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If abortion were rampant today and killing at least thousands of people per day, and we were making slow progress in our efforts to diminish it but the killing was still occuring, would it be just to engage in war against those who procure abortion?  

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Apr 4 2006, 10:44 PM']I don't think anyone's talking about waging war [b]on women[/b], pregnant or unpregnant!  :wacko:

Who "procures abortion" but women?

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I would condem no one who would use non-lethal force to stop a doctor from performing an abortion.

One murder does not justify another, thus to kill a doctor who performs abortions cannot be balnkly justified.

I would however, put to trial for murder everyone who took part in any abortion, and then apply the Catholic principal of the death penalty to each case.

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[quote name='Era Might' date='Apr 5 2006, 08:07 AM']Who "procures abortion" but women?
The abortionist. The theoretical war would be against the abortionists, and the government that aids and allows abortion.

It is absurd to say that a war against abortion would necessitate deliberately killing women.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' date='Apr 4 2006, 01:36 PM']So no one's voting in this. Is it because they don't know that abortion and the hitler scenario are very similar, yet they are doing nothing? If no one responds, I don't know to assume otherwise.
The difference is that progress is being made. Heard of South Dakota?

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there's something to be said for taking life as it comes and not dwelling on hypothetical sitiuations that rarely ever happen in real life.

What does it matter how many people are being killed in abortion? Isn't one life enough? One soul? Right now we are fighting a spiritual war through prayer, education and charity and I think we are winning.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Apr 4 2006, 11:28 PM']The problem is that these two conditions do not currently exist.
Exactly. Aren't there enough problems in the world to mull over rather than making up new ones?

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If a war is considered just for the purpose of saving and protecting our families and people(I don't know if it is, just saying) then why shouldn't we wage war against said enemies?

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This opens another question...what are we to make of the bombings of Abortion Clinics?

Edited by Peccator
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That one's tough as they aren't exactly declaring war openly before they do it, but only say after the fact. I'm not sure that's a part of just war. Part of a just war is doing everything in one's power to try and get them to stop before using force correct? So if you don't even warn people before blowing up the place, how did you do everything in your power to handle it peacefully?

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For me it a really difficult question....and one I should pray about.

On the one hand the one part of me thinks its justice in the most harsh form of the word, and rejoices...the other feels ashamed as these bombings kill people who had nothing to do with abortion...and basicly because its still terrorism.

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Yeah I think it is terrorism if it is not declared ahead of time. Like the other real terrorist bombings and stuff. It is all secretive so no one knows it's happening. If they declare war ahead of time, it's known as war. I think that a necessary step in making it a holy war, and wonder if I would have any problem with it at that point... I don't see that I would. As far as it killing innocent people... Is there anyone that goes to an abortion clinic that isn't supporting abortion? Whether it's one having the abortion, performing it, or friends and family supporting it?

I would say another difficulty in considering this a just war is, in a just war, isn't it a requirement that innocent people are left out of it as much as possible and not killed? If so, then what about the unborn babies at the abortion clinics that are about to be aborted? Are we not killing innocents by blowing up the place where they are?

I would think, then, another necessary step would be to somehow make sure there was no one there who was actually there to get an abortion at the time of the action taken.

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Guest Scripsit

The real "War" is how we as a people let the question of abortion be hijacked into a solely religious question in this nation. The forces of the Women's Liberation (amoral) movement turned the question into a purely political one devoid of medical ethics and philosophy. They as a force have "educated" the public that the forces against abortion are just religious zealots or nutcases. Without using Christianity and only using the history of medicine and medical ethics, one can present a case against abortion.

If you study history and translate Hippocrates "The Oath". You will see the prohibition of abortion by physicians. This oath was created at a time when abortion and infanticide was rampant in ancient Greece. Hippocrates, the father of Medicine in the West believed in the sacredness of life. The oath states "neither an instrument or pessary (drug)" should be given to produce abortion. The oath taken by all doctors was changed in the U.S. in the 1950's and dropped the phrase. The rationale being to modernize the oath. So abortion was prohibited by medical ethics for centuries from "pagan" times until today.

Even today, in the field of genetics, a fetus (baby) is genetically a separate living entity within the womb of the mother. It is not a part (organ) of the mother.

Just some thoughts...

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