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Notre Dame will allow "Vagina Monologues"


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I'm almost tempted to make "'God curse the liberals'-MC Just" part of my signature. It's a refreshing reminder of the maturity with which conservatives enter into intellectual discourse.

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[quote name='Snarf' date='Apr 8 2006, 11:29 PM']I'm almost tempted to make "'God curse the liberals'-MC Just" part of my signature.  It's a refreshing reminder of the maturity with which conservatives enter into intellectual discourse.

Well its not exactly fun watching them destroy everything around me. Liberalism is a sin. Pope Pius IX condmened it. Why some catholics mix themselves up in it ill never know.

Anyways i've tried to explain it to many times on Pm but no one gets the message, i just keep getting "those were different times". The papacy isnt like the us presidency where a future pope can go and change what a past pope has proclaimed, what was true back then is most certainly true now.

The Church doesnt change, because GOD doesnt change. Get over it. Pope Pius IX condemned both religious and political liberalism.

Edited by MC Just
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Guest Rick777

Dude right on. BTW this play smells of elderberries major. Why don't those Notre Dame liberals pick the night after it shows to make popcorn and watch Brokeback Mountain together? I'm sure they could " put it in a Catholic context." :maddest: :annoyed: :maddest: :ohno: :mellow:

Edited by Rick777
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[quote]No, but I've read about it numerous times from reliable sources, including people who have read it on these boards.
And I do not think they are all part of some vast right-wing conspiracy of liars.
While you can quibble about whether or not it qualifies as "pornography," I have seen absolutely nothing to convince me that this play has any moral, spiritual, intellectual, are artistic merit, or that it has any place as part of a Catholic education.

If you wish to defend its supposed merits, you can take this up with any of the people on these boards who have read or seen it and have found it degrading and immoral.

I do not wish to waste more time quarreling with you over this.

Its intriguing

You've had a couple pretty long rants about something that you haven't seen and taken third hand information on it.[/quote]

It'd be "refreshing" if he'd at least admit his view be more accurate if he himself saw it first. He can still insist that he doesn't really need to and I would agree with him personally, but it'd show humility and acknowledge the point if he acknowledged. True diaglouge begins when people are willing to state their faults etc.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' date='Apr 9 2006, 04:12 AM']It'd be "refreshing" if he'd at least admit his view be more accurate if he himself saw it first. He can still insist that he doesn't really need to and I would agree with him personally, but it'd show humility and acknowledge the point if he acknowledged. True diaglouge begins when people are willing to state their faults etc.

That's the problem with some of the conservatives on this board. Having an opinion takes precedent over having an informed opinion.

I can understand how people who've seen it can be offended by it. There are parts of the play that laud actions that are sinful. My personal opinion is that it is not pornography.

However, if Notre Dame showed the movie "The Godfather", I doubt there would be anyone up in arms.

Edited by jaime
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i havent seen it and i dont plan on seeing it. I'm trynig to keep a pure heart I dont need that carp in there. I've heard and read plenty of complaints about it though. My opinion is, if its a Catholic college then "KEEP IT CATHOLIC". What importance does this movie bear for the Church or that college? None whatsoever.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Apr 9 2006, 08:04 AM'] However, if Notre Dame showed the movie "The Godfather", I doubt there would be anyone up in arms.
the Godfather is all about family values!

Don Corleone: Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man that doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.

[after Sonny beats up Carlo Rizzi for hitting Connie]
Sonny: You touch my sister again, I'll kill you.

See? :detective:

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the title says it all... you have to be utterly deceived by satan to think it can be placed in a Catholic context.

discussing the da vinci commode is not the same as endorsing a showing of it... so too with this carp.

God love the liberals..they know not..

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I just find it hilarious that people think the definitions of liberalism and conservativism haven't changed since Pius IX. It's also hilarious to suggest that the subjunctive statement "God curse the liberals" could ever be reconciled with the mission of Jesus Christ. I'm pretty sure that being that hateful is more of a sin than economic opinions could ever render.

