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outdated dinosaurs and the ice age


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Sadly, negative stereotypes and characterizations of Cavemen continue to persist. You’ve seen them, portrayals of Cavemen as inarticulate and dimwitted. Cartoons showing Cavemen wearing animal skins and carrying think wooden clubs. That was over 300.000 years ago! They are the fathers of modern day tools and weaponry and still you depict them carrying sticks!

Ads continue to run that completely perpetuate a negative stereotype – that Cavemen are unsophisticated simpletons, that they have inferior intelligence. There are slogans like “so easy a caveman can do it.” This couldn’t be more insensitive, offensive, and hurtful.

I hope you join me in my fight for caveman respect. Cavemen are smart, thoughtful, intelligent, cognitive, ambitious, social beings. They may not look like us, but they are just like us.

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

what is the point of this thread?

and what do you mean by cavemen?

do you mean neanderthal man? or another hominid?

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The world is only 6000 years old... I hope this is not a thread supporting "Darwinian evolution" or any of those crackpot story tales that don't deserve to be called theories.

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I'd think you would be a strict creationist, also since you have the first five verses of the Genesis quoted in your sig, but because of your post above, I now think you are not.

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Ge 1:1 In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram
Ge 1:2 terra autem erat inanis et vacua et tenebrae super faciem abyssi et spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas
Ge 1:3 dixitque Deus fiat lux et facta est lux.
Ge 1:4 et vidit Deus lucem quod esset bona et divisit lucem ac tenebras
Ge 1:5 appellavitque lucem diem et tenebras noctem factumque est vespere et mane dies unus

Actually, the above is the first five verses of the Vulgate Genesis.

StThomasMore versus Science and Common Sense: a battle for the ages!

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I didnt specify which Genesis it was from, so I dont see why needed to say "Actually, the above is the first five verses of the Vulgate Genesis". The Vulgate is the most authoritative translation, anyway, so I guess everyone should always quote the Vulgate or a venacular bible translated from the Vulgate.

oh, and by the way, crackpot fairy tales about how men came from dumb beasts are not real science or common sense.

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My guess is that the Traditionalist Ninja's signature is from a Pauline Epistle, which is where I think I remember hearing it, but I'm far from sure. At any rate, if you could sufficiently understand the Latin you'd see that it DOES NOT match up to the first five verses of Genesis. It's not a question of saying the same thing differently, it's saying a totally different thing.

I know that Jasjis has cornered the market on saying "You're young so you have no experience in real matters and don't understand anything", but I seriously thought you were a character for the longest time who thought that absurdist hyperbole was funny. I've never read you make a strong argument for anything, so I highly question your motives for holding those stances of yours. If you think that putting beeswax in your ears to muffle the voice of reason is cute because ignoring science and Vatican II makes you more medieval, then you've got more than a little growing up to do.

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='955725' date='Apr 21 2006, 06:02 AM']
The world is only 6000 years old... I hope this is not a thread supporting "Darwinian evolution" or any of those crackpot story tales that don't deserve to be called theories.
Now now, play nice...The Church has left that an open question.

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StThomasMore, you don't even recognize The Last Gospel? Pay more attention when you go to Latin Mass, sheesh it's said every time. Well, actually it's omitted during this season but it usually is. That's John 1

and I think this thread is more about Auto Insaurance than Genesis anyway ;)

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Cow of Shame

[quote name='thedude' post='956108' date='Apr 21 2006, 11:58 AM']
Some people need to watch more TV...

yep. although, this was a bit more funny than the commercial

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='955615' date='Apr 20 2006, 07:45 PM']
Sadly, negative stereotypes and characterizations of Cavemen continue to persist. You’ve seen them, portrayals of Cavemen as inarticulate and dimwitted. Cartoons showing Cavemen wearing animal skins and carrying think wooden clubs. That was over 300.000 years ago! They are the fathers of modern day tools and weaponry and still you depict them carrying sticks!

Ads continue to run that completely perpetuate a negative stereotype – that Cavemen are unsophisticated simpletons, that they have inferior intelligence. There are slogans like “so easy a caveman can do it.” This couldn’t be more insensitive, offensive, and hurtful.

I hope you join me in my fight for caveman respect. Cavemen are smart, thoughtful, intelligent, cognitive, ambitious, social beings. They may not look like us, but they are just like us.

I like it. Well said and well worded.

And I would tend to agree that comments of the type "even a caveman can do it" are completely uncharitable.

However, one must make the difference between the respect of a caveman and the reality.

Cavemen's achievements are notable indeed and full deserving of respect. They bleed as we do, they fear, they love. They are people too! Reality however, is that cavemen do have a different skill set than ourselves.

Cavemen are stronger, more resilient to their surroundings, are very expressive and I can keep going.
We on the other hand, are more intelligent, articulate, and our smell is generally more pleasing.

Are we better because we are more intelligent? Of course not.
Are the cavemen better because they are stronger? Of course not.

But the reality is the difference cannot be denied.

I look forward to a day when cavemen and modern-day men will ive in mutual respect of each other's dignity as the children of God and all the Truth that implies (which by the way remains the Truth for both of us regardless of our skillset).

Good post Dairy, one of of your best of late for sure. thanks


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