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[quote name='StThomasMore' date='Apr 1 2006, 10:58 AM']In the post that started this thread, I asked certain types of people not to intrude on this forum, I will repeat myself. Manifistations of liberalism and anti-TLMism (aka Cmom, rkwright) please do not intrude on this thread!

Is it incorrect to say that religious freedom is wrong?

I'm not sure how I got labeled a liberal or an anti-TLMer but its clearly false. I have n't said anything of that nature in this thread. I guess if attending a NO mass, or not questioning the Magisterium makes me a liberal, then ok, but I think the term orthodox is much more appropiate.

And an anti-TLMer?? please that shows how little you know of me... I wake up at 530 and drive 2 hours just to get to a TLM mass on Sundays and attend a NO on weekdays.

but oh well, I guess Cmom's and my comments aren't welcome here... I'll stop wasting my time.

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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Apr 1 2006, 11:38 AM']no. if they chose that then its fine. if they try and lead other catholcs astray then we throw them in prison and excute them or banish them. if it is a catholic state heresy is the equivalent of treason.

you do realize that all you SSPXers under this type of government would be in jail by now.... its because of religious freedom that you can worship the way you do.

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I am sorry that Sam hijacked this thread. If you would like to continue to ask, we can move forward. If you would rather PM me, that is fine too.

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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Mar 31 2006, 06:43 PM']converting to the Novus Ordo.
and im sure these are the people to ask.... they are not trads tyler.

no but we are CATHOLIC!!!! which is better??? trad? or Catholic? you can't have both

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