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Is it a sin to go hear Mass at an SSPX chapel?


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[quote]If one is permitted to assist at Mass, it would follow logically that he is permitted to assist completely, including the reception of Holy Communion. [/quote]

I disagree.
1) you can't automatically assume that the letter implicity meant to say that.

2)Secondly, from what I understand, it is (objectively) wrong to receive this sacrament from schismatics, because holy communion (as well as sacramentally uniting ourselves with Christ) is also is an act of unity with the Church. To receive it from schismatics is to signify your union with them, and therefore it's a sacrilige. This principle about holy communion will probably be able to be explained better by someone more knowledgable in theology.
3) Also canon law stipulates we cannot receive the sacraments from schismatics, or suspended priests for that matter. The 2 exceptions to this rule are: 1) when there is a danger of death, in extremis, and 2) if one would otherwise be impeded from receiving the sacraments for a long period of time (e.g: if you were in Greece and the only way to receive a sacrament validly is from an orthodox church, then perhaps in may be justified). Correct me if I'm wrong.
St. Thomas More, you say you can get to an Indult all right. Then why would you wish to even attend mass done by schismatics? Curiosity, I'm afraid, does not suffice, since it's a lack of catholic sensibility to desire to attend the mass performed by a suspended priest (who is probably excommunicated). Even if you didn't have an indult, there are many other Catholic Churches around. I know it may be the New Rite, but still, as long as it's done in a licit manner there's no problem with it. There's nothing wrong in PREFERING the Latin Mass (I do too in many ways), just using that as an excuse to wander off to schismatic groups to hear Mass.

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Desert Walker

Alright. I'm just going to call it like I see it.

The "traditionalist Catholic" is of infinitely greater value to the Church than the "progressive Catholic" because the former actually values what makes us Catholic and the latter thinks that what makes us Catholic is always in flux; and absolutely SHOULD be in flux!

If you think flux is better than stability then you should consider joining a protestant denomination.

I prefer a stable religion than one that keeps me guessing all the time.

The progressive minds that issued forth from the Second Vatican Council, like hysterical banshees, have screamed their nonsensical version of ecumenism and evangelism at us for so many years that I doubt very much whether authentic Conciliar Ecumensim and Evangelism can be initiated worldwide for some time to come. Until that time comes, we who desire to see that souls are counseled in the narrow ways of the Gospel will have to struggle against what still remains of the post-Conciliar insanity, which continues to relentlessly stifle the authentic Church missionary.

By "authentic" I mean, in this context, "unafraid of the dogmas of faith."

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