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Playing it safe on Phatmass


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I think that some of us are a little paranoid to share our vocation stories on phatmass now.

Also, I think that we need to be leery on here about who we talk to and what we say. Satan lurks in every corner and some of us are being hurt by people who believe that they have the power to force their will on someone else or other people. This is wrong.

Phatmass should be a place of support for one another on our vocation journey. We shouldn't be attacked by people who are jealous or controlling, these are the works of Satan and surely not God.

It isn't fair to attempt to scandalize someone by trying to ruin their vocation, if in fact they have one is up to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

So, I as well will be a little more leery about what I say about my journey. I can understand Sixtina's frustrations.

A vocation is a CALL TO LOVE, not a call to have that love destroyed by someone else out of rage, anger, control and/or jealousy (or all of the above).

We should be here to support one another. We should show the face of Christ to each person we encounter, not show hatred. That is the work of Satan.

Peace everyone.

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I have no idea what you're talking about and so this thread seems a bit scandalous to me... I'll leave now.

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Domine ut Videam

Me neither.....i am new here....but i have never seen anything but an outpouring of support for each and every vocation of every individual. Maybe i'm just very naive... :idontknow: but things tend to go over my head. I'll be praying for you all and for this website. But i feel no animosity whatsoever.

-Yours in Christ

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There are some that lurk on here and defame others characters, that is all. Because of this, we need to be careful.

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that is correct, I thank you for posting this topic, I've seen some very [i]wrong[/i] ppl on here, that shouldn't be on here to destroy God's plan. All we can do is hope that the people that do have vocations will know it stong enough to not give it up when someone trys to decieve them. Anyways, thanks Lauren, God Bless,

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This thread is going to turn scandalous here. I'm closing it. Look for a more general warning from me that will be pinned.


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