the question, have you ever though of it?

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I'm gonna go out on a limb here and show my dorky self......Yea, I've thought about my own religious order. When I spent a semester in Scotland I saw how desperately they needed religious life. I had the idea to start my own order, the Sisters of St. Margret of Scotland or the Sisters of Our Lady of the Highlands. They would minister to the Catholics in Scottish cities and also the remote areas of the highlands. Their habits would be white and the sisters would wear a tartan ribbon with a medal of Our Lady. Yea, I know.......I'm a huge dork....but hey a girl can dream......

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It's been suggested to me by a couple of people and I've thought about it in both serious and flippant ways - over a glass of port with a friend as undergraduates. She and I were going to take over our university, turn the main building into a convent, and the university would become Catholic. For some bizarre reason we agreed on purple habits. :idontknow: :D:

On the more serious side of things, a priest and a monk have separately suggested it to me. The former used a mutual friend as an example - Sr. Roseanne of the Sisters of the Gospel of Life (like the Sisters of Life, but in Glasgow in Scotland) who with a few companions and a wonderfully supportive bishop has established a new congregation dedicated to helping women suffering from or threatened with abortion. The latter said that I was too lively for contemplative life - which I find quite interesting since some Carmelites I used to know said that I absolutely wasn't too lively - and that it was often the livelier novs who made it through to final profession!

At the moment it's not uppermost in my mind. I don't want to reinvent the wheel.

Love and prayers,


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My Yahoo ID is "Foundress2003" for a reason.

We've got one gentleman and seven lady aspirants for the Monks and Nuns of Our Lady of the Cloister. My next step is to get the proposal together. The aspirants are not living together yet. One is from the Philippines and another from the UK.

Check here: [url="http://cloisters.tripod.com/id61.html"]SOLC Foundations[/url]

I also own a private, by-invitation-only Yahoo group called "Founders Forum." We have about 10 members right now.

My primary advice is just get everything written down--founders are given everything at the beginning, so get it all written down. If you can draw, or know an artist, get them to sketch the habit.

Next get a good, orthodox spiritual director. Call the Chancery if you need to in order to obtain the list of SDs hand-picked by the bishop.

When you have the first meeting with the SD, expect it to take about an hour and a half, and have your life's story ready to tell. After that, the potential SD will discern whether or not to continue with you.

Some potential SDs will be scared off by the prospect of helping found a religious order. Just keep that in mind. I've had several turn me down on those grounds. :( But, I take it all in stride, and realize that they're not the one for me.

There's also a book available from the Dominican Sisters of Divine Providence in South Amboy, NJ, which deals with the foundation of religious orders. You can email me off-board for the address and phone number of the contact sister.

The Institute on Religious Life will probably be of some help, although my pleas seem to have fallen on deaf ears. It's hard for a married woman to get anything done in the Church--other than take care of her husband and raise kids. If Conchita founded the Work of the Cross, why can't I do this? :scratchhead:

On this Divine Mercy Sunday, may we all receive the help we need.

[url="http://cloisters.tripod.com/"]Society of Our Lady of the Cloister[/url]
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I've dreamed so much. Haha, my friend wants it here in Minnesota, I want it in Austria. The name is like, Domincian Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist. "The Dominican Sisters of the Eucharist; Lord Jesus Christ" or I was thinking of maybe a name with Dominic in it. And we would add our own touch to the habits. Minister in things needed, deaf apostolate, teaching, praying, you name it.

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[quote name='AlterDominicus' post='957807' date='Apr 23 2006, 09:26 AM']
I've dreamed so much. Haha, my friend wants it here in Minnesota, I want it in Austria. The name is like, Domincian Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist. "The Dominican Sisters of the Eucharist; Lord Jesus Christ" or I was thinking of maybe a name with Dominic in it. And we would add our own touch to the habits. Minister in things needed, deaf apostolate, teaching, praying, you name it.

Google Dominican communities' names. (aka "doing your homework").

"Personal touch" to the habit--an expression of the charism coming through.

Start in MN--eventually make a foundation in Austria. I can see the inspiration for both sites being legit.

"Dominican Sisters of the Eucharistic Jesus?"

We need "go where you're needed; do what's needed" communities terribly these days--esp those that wear the witness of the habit.


