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What's in a Wimple?


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+ :detective:
Hi All,

I've been searching without success for the religious significance (e.g. symbolism) of the wimple... Does anyone have more information?

Gratias Ago!

p.s. Is there a name for the often stiff band of white upon which the very traditional veils often rest?

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Well.... wimples came about in medieval times. They were used to cover the head (hair) and neck of a woman.

The coif is a hat that fits over the entire head (much like how a ski cap would fit us today). Then the wimple is encorporated over that to include the neck. I believe the stiff band above the forehead you are referring to is can be part of the wimple, and not a seperate piece. But if it is seperate I believe it'd be called a crown caplet (crown band). Then the guimpe would cover the neck and shoulders.

I wish google would give me a good picture, to help illustrate. But alas, I haven't found one.... yet!!

Oh, and religious significance.... haven't found any....

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At times like this, I like to yell YAHTZEE!!!

[url="http://www.gothicgarments.net/menu3/index2.html"]Link to read more for yourself...[/url][/b]

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When Mother Angelica and her community went back to wearing the traditional habit, there was a show of them on Mother Angelica Live, I believe. This is how she explained it, as best as I can remember (I watched it on the video of a friend a couple of weeks ago.)

The wimple or cap covering the head and neck symbolizes interior discipline of the senses, or mortification of the senses. The white veil that is under the black veil of the professed symbolizes keeping close to your thoughts the things of heaven.

The band, is just the band. I don't know its symbolism.

However. . .I am seeing the sisters tomorrow so I will ask them during my visit. Hopefully there will be time to ask them. If so, when I return on Tuesday I will post that info here ;)

God bless you!

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Speaking of wimples, it's a little hard to tell in this picture, but you'll notice that the sister on the left is wearing one, and Sally Field's character is not:


Just thought I'd totally hijack the thread and insert a little humor :hehe:

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[quote name='PCPA2Be' date='Apr 2 2006, 02:49 PM']The band, is just the band.  I don't know its symbolism. 
I keep reading that there is influence on the habit in general just based on where the sisters were founded. For example Missionaries of Charity do not have a band. The Sisters of Holy Cross have what we fondly referred to as the "pie plate":[img]http://www.blessings-catalog.com/images/SP_images/Sp128.jpg[/img]

So I'd guess that there isn't much religious symbolism behind the band specifically, but rather cultural and religious significance behind the whole habit, and particularly the veil/ headpiece.

[quote name='PCPA2Be' date='Apr 2 2006, 02:49 PM']However. . .I am seeing the sisters tomorrow so I will ask them during my visit.  Hopefully there will be time to ask them.  If so, when I return on Tuesday I will post that info here ;)
Oooooooh yes please do!!!!

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[quote name='shortnun' date='Apr 2 2006, 01:54 PM'] The Sisters of Holy Cross have what we fondly referred to as the "pie plate":[img]http://www.blessings-catalog.com/images/SP_images/Sp128.jpg[/img]


:scream: how does one get into a car, much less drive in that thing! :hehe: It is seriously a nice mortification against pride and vanity.

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[quote name='PCPA2Be' date='Apr 2 2006, 04:02 PM']:scream:  how does one get into a car, much less drive in that thing! :hehe:  It is seriously a nice mortification against pride and vanity.

We have Holy Cross sisters in town. Sr.Gertrude who is now with her beloved Spouse, used to drive a school bus. When she took her driving test, she had to prove to the examiner that the habit didn't obstruct her vision or view of the traffic or road.

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[quote name='passionheart' date='Apr 2 2006, 03:14 PM']We have Holy Cross sisters in town.  Sr.Gertrude who is now with her beloved Spouse, used to drive a school bus. When she took her driving test, she had to prove to the examiner that the habit didn't obstruct her vision or view of the traffic or road.
I went to school where their Motherhouse is. I think there were only two sisters left who still wore the [u]full[/u] habit. Both were over 100--one still played the piano brilliantly!

EDIT: I should also say that the veil was influenced by the peasant dress of 19th century France, where they were founded by Blessed Basil A Moreau.

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As to The Flying Nun...I do believe that she was either a novice or postulant, hence her habit was a little different. Have not seen that show in years!

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OK, my friend re-watched the tape and transcribed what Mother Angelica said:

Veil - Black - symbolizes the world that they leave behind with all its
temptations, things that attract, things that have a tendency to vere
away from Jesus; we set that aside. White - symbolizes consecration to
Lord and the coming of the kingdom.

Guimpe/wimple - symbolizes that we have disciplined our memory, intellect, and
will. To purify the imagination and reasoning. The most prize
of a woman is her hair, and even that is given to Jesus.

Band - across the forehead, symbolizes unity that comes from realizing
soul is purified and one with God.

Habit - constant reminder of being transformed into Jesus.

White collar - symbolizes that we are a temple of the Holy Spirit, as
Paul says. We have a dignity as a child of God. It is a reminder to
this temple pure and clean.

Ring - symbolizes espousal to Jesus.

For those who can't recall what all those things are, on a PCPA, go to www.olamshrine.com , www.desertnuns.com and of course, www.stjosephmonastery.com


God bless you!

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Although the question was answered already I thought I would let you in on a great book all about the habit called, well, what else than [url="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0385505884/sr=8-1/qid=1144025634/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-7024672-2876843?%5Fencoding=UTF8"]The Habit[/url].


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Many thanks to you for addressing my question regarding" THE SIGNIFICANCE/SYMBOLISM of the wimple." Thanks also to your friend for transcribing Mother's talk!

Realizing religious communities (especially their habits) are steeped in symbolism -I knew the wimple must mean something! I imagine different orders have varying symbolism... So, if anyone has anything to add, I'd love to read it.

PCPA, thanks for the beautiful information you provided. (Although, I must say the imagery of the black of the veil asf 'the world' doesn't make one particularly want to put it on! -perhaps there's more to it, which I am not understanding?! :saint: )

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Well, if you read it again, and if you're familiar with their habits, you know that the guimpe/wimple goes on first. That for the discipline of our senses. Then comes the white veil, which is like an underveil, closest to the wimple, symbolizing our consecration to the Lord and the coming of the Kingdom. Finally, put on last. . .furthest 'away' from us, is the black veil, symbolizing that we've given up the world. See how far away it is, in relation to the other two clothes/items we wear on our head?

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