As for the play, I personally don't care either way. Notre Dame has the right to deny a showing of it, and I'm somewhat surprised that they haven't exercised this. That being said, I find it extremely condescending for people to take up arms about the play causing scandal. Most other educational settings, yeah, I'd probably agree with you. But this is a university, and at that a very selective one. I know enough Notre Dame students to tell you that they're not the dullest cookies in the shed, so to brand them with the caprice that they'd suddenly become avid fornicators just because they heard women talk about vaginas is just, well, stupid.

Now, I haven't seen or read the play, so I won't defend or attack it on its own merits. But using God's gift of common sense, I can tell you that the excessive and even titular use of the word "vagina" is a sort of hyperbole intended to get a rise out of conservatives, and many of you are demonstrating that it works quite well.

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[quote name='Snarf' date='Apr 9 2006, 12:22 PM']I just find it hilarious that people think the definitions of liberalism and conservativism haven't changed since Pius IX.  It's also hilarious to suggest that the subjunctive statement "God curse the liberals" could ever be reconciled with the mission of Jesus Christ.  I'm pretty sure that being that hateful is more of a sin than economic opinions could ever render.

As for the play, I personally don't care either way.  Notre Dame has the right to deny a showing of it, and I'm somewhat surprised that they haven't exercised this.  That being said, I find it extremely condescending for people to take up arms about the play causing scandal.  Most other educational settings, yeah, I'd probably agree with you.  But this is a university, and at that a very selective one.  I know enough Notre Dame students to tell you that they're not the dullest cookies in the shed, so to brand them with the caprice that they'd suddenly become avid fornicators just because they heard women talk about vaginas is just, well, stupid.

Now, I haven't seen or read the play, so I won't defend or attack it on its own merits.  But using God's gift of common sense, I can tell you that the excessive and even titular use of the word "vagina" is a sort of hyperbole intended to get a rise out of conservatives, and many of you are demonstrating that it works quite well.

liberalism hasnt changed and its obvious, i dont care what anyone says. I wont be decieved by the twisted minds of the 60's and 70's. You can if you want, but I wont. Pope Pius IX condemned liberalism, religious and political as destructive

. We've seen its destruction, ive personally seen it, politically and religiously in my own life. Its not hate its called righteous indignation. I'm through trying to debate this. This stupid sickening "vagina monologues" is a product of liberalism and doesnt belong in a catholic college. A line must be drawn somewhere!

Edited by MC Just
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[i]liberalism hasnt changed and its obvious, i dont care what anyone says.[/i]

Well, seeing as the dictionary itself has contradictory definitions of "liberalism", (see the OED, Webster's, or hell, dictionary.reference.com), you either have a very loose grasp on the English language or a very loose grasp on reality.

[i]Its not hate its called righteous indignation.[/i]

Sorry, but "God curse the liberals" is hate, no matter how vindicated you think it is. I have plenty of disagreements with contemporary liberals, but the conservative movement certainly has no room whatsoever to throw out the term "evil". If you want to be a tool of the Right, that's fine. But it's just sick that you think that such makes you more righteous.

[i]I'm through trying to debate this.[/i]

I've never seen you debate anything whatsoever on these boards. You just decide for yourself that something is wrong or evil, then you close your ears and mind to the issue while spouting out derrogatory pronouncements.

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[quote name='MC Just' date='Apr 9 2006, 12:34 PM']liberalism hasnt changed and its obvious, i dont care what anyone says.

Old Protestant Liberals used to be all about Capitalism, and the work ethic, along with the seperation of church and state, and morals from public life. But then that got established and things got topsy turvied.

A conservative socialist would essentially be someone who subscribes to a traditional understanding of socialism.

But perhaps what i say is irrelevant to the point, or even proves anything :sweat: but excuse my foolishness for a minute.

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lol. So Pope Pius IX's words mean nothing today. Bunch of superpopes. :disguise ok i admit i dont debate i just spout stuff out. Thats probably because many of you can just go on and on and on with so called "rebuttals" and its gets annoying reading the same stuff over and over. I think i'll take a long break until this place is cleansed of such non-sense.

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[quote name='MC Just' date='Apr 9 2006, 05:08 PM']lol. So Pope Pius IX's words mean nothing today. Bunch of superpopes.  :disguise:
to be fair, Pius IX was speaking about a different sort of liberal.

He was probably very upset when the liberals kidnapped him from Rome. Bloody French. Now can we bash them???

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