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PCPA2Be's Mom


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PCPA2Be's Mom,

I saw you're post in Lauren's thread but didn't think that that would be the proper place to send you greetings. :( (condolences Lauren. Been there, done that)

:welcome: to Phatmass. It's very nice to see you here. We've all grown very fond of your wonderful daughter and will miss her greatly. I hope we can count on you to give us periodic updates on how she is doing. She will be able to write to you periodically but to the rest of us she can only write once a year. :( Please let us know how she's doing and whether she needs anything.

I, too, am a parent of a Poor Clare and know that you must have a lot of mixed emotions surrounding your daughter's impending entrance. You and the rest of your family will be in my prayers as well as many others here I'm sure.

God bless and welcome,


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:welcome: whoever you are!


A little info on Deb. She is my mother's best friend. Deb lives a mile from me and now, my mother, lives 90 miles away. So Deb and I have become the best of friends, and she's 'adopted' me as her daughter while I've adopted her as my mother. She was gracious enough to allow me to live with her this last month that I am in AZ.

I call her mom, often.

Every time I have wanted to have a family member post on here after I leave. . .everyone looks at me like I'm speaking a diffierent language. None of my family, however, goes to church any longer, so that might be a reason. . .who knows?

Deb stepped up eagerly (and has a new laptop to prove it! :lol:) and unless the miracle of the sun occurs again ;) Deb/Mom will be the only one posting here.

Actually, :hehehe: my brother's fiancee said something to me (in front of my brother) about how I have to teach him how to post online. I mentioned that Deb said she'd post. Ryan almost didn't let me finish my sentence before saying 'oh good'.

So, she is my designated driver, so to speak, and I know, once she gets going on this phorum, she'll be flying'. :hehe:

Thank you Mom, for posting on here. . . I :love: you!
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From what I have been told so far, for the first few months, I can only write my parents and brothers. (part of the learning and unlearning process of adjusting and de-attaching. )
So, she'll be getting news from them. Then, she will be allowed to receive from and send letters to me.

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Deb, I hope you had a blessed time at Stations and Holy Mass, while I was stuck up here! :( How was the lesson/homily?

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PCPA2Be's Mom

Thank's to all of you for the warm welcome. While Denise isn't my "real" daughter, as she explained we have adopted eachother,. I have been friends with her family for 14 years and her family adopted me because when I moved to Phoenix I did not have much family here, Therefore, I spent many holidays with her family.

Denise and I have become very close during that time and more so the past few months. Yes, I have the same feelings as any "real" mom. I want Denise to be blessed in her new life and truly believe that she is called. Of course, selfishly :ohno: : I will miss her dearly. I am hoping to hear about Denise's adventure with Christ from her family until she is free to write me personally. I promised her and you that I will let you know how she is doing. :D:

again thanks for the warm welcome :drool: :drool:

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Aren't you entering soon? Oh my gosh! Know that we'll be praying for you!!! :lol_roll:

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