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Women should not wear Pants

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

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[quote name='dUSt' date='Apr 17 2006, 02:39 PM']I don't think women should wear pants. It's never too cold for some Daisy Dukes.

Whenever I see the title of this topic, I think, (1) "Gosh, no pants... kinda racy" and (2) "Ugh, I'd be cold!!"

Maybe, "Women should wear skirts" would be a more accurate title...

Not that I'd agree. :P:

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[quote][quote]I have had guys tell me that they are [b]less[/b] tempted to look at a woman's backside inapropriately if they are in a skirt than if they are in jeans.[/quote]
one could argue that is because men always see women in pants, not being feminine. and then when they do see them being feminine, they are more tempted.

*not that i really believe that, but it's an interesting point*[/quote]

it looks like you are saying that men find it more tempting when women wear skirts and are feminine.

I said that he told me it was more tempting when they wear pants.

did I understand your post right?

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Farsight one

I find it more tempting when women wear skirts, and in fact, in some cases, full length dresses as well. I have a female friend who most often wears pants or loose fitting jeans. Now, I don't LOOK, but sometimes you just glance in a certain direction at the wrong time and you notice things. I impulsively thought that she doesn't seem to have much of a "backside" and then pushed the thought from my mind as quickly as possible. Several weeks later she was wearing a dress for a program she was putting on at school and my passing thought from before sure was proven wrong. I went to the program support my friend, but I almost found myself leaving early because I was becoming too tempted to stare.

Tight jeans sure are innapropriate - in men as well as women. As for loose fitting jeans/pants and skirts - loose fitting jeans/pants reveal the general shape of a woman more. However, a skirt or dress hugs much tighter to the backside. Both manners of clothing can be tempting to a man in their own way. We are not made good Catholics by ridding temptation and running from it at any chance we get, but by having the capacity to resist such temptations. At my college, certain rules of modesty are in place to help people become or remain moral people, but out in the real world, you just don't have control over it. You can't run from the billboard advertising a strip joint that you have to drive by every day on your way to work. You have to deal with it (lest you can afford the money needed to by the advertising space) and resist the temptation. It is THAT that makes one a good christian.

As for women wearing pants to become like men? I happen to be a psychologist and I can tell you that the cardinal's belief of such a thing is horribly unfounded. He is a MAN for one thing, not a woman, and thus does not think like one. Some people are good at looking at a situation through another's eyes. However, I doubt that this cardinal has that ability when it comes to women.

He is a cardinal, and as such spends most of his time with other cardinals and bishops. For the most part, his interaction with women would be little more than a greeting and a blessing. Not nearly enough to get to know the woman well enough to be able to predict her thoughts (some married couples still can't do that). He may know a few women well enough, but a few is not an accurate representation of the whole of women. His belief is simply completely unfounded. Its based on worse assumptions than the beliefs of Sigmund Freud.

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FWIW, some history of pants/trousers.

The first known trousers in history occur on nomadic horse-riding Eurasians... [b]on both the men and the women[/b].

Modern European use of trousers developed slowly, over time, from the hose and doublet that men wore (with some influence from the Church, insisting that men actually cover their privates :rolleyes:). All the various bits got sewn together, and eventually this became something kinda pant-like.

However, the first clothes similar to what we wear nowadays were breeches, worn by working people -- sailors, field hands, etc. They were adopted by everyone during the French Revolution to show unity with the working people. These trousers were so comfortable and useful that eventually all men wore them. However, women didn't work, so there was (generally) no need for them to wear pants.

In the Victorian era women wore pants when they worked in coal mines. Women have frequently worn pants for horseback riding. During WWII, wearing pants in factories became common for women.

Here's the thing: wearing pants IS PRACTICAL. Pants are necessary for going out and working and being active. Society has changed. Women having switched from skirts to pants is not a cause, it's an effect.

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Personally I find it incredibly horrid to vacuum in an evening dress and pearls, but hey if Donna Reed could do it ....

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Well, once you put your ad hominem attacks to the side (that too was an ad hominem attack, who woulda thunk it?) I think we may continue.

My good friend CatholicCrusader, and Amerkich (his brother?) long ago gave a most beautiful defense of the why pants are very much a man thing, and why the fact that women wear them today is nothing more than an extention of a gdner-role destroying ideology.

I think this discussion would be much more productive if we broke down the kind of pants, as in dress pants, jeans, etc. I think Jeans is a pretty easy one, but thats me trying to direct this beast of a thread which is asking EENS to seek psychiatric help, and I haven't even said anything. I believe I'm more at odds with ye neo-conservatives then he is.

God bless,

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Pants on women are a practicality. Personally, as a woman, I can vouch for the fact that me wearing jeans while I'm scrubbing the floor doesn't make me want to be a man.

Besides, I accidently tried to put hubby's jeans ... .simple fact - women can't wear men's pants because they have hips.

My Grandmother was a "Rosie the Rivieter" girl. Should she have not put on pants to make bomb sights? She sure enough slapped on her head covering when she went to Mass every Sunday.

I wish my world was as black and white as some people's views. I think it would be a much easier way of life.

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[quote]I can't wait to have my own kitchen!

Hmm, blueberry or apple??[/quote]

[quote]You're my hero.

<Track scurries back to the kitchen>

[quote]I keep getting told that I need to bake.

Me, bake? huh.gif idontknow.gif[/quote]

[quote]actually I'm taking a break from cooking for my family tonight. but I guess I'm a failure because I haven't baked a pie in over a month....[/quote]

Ahhhh, dignum et iustum Est.

My heart swells with pride. Such a fine group.

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Apr 17 2006, 06:52 PM']Ahhhh, dignum et iustum Est. 

My heart swells with pride.  Such a fine group.
Is that your heart or your waistline? :P:

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Sam, did you know that the Bishop who said the quote about your grandmother doing it also said in the same article, "Similarly Michael Davies is conservative rather than Traditional, he is certainly not 100% behind the Society of St. Pius X, but like Malachi Martin he can reach many a listener closed to the Society, at least for now."

Now that's just strange.

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Apr 17 2006, 07:52 PM']Ahhhh, dignum et iustum Est. 

My heart swells with pride.  Such a fine group.

I hope since you quoted me you're not calling me a girl. :pinch:

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[quote name='qfnol31' date='Apr 17 2006, 08:00 PM']Sam, did you know that the Bishop who said the quote about your grandmother doing it also said in the same article, "Similarly Michael Davies is conservative rather than Traditional, he is certainly not 100% behind the Society of St. Pius X, but like Malachi Martin he can reach many a listener closed to the Society, at least for now."

Now that's just strange.

Oh, and as a girl pointed out, skirts aren't very natural to women...

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[quote name='Bishop Williamson']Hence while donning his emancipatory trousers, she feels uneasy[/quote]

[quote name='Bishop Williamson']You wish to stop abortion? Do it by example. Never wear trousers or shorts. [/quote]


No disrespect intended to the bishop, but I find this hilarious. I think I'm going to have to print his statement out and share it with some friends. God
bless! :lol:

Edited by MilesChristi
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[quote name='qfnol31' date='Apr 17 2006, 10:01 PM']I hope since you quoted me you're not calling me a girl.  :pinch:
If you are not a girl, then you should not be in the kitchen. GET OUT! :shock:

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Apr 17 2006, 08:14 PM']If you are not a girl, then you should not be in the kitchen.  GET OUT! :shock:

Thank you, that's what I said!

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