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Present at the Demolition: A Philosopher Remembers and Reminds: An int

Myles Domini

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Myles Domini

[url="http://catholictradition.blogspot.com/2006_04_01_catholictradition_archive.html#114496560365866115"]Present at the Demolition: A Philosopher Remembers and Reminds: An interview with Dr. Alice von Hildebrand[/url]

Thoughts? Responses?

Edited by Myles
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It would be more helpful if you gave a quick synopsis of the article.
It's and interview with Dr. Alice Hildebrande, the wife of Dr. Dietrich Hildebrande. Both are/were Catholic theologians/philosophers. Dietrich is dead, Alice is quite old. The were around pre-Vat II and pre-WW-II.

Basically, Alice cites the opinion of her husband alot and treats it as Gospel. Her stories of his opinion and reaction to certain events is her 'evidence' of what is/was occuring in the Church.
She claims that Communists have been infiltrating the Church since before WW2 and gives some evidence of this conspiracy.
She claims that this Communist influence of moles reaches to Cardinals and is evidenced by the death, torture, and imprisonment of priests sent behind the Iron Curtain in the USSR. (You teens will be baffled by this as you can't comprehend the Iron Curtain.)
She claims that the Satan HATES the Latin Mass as it was the 'perfect complilation and rendering of the Church's teaching and knowledge' (not an exact quote. Read the article.)

I won't offer my opinion at this time. I would like to know if others get the same message as I did.

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She is very balanced. On the one hand she says,

[quote]The devil hates the ancient Mass. He hates it because it is the most perfect reformulation of all the teachings of the Church.[/quote]

but she also says,

[quote]It is one of the fears I have about traditional Catholics. Some flirt with fanaticism. A fanatic is one who considers truth to be his personal possession instead of God's gift. We are the servants of the truth, and it is as servants that we seek to share it.[/quote]

I don't see a lot to debate here, but I'm probably wrong. :)

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I am very concerned that there are "fanatical" Catholics who use the Faith and the truth it proclaims as an intellectual toy. An authentic appropriation of the truth always leads to a striving for holiness. The Faith, in this present crisis, is not an intellectual chess game. For anyone not striving for holiness, that's all it will ever be. Such people do more harm to the Faith, particularly if they are proponents of the traditional Mass.

AVH: The devil hates the ancient Mass. He hates it because it is the most perfect reformulation of all the teachings of the Church. It was my husband who gave me this insight about the Mass. The problem that ushered in the present crisis was not the traditional mass. The problem was that the priests who offered it had already lost the sense of the supernatural and the transcendent. They rushed through the prayers, they mumbled and didn't enunciate them. That is a sign that they had brought to the Mass their growing secularism. The ancient Mass does not abide irreverence, and that was why so many priests were just as happy to see it go.

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