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Is it a sin to go hear Mass at an SSPX chapel?


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Ok, here's a senario:

Because I would like to see what SSPX Masses are like, I go to an SSPX chapel for Mass on Sunday, having already attended an indult Mass and fufilled my Sunday Obligation. During Mass at the chapel, I act just as I would at an indult Mass: I would say "et cum spritu tuo" and the like several times; I would stand, sit, and kneel just as everyone else; I would adore the Host at the Mass; and I would possibly join in singing some of the hymns and/or chants. I would not, though, recieve the Host at the SSPX Mass.

Would I commit a sin in doing this. If so, would it be a mortal sin? I've never heard an SSPX Mass, but would like to out of curiosity, if you are wondering why I am asking.

I am asing because I dont really want the opinion of someone who, like many of the posters on FIsheaters, loves the SSPX or attends their Masses.


Edited by StThomasMore
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I could not recommend it.

Would you attend, say, the Mass of a breakaway community of married Priests, since it would be valid?

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That depends on many factors (scandal, personal intent, occasion of sin, etc).

For this reason, I could not recommend it.

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Thy Geekdom Come

It would be prudent not to put yourself in the occasion of sin. Do not abandon prudence (what is best?) for minimalism (what can I get away with?).

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[quote name='Raphael' date='Mar 31 2006, 03:47 PM']It would be prudent not to put yourself in the occasion of sin.  Do not abandon prudence (what is best?) for minimalism (what can I get away with?).
That's probably a good idea when donating money to the Eastern Orthodox Church as well. What's the least amount that's best?

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The Vatican says they fulfill obligations/you can support them financially. \

I don't think that they would want to lead you into sin..

and it's Catholic worship, so it's not a sin.

So- no, it's not a sin to actively participate in their Liturgies.

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[quote name='StThomasMore' date='Mar 31 2006, 05:10 PM']Ok, here's a senario:

Because I would like to see what SSPX Masses are like, I go to an SSPX chapel for Mass on Sunday, having already attended an indult Mass and fufilled my Sunday Obligation. During Mass at the chapel, I act just as I would at an indult Mass: I would say "et cum spritu tuo" and the like several times; I would stand, sit, and kneel just as everyone else; I would adore the Host at the Mass; and I would possibly join in singing some of the hymns and/or chants. I would not, though, recieve the Host at the SSPX Mass.

Would I commit a sin in doing this. If so, would it be a mortal sin? I've never heard an SSPX Mass, but would like to out of curiosity, if you are wondering why I am asking.

I am asing because I dont really want the opinion of someone who, like many of the posters on FIsheaters, loves the SSPX or attends their Masses.


It depends on your intent. Do you intend to do anything more than what you are stating? As a practice, it cannot be recommended, that is from the Vatican, but if it is for the reasons that you list and nothing more, I would not say it is sinful in and of itself.

Although there is no real need to go, it is no different than going to an indult Mass, except that one has jurisdiction and one does not. One is said by a priest who is not suspended/excommunicated and the other is. One is in full communion with Rome and one is not.

I cannot recommend that you go. There is no real advantage and there is no real need. Therefore, follow Msgr. Perl's advice and do not go.

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Era Might is a Msgr.?

I would have another reason to go. All the ladies would be veiled and everyone would be in dress clothes and the sermon would be about hell, rather that the normal sermon at the indult which is about impurity.

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[quote name='StThomasMore' date='Mar 31 2006, 10:51 PM']Era Might is a Msgr.?

I would have another reason to go. All the ladies would be veiled and everyone would be in dress clothes and the sermon would be about hell, rather that the normal sermon at the indult which is about impurity.

That is not a sufficent reason to go. Sorry.............and no Era is not a Monsignor.

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You can probably watch a video of one of their masses online. In fact, I think I've seen them.

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[quote name='thedude' date='Mar 31 2006, 11:10 PM']You can probably watch a video of one of their masses online.  In fact, I think I've seen them.


i think in korea or something...

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