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Women should not wear Pants

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[quote name='indescribable' date='Apr 17 2006, 11:56 PM']but otherwise i only occasionally bake....

I should like it to be noted that my point about women belonging in the kitchen is the only thing on this thread that is not in dispute.

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Apr 18 2006, 12:09 AM']:ohno:
I should like it to be noted that my point about women belonging in the kitchen is the only thing on this thread that is not in dispute.
oh, would you like me to dispute it? ;) I don't know how to bake, actually...but if you'll teach me, I'll bake you anything you want! :D:

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I like to make my own clothes when I get a good idea or when I find a vintage pattern that is rockin. So I have the June Cleaver type dresses in my wardrobe...fun to wear but man what a pain.

But you know I am not going to agree that in general jeans, slacks or pants are sinful not appropriate on a girl. There are always a few that do not realize how...skanky they look. in too tight or too low jeans....but then again, if I had a nickel for every pair of boxer shorts I saw sticking out of the top of some riddiculously baggy jeans that some punk guy is wearing I would have a much nicer car. Obviously there are line that can be crossed with any cloting that makes it inappropriate, but I do not see any threads on here condeming baggy pants on males or calling for the outlaw of boxer shorts.

My suit has been taylored for me...a woman Not a very curvy woman but a woman none the less....it is not a man's clothing it is a womans clothing, it has femanine detailing and flattering cut for me. If this is inappropriate does this concept apply to men?

For example: doesthis does this argument also apply to men thus making kilts...and artical of clothing that is for all practical purposes a skirt made for specifically for a man, inappropriate for men?

Most pant-like clothing now being marketed for women are specificaly made for women....thus the reason you see things like embroidered flowers on jeans in the women's section. Sometimes it is nice to wear a dress yes, but I simply do not see any reason for it to be innappropriate for a female to wear pants.

Wearing pants does not mean we are trying to be men ...I mean who would want to be a man anyway?

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Since it seems to be alot of guys who are in complete favor of women wearing skirts, I figured I would say what I think from a women's perspective. If it was completely 100% possible, I would be happy to wear skirts all the time. I have done many things in skirts like run around and performing outside chores, but most of the time I do choose to wear jeans instead. Not because I can't wear a skirt to do these activities, but because A. I don't want them to get dirty and B. I'm a victim of our society. It is hard these days for women to find modest and fashionably acceptable skirts. Seeing girls walking across my college campus is an absolutely disgusting sight. I would never wear these tight and short skirts. They make these girls look like a sex symbol. If done correctly, we can embrace our feminine attributes. I guess my biggest reason for being in favor of skirts is for gender roles. I'm a huge believer that we have separate roles as men and women and they shouldn't be crossed. Although I know that many women do choose to work and they do become extremely successful, I am not saying that they have sinned or should be condemned in anyway. I think with the change in wardrobe from skirts and dresses to pants has taken away even more of the differences between men and women.

In terms of the discussion about how women wearing pants leads to abortion and contraception, well in a way it is kind of true (streched, but can be related). Women are continuously finding ways to feel more equal. I am not saying in anyway that every women who wears pants thinks this way, in fact, most do not. But when they were first wearing pants, they did so because they wanted to be reguarded as equal to men, therefore beginning the feminist movement in the simplest forms.

I could probably go on and on forever, but that would only lead to tangents and subjects that are not relevant to this thread.

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I'd like to note... I don't hate women. In fact, I think women are great in theory.

To a more serious note... indeed, I never said this was a matter of sin (clearly, it's not cross dressing, because women's pants and mens pants are indeed tailored differently). It is more of acceptability. It isn't unreasonable.. certainly, it's not in fashion, but it's all in how you carry yourself, you could get away with murder if you don't seem to notice.

Anywho... i'll put this in some reference, men are not to wear their hair long in Church, but my hair isn't really long enough to put up all the way... and i just end up looking like a samurai. Anywho, I put it up anyway.. it looks pretty bad, btu then again, boys arne't to wear their hair long in church. Also, being in fashion, while nice, is a bit frivilous. Rich old St. Francis gave up his garments for sack cloth.. I don't think it'd work for me per se, because I can't find any sack cloth that fits at SEars, but I know someone who only wears white shirts and khaki shorts (cold and hot, he endures it, for suffering is good). Why does he do it? because it is good to remember that money is illusory. Some peole think he's poor, but I know why he does it. Indeed, thats the same with skirts... it's really a matter of doing what is more appropriate.. or better. It's a simple thing, all in all.

I should note... when I say skirt, i mean something past the knees.. which is what is traditonally concidered safe by all nuns who slap little children's hands with rulers.. >.>

Anywho, I still stick with the fact that the origin of it is to destroy the gender barrier (which, like I said, can be easily counteracted by simply being nude), by setting up a false sense of similarity. It'd be nice to fin da girl who can wear a skirt everyday.. and there was this one girl.. she ended up going to a small private school.. she was so cool. Too bad she wasn't Catholic. Anywho, point is, it can be done, realisticly.

God bless,

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