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After I enter my community we'll see what God has in store for me, I doubt its founding a new order lol. But I can always dream. lol

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[quote name='puellapaschalis' post='957751' date='Apr 23 2006, 01:27 AM']
It's been suggested to me by a couple of people and I've thought about it in both serious and flippant ways - over a glass of port with a friend as undergraduates. She and I were going to take over our university, turn the main building into a convent, and the university would become Catholic. For some bizarre reason we agreed on purple habits. :idontknow: :D:

On the more serious side of things, a priest and a monk have separately suggested it to me. The former used a mutual friend as an example - Sr. Roseanne of the Sisters of the Gospel of Life (like the Sisters of Life, but in Glasgow in Scotland) who with a few companions and a wonderfully supportive bishop has established a new congregation dedicated to helping women suffering from or threatened with abortion. The latter said that I was too lively for contemplative life - which I find quite interesting since some Carmelites I used to know said that I absolutely wasn't too lively - and that it was often the livelier novs who made it through to final profession!

At the moment it's not uppermost in my mind. I don't want to reinvent the wheel.

Love and prayers,


I don't see anything wrong with benchmarking the buildings for a future convent/college campus. You could lead a reform of the Religious of the Assumption. They wore purple. Why? The priest who assisted the foundress (only to abandon her) had a vision of a new order which wore purple for penance and white for purity. The RAs wore purple tunics with large white cross over the heart; white cord cincture; white wimple and veil; and white cappa with purple cross on the left side.

I hadn't heard of the Sisters of the Gospel of Life. Do they have a website? I am friends with Sr. Diane Carollo, foundress of the Servants of the Gospel of Life in Indy. The SOLC will be founding the Sisters of the Holy Innocents and St. Gianna Molla. I'd like the Scotch order's website so I can add it to our Pro-Life Communities page of our website. [url="http://cloisters.tripod.com/id17.html"]Pro-Life Religious Communities[/url]


[quote name='AlterDominicus' post='957822' date='Apr 23 2006, 10:16 AM']
After I enter my community we'll see what God has in store for me, I doubt its founding a new order lol. But I can always dream. lol

He may be sending you there for 'basic training.'

Never know until you try.


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Well, to be honest. No, I havent really...

I know this sounds strange, and I've not really spoken openly about this....I've though about this alot and I know that married life is not for me. Initially I though religious life, but I realise now that its also not for me.

So I'd like to life in sircular society as a single person and to be the best Catholic I can be. There are people like me, and I think there might be a kind of lay order for us :) Anyhow, I know it sounds silly...

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[quote name='Peccator' post='957825' date='Apr 23 2006, 10:23 AM']
Well, to be honest. No, I havent really...

I know this sounds strange, and I've not really spoken openly about this....I've though about this alot and I know that married life is not for me. Initially I though religious life, but I realise now that its also not for me.

So I'd like to life in sircular society as a single person and to be the best Catholic I can be. There are people like me, and I think there might be a kind of lay order for us :) Anyhow, I know it sounds silly...

Consecrated virgin? Secular institute?


[quote name='ThyHolyLove' post='957536' date='Apr 22 2006, 10:29 PM']
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and show my dorky self......Yea, I've thought about my own religious order. When I spent a semester in Scotland I saw how desperately they needed religious life. I had the idea to start my own order, the Sisters of St. Margret of Scotland or the Sisters of Our Lady of the Highlands. They would minister to the Catholics in Scottish cities and also the remote areas of the highlands. Their habits would be white and the sisters would wear a tartan ribbon with a medal of Our Lady. Yea, I know.......I'm a huge dork....but hey a girl can dream......

If anything sounds like a charism that's been mentioned on this board, it's this one.

Keep your dream girl. The Scots need people like you.


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I seriously doubt there is any girl who hasn't, at least for a moment, thought of founding an order. Yes, I am one of them. I planned on so many things when I was younger - I designed my own habit, wrote up an apostolate, and even chose a place to have the convent. LOL! I still think about it . . . Which brings me to a question. Have any of you heard of the Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth? They are a mainly contemplative community with a small youth apostolate. Have any of heard of a similar religious community (non cloisted but very contemplative with a small apostolate?) I would appreciate any help in this. Thank you!

In His Divine Mercy,

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[quote name='Gemma' post='957827' date='Apr 23 2006, 04:26 PM']
Consecrated virgin? Secular institute?

[/quote]I'm a little ignorantt of the terminology. Can you perhaps tell more?

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[quote name='Peccator' post='957829' date='Apr 23 2006, 10:29 AM']
I'm a little ignorantt of the terminology. Can you perhaps tell more?

I'll have to get back to you on this. Family demands attention right now.


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