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Flight 93


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[quote name='Desert Walker' date='Apr 14 2006, 08:35 AM']I think 911 was a false flag attack on the American people orchestrated by the American government in order to establish a FINAL, DECISIVE conflict between Islamic culture and Western culture.

Oh, wait... you're serious...

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I love conspiracy theories. They are so fun. I have a couple of friends who are big conspiracy theorists. They keep me up on how we're all being deceived.

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Actually, HSmom remember that dude that just got murdered in minneapolis? (i think it was uptown or something). Anywho supposedly he was a bigshot conspiracy theorist about 9/11. Part of a group that claimed that the planes didn't bring the towers down, it was explosives planted by the government. :ninja:

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I did not know that. :blink:

So, are you saying the government is now cruising Uptown and knocking off anyone who is too vocal about the president's roll in the WTC attacks??

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[quote name='notardillacid' date='Apr 14 2006, 11:13 AM']:censored:[right][snapback]947225[/snapback][/right]


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God's Errand Girl

[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Apr 14 2006, 10:08 AM']Frankly, I'm not too optimistic about this movie. It's going to have to contain great leaps as far as fictionalizing the events-- do we really want that? If I were a widow, I would NOT want my husband to be made into a fictionalized folk hero. Please don't get me wrong-- what those people did was really brave and a great sacrifice to deliberately crash the airplane. If I were a widow, I couldn't watch such a movie. I couldn't listen to the tapes... I just would want to remember my husband aside from the horror of his death.

As for the Passion... no. Bad comparison. Better to compare it to "Pearl Harbor" or something of that nature.

Just a bit of something that pertains to your comments HSMom...
I saw a report on the Today show where all of the family members of those who died on this flight have evidently have come out in support of this movie. The captain's wife was actually interviewed about the movie yesterday morning and seemed to be in support of it as well.

I'm not saying this to attempt to start any debate, just only to share that it relates to your comments.

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I'm sure that they are. I guess I don't really know how I would react in the same situation (and I hope to never, ever find out)... but I know that I am extremely private and would not want anyone tainting my memories of my husband. But that's me...

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Apr 14 2006, 11:22 AM']:shock:
Umm only people under 20 are allowed to change peoples qoutes :lol:

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God's Errand Girl

[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Apr 14 2006, 11:29 AM']I'm sure that they are. I guess I don't really know how I would react in the same situation (and I hope to never, ever find out)... but I know that I am extremely private and would not want anyone tainting my memories of my husband. But that's me...

And I think that I would probably react that way too if my husband were involved.

For some reason, though, quite a few of the family members (i.e. Lisa Beamer) have stepped out to share their story. It almost seems like they feel that they must share their stories and it would be intriguing to know why.

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