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vocational-type poems....

Domine ut Videam

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Domine ut Videam

I have started writing poetry about two and a half years ago to help deal with these horrible helth issues i was having and to deal with these very strong vocational type feelings (is that even a word :) ) that i was feeling. I couldn't talk about it to my friends because it is not a thing that most teenagers deal with --feeling like they are called to become a nun. Actually i still deal with it and this could be a type of help for me (non-loneliness, being a teenager discerning is HORRIBLE :( ) So i thought it would be really cool if i could share my poems with you all and if you had any poems you could share them as well. Let them poem sharing begin.

I'll go first.

(it is supposed to be centered)
Longing, aching
Head pounding
My heart cries out to You
Longing, aching
Begging to be filled by You
Sharp and intense
Longing, aching
Thirsting for Your presence
Yearning to see Your holy face
Longing, aching
Offering all that I am
Crying out in pain
Longing aching
To be filled by You
My Life, my Love, my Lord

-Yours in Christ

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Domine ut Videam

sorry......didn't mean to post it twice.... :blink: my computer is being really stupid!!!!!

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that's ok. Well, I'm sorry about your problems, I just can't say I can relate. Being a teenager discerning, is, well, ok. Discerning in itself is difficult, but it depends on what your circumstances are. I love to talk about it with my friends, regardless of their religion. I have written, lets say tried to write, poetry for a couple years now. I have to say that I haven't written many poems toward discnerment, or many towards God for that matter. I will try my best to create one to share.
+ In Christ +

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Guest phatdaddy

[quote name='uruviel' date='Apr 10 2006, 10:04 AM']Haydo Daddy!  But I'm Spring break :D:

:blush: Oh! .....nevermind. have a cheery day precious :D:

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[quote name='phatdaddy' date='Apr 10 2006, 09:40 AM']:blush:  Oh! .....nevermind.  have a cheery day precious :D:

Thank you daddy! :P: You too!

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Domine ut Videam

Glad you like it.....i'd love to read any other poems or writings anybody else has written. Here is another of mine.


Emotions and thoughts
Running rampant through my head
Keep me awake so long
As I lie in pain in my bed

Confusion and longing
A dark silence black and bleak
I lie alone in fear
Afraid to move, afraid to speak

I walk toward the cross
With heavy steps and painful stride
Tears roll slowly down my cheeks
I do not hope. I only cry.

I cry out to God in pain
To He who holds me up and helps me stand
I cry out and ask for peace, for strength
And He holds me in His hand

Why can’t I take this Love
That he willingly gives to me
I feel I have to earn it
But its unconditional, it’s free

I have long felt trapped beneath my fear
The fear it fills my lungs, my every pore
I long for love, for freedom
But am trapped by my own closed doors

A soul can never be controlled
By fear or by love for the past
A soul can stand on Love alone
Doors may close, but Love will last

-Yours in Christ

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Lauren, that's a very powerful poem. I really liked it. God bless you for your journey. It sounds like it had/has some rough spots.

You are in my prayers.


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Lauren, another wonderful poem!! Very very well written and I like the structure and your words are very clearly stated, very nice deep poem. Thank you for sharing. Now that some have posted more of theirs I will post one of mine written today: (note it [i]was[/i] written hurridly -- aand very messy and confusing <_< )

my soul is bleeding -
my heart is aching -
my head is pounding -
my thoughts are yearning -
this lonliness is torture -
from the bottum pits of my empty soul -
I cry out to you -
you've promised your care to me -
a God to console -
but you've left me here -
it seems your abadonment is more than I can take -
my life is filled with imperfections -
just another step, another minute, waiting for another mistake -
my hope lies in your mercy -
my heart, in something I will never have -
this doubt of a life devoted -
is creeping in and insnaring the light -
that once shined in my eyes -
my trust is beaten -
from the abuse of speech and lies -
so I wait for you to fill me up -
crying out to you oh my love -
my world was cracked around me -
and you are all I dream of -

these figures, these shadows -
casting darkness over my heart -
are telling me I shouldn't -
that's when it all just fell apart -

but your still waiting -
for me to wake up and realize -
that through these simple eyes -
I can't live it with my will -

after the painful tears -
through those cold and dark years -
you've taught me how to surrender -
my reality, my will, my pride -
to give up all, to stand by your side -
I cried out to you -
you shut the door -
I doubted in you -
you opened a window -
and those lights, those rays of hope -
pierced my dark soul and I held on tight to the only thing I knew would get me through -

my God my God, my savior my love -
your mine to hold, your mine to keep -
in my heart to cherish to weep -
to rejoice to give my heart to -
my husband my beloved -
you are my all....

Edited by uruviel
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Domine ut Videam

that was very beautiful........ :saint: definitely the words of God.

Here is another of mine: (it has nothing to do with vocations, but rather with God granting me self-knowledge)

Stone walls do not a prison make,
Nor iron bars a cage
This timeless line tells well the truth
For I’m in prison night and day

No stone walls keep me in
I’ve created those myself
In my mind I’ve built these walls
With bricks of fear and doubt

I’ve built them tall and strong
Through years of worry and anxiety
And though no one can see them
A prison they do make

No iron bars cage me in
I’ve done that to myself
I’ve shut out failure and mistakes
And many other things as well

I’ve shut out joy, and love, and rest
I’ve built my iron bars up sound
And though no one can see it
A cage surrounds me strong

No shackles hold me down
I’ve done that to myself
I’ve locked up my mind, my very heart
From everything I love

I’ve made the chains one by one
Through pain and separation
and although no one can see it
Shackles hold me down

Stone walls do not a prison make,
Nor iron bars a cage
The prison that I live each day
Is one that I have made

-Yours in Christ

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This poem is not by me it is by George Herbert it is The Collar. It is one of my favorites, and it great for when following God's will seem hard. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do

I struck the board, and cried "No more!
I will abroad.
What, shall I ever sigh and pine?
My lines and life are free; free as the road,
Loose as the wind, as large as store.
Shall I be still in suit?
Have I no harvest but a thorn
To let me blood, and not restore
What I have lost with cordial fruit?
Sure there was wine
Before my sighs did dry it; there was corn
Before my tears did drown it.
Is the year only lost to me?
Have I no bays to crown it?
No flowers, no garlands gay? all blasted?
All wasted?
Not so, my heart: but there is fruit,
And thou hast hands.
Recover all thy sigh-blown age
On double pleasures: leave thy cold dispute
Of what is fit, and not. Forsake thy cage,
Thy rope of sands,
Which petty thoughts have made, and made to thee
Good cable, to enforce and draw,
And be thy law,
While thou didst wink and wouldst not see.
Away; take heed:
I will abroad.
Call in thy death's head there: tie up thy fears.
He that forbears
To suit and serve his need,
Deserves his load."
But as I raved and grew more fierce and wild
At every word,
Methoughts I heard one calling "Child!"
And I replied "My Lord".

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Thanks for sharing your poetry everyone! They're all great!! I don't write much poetry, and the stuff I do write is not about vocations at all....I just write long theological essays instead

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