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A few things to clear up....


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Guest Rick777

[quote name='MC Just' date='Mar 31 2006, 03:04 PM']Mexicans need to rise up and fix the corrupt government in Mexico.  Governments now a days they know everything and nothing at the same time.

And us Americans need to rise up and fix ours.

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JasJis Dont YOU ever call me a punk kid again.

Iv been through worst trials in my short life that YOU only dreamed of in yours okay?

And bruises and imprint of a boot on my butt is a good day.

During the first War in Iraq, christian organizations helped people come to the US. They put them up in Hotels and fed them and did them alot. How come they get the special treatment? Thier imagrants also, are they not? Why dont they The Mexican's like that also? instead of putting in some building and a mat to lay down on the floor?

Didnt president Bush want to open up waters trade for the Saudis? I think that's more dangerous than the border isnt it?

And i REPEAT ONCE AGAIN Not all white people are the same.

You see they want the Mexican Boys to join the Army or Maries, for that they want us. As I recall In Southlake, wealthy neighborhood here in tarranty county, Did not have one Recruiter at thier highschools, but they had every other school. Now why is that? But at Tremble Tech, Northside, Poly, Paschall, Lake Worth, Haltom High school and Castleberry high school. Every Branch of the military was there!

And to say that this country should be ashamed of having illagal immagrants is just plain ignorance. Why? Because the forefather of this country were illegal immagrants. Why? because who was here first? The Indians.

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

i guess this is the wrong thread to say this but.... The United States does not need to accept immigration. Frankly i think it needs to stop.

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[quote name='J.R.D' date='Mar 31 2006, 05:42 PM']JasJis Dont YOU ever call me a punk kid again.

Iv been through worst trials in my short life that YOU only dreamed of in yours okay?

And bruises and imprint of a boot on my butt is a good day.

During the first War in Iraq, christian organizations helped people come to the US. They put them up in Hotels and fed them and did them alot. How come they get the special treatment? Thier imagrants also, are they not? Why dont they The Mexican's like that also? instead of putting in some building and a mat to lay down on the floor?

Didnt president Bush want to open up waters trade for the Saudis?  I think that's more dangerous than the border isnt it?

And i REPEAT ONCE AGAIN Not all white people are the same.

You see they want the Mexican Boys to join the Army or Maries, for that they want us. As I recall In Southlake, wealthy neighborhood here in tarranty county, Did not have one Recruiter at thier highschools, but they had every other school. Now why is that? But at Tremble Tech, Northside, Poly, Paschall, Lake Worth, Haltom High school and Castleberry high school. Every Branch of the military was there!

And to say that this country should be ashamed of having illagal immagrants is just plain ignorance. Why? Because the forefather of this country were illegal immagrants. Why? because who was here first? The Indians.
[/quote]JRD. Please pay attention, I don't want you to miss it.


During the first war in Iraq, my sister's in-laws died from American bombs. My dad and his family ate garbage from the butcher and were glad they got it. You don't know me or my life or my trials. Just the idea that you can say your 16 years of plight must be worse than my 45 years of life tells me, and the world, you're a Punk.

I don't think you could have picked a more asnine thing to say in any thread.

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Jas Jis,
Without quoting your entire post #18, I just want to say...

That is my point too.
I posted something yesterday here in reference to a statement by T. Roosevelt and said that I wouldnt debate it.

Your post above pretty much made the point.
My father was commenting today that we should never "not" let immigrants in because this country is a melting pot of people from other countries and that is what makes America...America, but he wondered also that how many immigrants who are fighting for equality and legalization today, if there were a mandatory draft tomorrow, would they still be so willing to become citizens and fight for "thier/our" country.

I watched a group of teens today march up a local street with signs and vigorously waving three Mexican flags and I thought to myself,
"If I truly wanted to be a citizen of this country, wouldnt I be waiving the American flag and not the flag of the country I had left to pursue a better life for?"
Why vigorously wave a flag of a country that you claim oppressed you and you couldnt get away from quick enough?
My family flies no other flag than the American flag. If we did otherwise, people would mistake our house for the United Nations or something.

My grandmother came over on a boat, busted her ass cleaning houses for rich people and took the insults of being a dirty, greasy immigrant with lousy english (which she taught herself) she sent her 5 sons to farms to pick fruits and vegetables from 5 am to sunset everyday except Sunday in the summer(back then people actually closed their businesses on the weekend...shocker!), my dad telling me stories about a big truck parked at a corner and dozens of boys jumping in the back to go to the local farms, and they all had to have jobs during the school year locally. My dad never had less than 3 jobs at the same time until he entered the military.
All 5 boys went into the military, of their own volition, instead of waiting to be drafted and they all fought in the war, they were damned proud to represent and fight for their/our country.
These are the things drilled into us kids by our parents and grandparents. And I wont even start on my Mothers side, who is American Indian. For years the whole family denied that because of the stigma attached to being Indian. They told people they were of Irish decsent.(which simply attached a different stigma to it) To this day I still cant get a straight answer from my mom as to whether she is all or part Indian so I gave up trying.
I saw so much of my own family in your post Jas Jis that it was freaky. I have family members that are multi nationality and when asked what nationality they are, they all say proudly that they are American.

Ok, I said I wouldnt debate it but I had to get that off my chest...sorry.


