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contacting orders?

Domine ut Videam

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Domine ut Videam

Okay. You all seem to be very knowledgable people and i really need some help. So prepare to be bombarded with questions. Let me assure you this will be but the first of many. :) I am completely lost :idontknow: in the next step of my discernment process. I have been trying to write a letter to this order (the Sisters of St. John) for weeks now. Somehting about them, when i went on a quick visit to the brothers- the brothers' and the sisters' monastery and convent are like right next to each other, so my group stopped in at the sisters briefly- and saw the sisters....i don't really know what to say other than they struck something inside of me; i don't know what.

Anyways, my question is, when you are initially writing to an order (like for the first time ever), what do you say in the letter? Because i am really at a loss and clueless. Please help....Thanks so much!

-Yours in Christ

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I would mention how you learned of them and how you feel compelled to learn more. I would also mention what makes you feel called (perhaps) to the religious life. you may want to say how old you are, your education, etc. you don't need to go into too much detail, and if you don't happen to mention something, you can be sure that the VD will ask you questions. ;)

Then, ask if you could receive a little information about them, their requirements for entrance, apostolates, prayer life, etc. The first letter is the easiest actually, because not much needs to be said. . .just a 'hi, this is me, can I know a little about you?' letter.

Good luck!

God bless you.

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[quote name='PCPA2Be' date='Apr 2 2006, 03:25 PM']I would mention how you learned of them and how you feel compelled to learn more.  I would also mention what makes you feel called (perhaps) to the religious life.    you may want to say how old you are, your education, etc.  you don't need to go into too much detail, and if you don't happen to mention something, you can be sure that the VD will ask you questions.  ;)

Then, ask if you could receive a little information about them, their requirements for entrance, apostolates, prayer life, etc.  The first letter is the easiest actually, because not much needs to be said. . .just a 'hi, this is me, can I know a little about you?' letter.

Good luck!

God bless you.
I second everything Denise said b/c she is very wise. In addition, look at their website. See if there is something specific you'd like to know more about (ie, their apostolate, charism, etc). It also helps the sisters to know that you're a little familiar with their community and are taking that next step to learn more.

GOD BLESS!!! Writing to communities really is a joy, and there are many more that may come. And don't hesitate to ask more questions! :)

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:blink: Shortnun, thank you . . .I am many things, some good, some not so good, but I hate to break it to you . . . I am not wise. LOL God bless you.
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Thats so cool your writing to the community of St. John! I met a bunch of the sisters in brothers at WYD and I did contact the sisters here because I thought I wanted to visit. I know this is off topic but did they finally get active sisters? I heard that they were suppose to be getting them but I haven't heard anything lately. They are a wonderful community! When I contacted them initally I asked how many sisters are there and what their life is like....stuff like that. I will say that they strongly encourage those interested to come and make a visit. I remember the Rev. Mother...(Although she didnt like to be called Rev. Mother) said that the only way one could know is to visit. This was my experience after I contacted them last September to inquire about their life. I hoped that somewhat helped and i didn't ramble on too much.

Prayers for you on your journey.

Edited by Marieteresa
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Domine ut Videam

[quote name='Marieteresa' date='Apr 2 2006, 03:46 PM']Thats so cool your writing to the community of St. John!  I met a bunch of the sisters in brothers at WYD and I did contact the sisters here because I  thought I wanted to visit.  I know this is off topic but did they finally get active sisters?  I heard that they were suppose to be getting them but I haven't heard anything lately.  They are a wonderful community!    When I contacted them initally I asked how many sisters are there and what their life is like....stuff like that.  I will say that they strongly encourage those interested to come and make a visit.  I remember the Rev. Mother...(Although she didnt like to be called Rev. Mother) said that they only way one could know is to visit.  This was my experience after I contacted them last September to inquire about their life.  I hoped that somewhat helped and i didn't ramble on too much.

Prayers for you on your journey.

See, the thing is that i am only 16. So i can't really just "Up and visit" them. NO, they haven't gotten apostolic sisters yet in the U.S. But I definitely feel called to contmeplatives so that is fine with me :) but the whole order is awesome!! The ones that i know are in Princeville IL and they are only about 1/2 an hour away from my house, but i am hopefully giong on this retreat this summer called Eagle Eye, that is given by the brothers and sisters. My sd thinks that it will be really good because i will be spending eight days with them and i can ask the sisters all of my questions. But for some reason i just feel really compelled to write to them....i don't really know why. :idontknow:

-Yours in Christ

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Thats really awesome your going to visit, its going to be the perfect opportunity for you to ask all the questions you want! They are such a wonderful community....I got a chance to talk to this one sister when I was on my way to St. Teresa Bendicta's Carmel in Koln. It was just so great to meet so many sisters from the Community of St. John from so many countries.

