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[quote name='Paphnutius' date='Apr 9 2006, 08:32 PM']Such statements as this: and so forth.

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Your questions aren't really going to reveal what's going on, prose.

How about these:

Are bishops obligated to obey the pope? (Specifically, regarding episcopal ordinations.)
Is the Norvus Ordo mass valid?
If it's not, how is it that the Holy Spirit let the magisterium switch to an invalid mass?

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Apr 9 2006, 08:51 PM']The quote by Sam is a straw man in many places of both the tradition and liberalism.
I do not think that Sam's post was directed at any particular body, but rather to show what is a false belief and what is a true belief. At least that is my hope.

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[quote]Are bishops obligated to obey the pope? (Specifically, regarding episcopal ordinations.)
Is the Norvus Ordo mass valid?
If it's not, how is it that the Holy Spirit let the magisterium switch to an invalid mass?[/quote]

yes, bishops must obey the Pope unless he tells them to do something wrong

The Novus Mass is valid if it is said by an ordaind male priest who has the right intent and uses the correct matter and does everything as GIRM directs him to.


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Most of your questions are non-applicable to me, though I consider myself a traditionalist.

What do I mean by that?

First the non-negotiables: a) We participate in a "communion of saints" that exists throughout, and outside of, time through the eternal life given by Christ. B) We are a Church which acknowledges the development of doctrine out of the "depositum fidei." C) Scripture has equal strength with Sacred Tradition (although in fact dependent- since the Scriptural canon derived itself from tradition). D) The Church in Jesus Christ is the only means by which man may be saved.

Now here is why I consider myself a "traditionalist." 1) I believe that to cultivate a healthy knowledge of the saints which comprise our Western tradition, we must speak, to the greatest extent possible, the same liturgical and spiritual "language" referring especially to the liturgy. I believe that this is part of developing a "communion" faith. 2.) I believe that the Tridentine is the most poignant reminder, and living reality of the Roman Rite as it has been received, whereas I think the Novus Ordo is of a character which demands more careful attention in order to manifest that same reality. To be more concrete, the Novus Ordo is not a "received" rite at all, but a fabrication, at times sublime, and always important as the Roman liturgy, but imperfect in this respect. 3) I believe that the way in which we present the Gospel should not leave us uprooted from the past. There has always been room for Hellfire and Brimstone, and even for a sacred exclusivism that emphasizes we are a "mystery" religion. 4) I think that vestments, architecture, and the whole range of Catholic expressions of faith, should at all costs be preserved, so that our religion may not be said to be only "of the times" but, rather "timeless."

So, this is my reason for naming myself a "traditionalist."

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As far as I am concerned Benedict XVI is my pope..
.however there are people who remain Catholic but have not recognized the past 5 popes they have kinda branched out and are now floating out in left field... I think these guys are to whom the original question was asked.

So for them this Guy is the Pope [url="http://www.truecatholic.org/pope/"]http://www.truecatholic.org/pope/[/url]

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Why do you want to be pope?
It has got to be one of the most demanding jobs in the world, you are respondsible for so many people, millions.
One would have to be crazy to desire to be pope.

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You know, I think every guy has a "pope name" he would take upon his elevation to the Holy See...

Mine's either Boniface X or Innocent XIV, after two of my favorites, Boniface VIII and Innocent III. I have always felt that "Unam Sanctam" is one of the most important and meaningful papal encyclicals I've read. Here at college, Innocent III has kind of a private devotion around him.

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Hmmm...ya think?

I don't know....I suppose as a woman I can not indulge in that fantasy. :)

I dream about whether I will wear a suit or a gown when I am inagurated......

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