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In High School- Live at the Convent?


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[quote name='ruso' date='Apr 15 2006, 04:48 PM']What I want to say is that when i was 14 years old, was manipulated to continue a vocation that I do not have, they were repeating me continuously that was what God wanted of me, when I left this institution with 22 years they threatened me with the eternal condemnation and repeating that i would not be happy (they were wrong).
what that I have not excused yet to them, as to be received so young and manipulate. After that one, I was 8 years without entering in a church.
That's why I understand what Alicemary says on young girls gather with a view to the religious life, although this program of the sisters of martyr St. George seems good.
Denise, I would like to know your opinion about this other with girls of 12 to 17-18 years when they happen to the postulancy, this in Spanish idiom.
Look the images of aspirantados in Peru, Ecuador, Egipto and Argentina.

Ruso, I am sorry you had such a bad experience. I can't imagine that to be the norm. I tried to look on the websites you mentioned, but I couldn't get the english part of the site to download. I apologize, but sometimes those sites don't recognize Apple computers.

Again, please don't look poorly on relgious life based on an experience you had, as was mentioned in another post, it may have only been the community and not the Order at large. God bless you ! I pray you are having a blessed Easter.

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:) Alton's project is based, essentially, on the aspirancy schools which flourished in the 1950s.

We're hoping to bring that back eventually.

We also have a page on our website describing the concept of the St. Gemma and St. BJ Labre Houses. What Alton is doing is basically the same thing.

[URL= [url="http://cloisters.tripod.com/"]http://cloisters.tripod.com/[/url]]Society of Our Lady of the Cloister[/URL]

Just look on the navigation and find the link for the St. Gemma Houses.

The Cloisterites, which I hope will soon be founded by us, will be hosting St. Gemma and St. BJ Labre Houses for discerners. Some of the active orders which we have proposed may also develop aspirancy schools.

I know a lady from PA who attended aspirancy school and later entered the sponsoring convent. She left when the Mass was changed. She enjoyed her experience, though.

My only concern about aspirancy schools is the danger of turning the students into "inmates," or hyping the future convent experience.

As I'm trying to teach our own Cloisterite aspirants, "Pray, never push. You're there to love the discerner, to answer questions, but never to make decisions for them. We try our best to promote a peaceful, prayerful environment where one can engage in contemplative prayer and hear the still small voice within."

Sorry this post is so rambling. A lot going on here.

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