Edited by Quietfire
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Growing up I was the last child, even if I was born last. Iv never had a single person hand me gratitude or even want to offer it through work. I grew up with 8 of my best freind friends, 7 of which are dead, 5 died in my arms. either gun shots or Over doses. My mom kicked me out when I was 12 and I didnt know my dad so I didnt go with him or anybody elses. I know what its like eating out garbages, be spit on, working all day in the sun and not wanting to eat cause sleep was your meal. Im 16 now, I live with my mom after I pleaded with her and now I live in the garage, that I fixed up to make it more sutable for living conditions. Iv been left parctically dead in the streets. I got jumped about 4-5 months ago and was left with 2 broken ribs black eye, and a broken noise. My freind also, with me, got jumped and left with torn off braces, broken ribs, black eyes, and broken noise. Before the people who jumped us left, they said "F****** Wet*****."

Iv never been through a war, and Im sorry your familys loss I truely am.

But I know what its like being a different race, in country where you will never be accepted.

and if you want more stories of my life IM me AIdiotJohn on AOL.

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[quote name='J.R.D' date='Mar 31 2006, 07:42 PM']You see they want the Mexican Boys to join the Army or Maries, for that they want us. As I recall In Southlake, wealthy neighborhood here in tarranty county, Did not have one Recruiter at thier highschools, but they had every other school. Now why is that? But at Tremble Tech, Northside, Poly, Paschall, Lake Worth, Haltom High school and Castleberry high school. Every Branch of the military was there!

Actually, I live in a very white, Irish-Italian, Roman Catholic (with strong minority of Protestants and Jews) wealthy, well educated town and we have military recruiters in our school all the time, and my friends who are interested in the service are white guys, not Mexican. So not everyone is stereotyping.

I am a white girl with only a little bit of Spanish blood from ancestors very far back and I was lucky enough to be born here. I will never know what it is like to suffer this way though I have seen a little bit. I have volunteered at Dorothy Day and at a clothing drive and have seen the suffering many immigrants go through. Granted, it was a very small view but you see these people who are suffering, who just want their children and wives to have warm clothes. People who can't afford to buy their children a gift for Christmas and have to have it donated instead if they are lucky enough to find one.

Yes, I believe we need to have our immigration laws, I respect and understand the need for them in order to keep our country safe. However, it is disgraceful how little justice these people receive. I've heard such sad stories, from a son being separated from his mother since he was born a citizen and she was illegal, to even a nursing mother pulled apart from her child and husband because she was not a citizen but her husband and child were and the country was not safe for them to send the child.

I think we also need to remember that the Holy Family had to live as immigrants as a reminder to be kind to them. Yes, there are drug dealers and terrorists but there are also those who are fleeing for their lives and their freedom, people who want their children to have better lives and go to school. It is not easy to learn someone else's language and scrimp and save just so you can have dinner that night, to face the stereotypes about that particular ethnic group they belong to. Can you fault someone for wanting to come here, to the land of opportunity even if they have to come illegally? Sometimes there is just no other way.

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Guest Rick777

[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Mar 31 2006, 04:45 PM']i guess this is the wrong thread to say this but.... The United States does not need to accept immigration. Frankly i think it needs to stop.

Wow.....that was scary. Sounded a little KKK ish..lol

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Those teens who were marching and were waveing that flag was because thats where thier cultures,belifes, and thats where thier family came from.

But as an american you should alreeady knew that. Say if you were in an other country for the same reason you also would be proud of where your culture, belifes and family came from.

In a mexican culture were taught to be as one.

I see many White Familys that are divided, and how do I know that? Because i see the familys of my freinds.

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

[quote name='Rick777' date='Mar 31 2006, 07:13 PM']Wow.....that was scary. Sounded a little KKK ish..lol

you know that Catholics are not allowed to be in the KKK?

the KKK has harassed and killed hundreds of Catholics over the last 100 years.

btw i would never join such a hateful and disgusting group.

bieng anti-immigration is not the KKK at all.

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[quote name='avemaria40' date='Mar 31 2006, 06:10 PM']Actually, I live in a very white, Irish-Italian, Roman Catholic (with strong minority of Protestants and Jews)  wealthy, well educated town and we have military recruiters in our school all the time, and my friends who are interested in the service are white guys, not Mexican.  So not everyone is stereotyping.

I am a white girl with only a little bit of Spanish blood from ancestors very far back and I was lucky enough to be born here.  I will never know what it is like to suffer this way though I have seen a little bit.  I have volunteered at Dorothy Day and at a clothing drive and have seen the suffering many immigrants go through.  Granted, it was a very small view but you see these people who are suffering, who just want their children and wives to have warm clothes.  People who can't afford to buy their children a gift for Christmas and have to have it donated instead if they are lucky enough to find one. 

Yes, I believe we need to have  our immigration laws, I respect and understand the need for them in order to keep our country safe.  However, it is disgraceful how little justice these people receive.  I've heard such sad stories, from a son being separated from his mother since he was born a citizen and she was illegal, to even a nursing mother pulled apart from her child and husband because she was not a citizen but her husband and child were and the country was not safe for them to send the child. 

I think we also need to remember that the Holy Family had to live as immigrants as a reminder to be kind to them.    Yes, there are drug dealers and terrorists but there are also those who are fleeing for their lives and their freedom, people who want their children to have better lives and go to school.  It is not easy to learn someone else's language and scrimp and save just so you can have dinner that night, to face the stereotypes about that particular ethnic group they belong to. Can you fault someone for wanting to come here, to the land of opportunity even if they have to come illegally?  Sometimes there is just no other way.

I totally agree. And the whole recruiting happens here in Texas alot. Thank you!

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

My Grandfather was in the Sevice and he is.....OMGosh AN IRSHMAN!!!!!!!!!!


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