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Hmm...everyone else already answered your question so I'll keep my mouth shut!

Prayers for you and letus know when you hear back from them!

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Sometimes something will just come over you - a few weeks ago I was idly looking through the website of an abbey in the UK. Unlike many others, it's not professionally-made at all. Very simple, very obviously made-at-home. Then all of a sudden I was looking at my email client and realised that I'd just written an introductory email to them...I was a little spooked by that!

Love and prayers,


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[quote name='Domine ut Videam' date='Apr 2 2006, 03:22 PM']Okay. You all seem to be very knowledgable people and i really need some help. So prepare to be bombarded with questions. Let me assure you this will be but the first of many.  :) I am completely lost :idontknow: in the next step of my discernment process. I have been trying to write a letter to this order (the Sisters of St. John) for weeks now. Somehting about them, when i went on a quick visit to the brothers- the brothers' and the sisters' monastery and convent are like right next to each other, so my group stopped in at the sisters briefly- and saw the sisters....i don't really know what to say other than they struck something inside of me; i don't know what.

Anyways, my question is, when you are initially writing to an order (like for the first time ever), what do you say in the letter? Because i am really at a loss and clueless. Please help....Thanks so much!

-Yours in Christ

when i wrote to the FSGM sisters when i was a freshamn in Hs, i told them my age, that i was in HS, and how i kinda knew their sisters. and jsut asked for information about the community that way i could get to know them abit more and have a full understanding of what they are all about.

the Sisters and Brothers of St. john are really kewl!!!!! they live about 2 hous from me and i know the brothers and i know a few Sisters. if you ever get the chanc talk to Fr. Antoine..he's a funn to be around!!!!!!!!

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Domine ut Videam

Thanks for all the advice guys! I mailed the letter yesterday and i will let you know what they said as soon as i get a reply! So i have another question:

In regards to when you enter....do you think that it is better to enter out of highschool, 1 year of college, all of college.....what is your opinion? What do your parents think? This is a topic of controversy in my household so i need to gather some info. Thanks!

-Yours in Christ

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Lauren, each person is different. And truthfully, it's a matter of when GOD is calling you, not really when you fell like answering His call. Some may argue with me about that one, but if God is calling you, He's not only calling you to a specific vocation, community, etc. but He's also calling you in His time, not yours. It's always your free will to make that decision, but I have always thought that if He's generous to tell me His will for me, I should respond in kind.

There are many people who think that if they 'got in' one year of college, or the entire degree, before entering, they'd be better off, or able to seee the world more. . .but many people who go to college, even for one year, have tremendous debt, that will only get worse; even with various scholarships, I still was in debt almost 20,000. :(

Most parents I've met think you should wait. Of course they would! They want you to be around them more! ;)

But as Teresa of the Andes, one of my fav saints says :love:

[quote]When family life, the conveniences of the world are presented, when everybody insists that you are going to bury yourself alive while you are so young, when they tell you that you should wait a little while longer, that you should carefully examine if you have a true vocation by knowing the world, etc., if love exists in your soul, let nothing detain you.  Jesus is waiting for you.  Then come and lose yourself in His divine arms.  He is going to make you divine by uniting Himself to you. (C130)

[quote]How many parents there are who only look to their own interest and strive to avoid the pain of separation by sacrificing the happiness of their daughters by keeping them by their side! (c85)[/quote]

(I've posted those before. . .sorry for those who are reading them again. :blush:)

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Domine ut Videam

Wow...those quotes are awesome!

See the thing is. I never had the intention of entering right after HS, but the last few months i've been having this-- i don't really know how to put it-- i suppose a feeling, like something inside of me that, i don't know.....it sounds crazy but i feel as though something is urging me to enter out of HS. It is even more crazy because i don't know what order i am called to, but i feel this way....God has such a sense of humor. It is really bad though because my parents; well lets just say they are VERY ANTI- this idea. and other than praying for them i don't really know what to tell them. Any suggestions are MUCH appreciated.

-Yours in Christ

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Well, as I said, rarely is the family who is 100% gung ho for your entering religious life. . .even if you were 25, or even my age 35! This is an issue they'll have to deal with in their own way. And this is easier said than done, but you can't allow that guilt to run your discernment. Because in the end, all it hurts is you. Some will never understand it. But all we can do is pray for them that they will, and even come to accept your vocation, when they see you are genuinely happy.

My parents are still having issues getting used to my entering contemplative life. For example. . .My father's wife, my stepmother died last year on Easter Sunday. He's now seeing a woman, who incidentally is a therapist (she was never HIS therapist :hehehe:) He was complaining about what I'm doing, as he's also not a Catholic. She in turn said, we have so many difficulties controlling our own lives. . .don't think you can control someone else's.

I like this woman already! ;)

God bless you, and I'll keep you in prayer.


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