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Can we just bash the French?


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And you can pray in schools there!
Oh wait, no you can't, you can't even wear a symbol of your faith.

France is no more the bastian of Catholicism, not since the revolution.

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Interesting story I read recently. I forget where I read it. Don't know if it's true or apocryphal:

An American man went to France on vacation. When he got to the airport, he couldn't find his passport. The security officers were angry, and asked him if he'd ever been to France before. Yes, he said. Well, they responded, he should have known that he was supposed to have a passport ready, everyone knows. He said the last time he was there, nobody asked him for a passport. The security officer, still angry, said "We always ask for a passport".

He told them that the last time he was in France, he was coming off a boat on Normandy beach, going in to liberate them. Nobody worried about his passport then.

Edited by Era Might
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my problem with the french is...

how do those women eat so much coagulated milk, bread and wine and still maintain such [i]svelte[/i] figures?

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Ahhggghhh! You silly English bed-wetting types!

I will burst my pimples at you and fluffy air extraction in your general direction!

You wipers of other people's bottoms!

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I think St. Joan of Arc, St. Bernadette, St. Louis de Montfort, St. Denis, St. Martin de Tours, St. Therese of Liseux, and Our Lady of Lourdes would respectfully disagree that France is [i]le smell of elderberries[/i].

Also, your mother was a hampster and your father smelt of elderberries!

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[quote]If I may clarify, the American misconception that the French do not bathe daily is erroneous. This is no longer the case and has not been for quite some time. Those who would denigrate such a practice, however, are ignorant of the practice of all humans for thousands of years, including Americans as recent as a century ago and perhaps as little as fifty years ago. In fact, in the lives of the Saints it is often recounted that they would go without bathing as a penance, even though, as Father Butler notes, this was considered a necessity in warm countries. As for the fact that the women do not shave under their arms, if I recall correctly, it has been intimated to me that this is no longer the case, and I should say that I have never observed--at least in person or in a modern-day photograph--a woman's underarm which is unshaven in France or any part of Europe. Perhaps those women who do not reveal their underarms do not shave them, but those who do immodestly reveal them do shave. Besides, that the practice of not shaving under one's arms would be disgusting or improper is a result of modern misconceptions. Men do not shave under their arms. Women did not shave their legs, at least not above their knees, until modern times because of the fact that they were not exposed. The same could be recognised, among both men and women, regarding hair on the back, stomach or arms or on a man's chest. There is certainly nothing objectively proper with shaving beneath one's arms. The primary reason I make these comments is to inform people, especially Americans, of the reasons that many people find Americans to be ignorant and even arrogant, even regarding matters as important as the status of the Church and as trivial as grooming. This ignorance is excusable for the most part, but the arrogance which follows is not only inexcusable but utterly ridiculous.

N.B., if I may suggest this, I would direct those who wish to create frivolous and unstudious threads to Open Mic or the other boards of these forums[/quote]

Dude, it's just a joke thread, no one's serious. You've demonstrated your intelligence.. we're all impressed. Now go! Your powers of deduction and intelligence are being squandered here when there are even greater threats to mankind. Ok well, really though, if you were so smart, you wouldn't be wasting the time it took to write the above threads... or at least the bashing of the humor. A few disclaimers to prop the French, maybe. One day you'll see, with most of the smart people at phatmass, not to waste time on these petty things, even though I myself at times tend to succomb. (whatever that says about me, you be the judge)

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Amator Veritatis

Snarf, as for an error in the above, [i]propre[/i] is not an adverb. [i]Proprement[/i] is the adverbial form of [i]propre[/i], but from what I understand, it would be more authentic to say [i]correctement[/i] if one were to use an adverb in that case, but this impression may simply be a result of colloquial or less dignified speech which I may have encountered.

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[quote]think St. Joan of Arc, St. Bernadette, St. Louis de Montfort, St. Denis, St. Martin de Tours, St. Therese of Liseux, and Our Lady of Lourdes would respectfully disagree that France is le smell of elderberries.

don't forget St. Louis, St. Mary Magdalen, St. Sarah, and St. Lazarus! :)

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Don't forget St. Catherine of Siena called for the Pope to LEAVE France.

It is the whore of Babylon!!!


Edited by Era Might
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[quote name='Amator Veritatis' date='Apr 6 2006, 01:55 PM']If I may clarify, the American misconception that the French do not bathe daily is erroneous. This is no longer the case and has not been for quite some time. Those who would denigrate such a practice, however, are ignorant of the practice of all humans for thousands of years, including Americans as recent as a century ago and perhaps as little as fifty years ago. In fact, in the lives of the Saints it is often recounted that they would go without bathing as a penance, even though, as Father Butler notes, this was considered a necessity in warm countries. As for the fact that the women do not shave under their arms, if I recall correctly, it has been intimated to me that this is no longer the case, and I should say that I have never observed--at least in person or in a modern-day photograph--a woman's underarm which is unshaven in France or any part of Europe. Perhaps those women who do not reveal their underarms do not shave them, but those who do immodestly reveal them do shave. Besides, that the practice of not shaving under one's arms would be disgusting or improper is a result of modern misconceptions. Men do not shave under their arms. Women did not shave their legs, at least not above their knees, until modern times because of the fact that they were not exposed. The same could be recognised, among both men and women, regarding hair on the back, stomach or arms or on a man's chest. There is certainly nothing objectively proper with shaving beneath one's arms. The primary reason I make these comments is to inform people, especially Americans, of the reasons that many people find Americans to be ignorant and even arrogant, even regarding matters as important as the status of the Church and as trivial as grooming. This ignorance is excusable for the most part, but the arrogance which follows is not only inexcusable but utterly ridiculous.
N.B., if I may suggest this, I would direct those who wish to create frivolous and unstudious threads to Open Mic or the other boards of these forums.
You're annoying.

You wasted like five minutes typing all that, and nobody is going to benefit from it. What a French thing to do.

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[quote name='Didacus' date='Apr 6 2006, 04:46 PM']Oh my tres chere Mere patrie, comme autruis s'amuse a te faire saigner.

don't get upset. I said the French. I specifically said NOT French Canadians.

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