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Donating money to the Orthodox Church?


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I work at a government contractor that is part of the Chenega organization. The village of Chenega Bay existed ini Alaska until a tsumnami destroyed most of it and then the Oil spill finished it off. THey were given a hefty settlement, with which the Chenega Corporation was formed.

Today businesses under the corporation do everything from hotel management to Government contracting. A portion of all our profits go to preserving the Chenega bay culture. Recently I discovered that they are all heavily Russian Orthodox and a lot of the money goes to building churches and converting the remaining natives in alaska.

So my question is, should I be working here. I mean I feel kind of bad that any money I help make may go to helping to spead the russian orthodox faith.

And if I do quit, who's going to help me find a job :)

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[quote]I like :coagulated milk:[/quote]

I do as well...but not the corporate kind...mostly just swiss and provolone

I suppose quitting would be a little hasty

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Yeah, I'd think quitting would be hasty too.

It's not like they donate to satanism or anything. The Russian Orthodox Church is in schism in the same way the SSPX is, just a lot older and over different issues. Perhaps you can be a vehicle for the reunification of the Church.

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while the Orthodox are not in the fullness of truth, they are still converting people to Christ, which is a good thing. Even though they cannot be in the fullest communion possible with Christ because they are not in communion with the Catholic Church, they are still Christians. I wouldn't quit over that.

Now, if they were giving money to planned parenthood or the HRC I'd quit

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[quote name='avemaria40' date='Mar 31 2006, 07:32 PM']What's the HRC? sry for the hijack
it stands for "human rights campaign." basically it's an organization that promotes gay marriage

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yeah, I'd quit my job if it gave $$ to either of those things, that is, if I had a job.

I don't see a problem with working for a place that supports the Russian Orthodox Church. You can be a beautiful example of the Catholic Faith to them and help build the bridge of true ecumenism

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Russian Orthodox still holds to fundamental aspects of the True Faith. they are basically schismatic, under point of law. I think, though, the issue that would arise is the fact that many places of employment give to charities that aren't in keeping with our moral norm; places, even, that purport to be Catholic. I think it is fine to continue at your job... afterall, as someone said, it is better to give to the Russian Orthodox than to atheists, or even worse, Prots (j/k on the "even worse" part, but not the "Prots").... lol

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

i don't mean to be so forward, but your job is giving money to the Russian Orthodox. NO other orthodox church is so Opposed to the Roman Catholic in the world. They are heretics in schism, and i would not give them a dime. of course one would NOT have to quit under penalty of sin, but it may be a good idea.


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again.. speaking outside and against the Church's position....

how are they heretics? certainly, the CHurch doesn't consider them as such

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

[quote name='dspen2005' date='Apr 2 2006, 07:24 AM']again.. speaking outside and against the Church's position....

how are they heretics?  certainly, the CHurch doesn't consider them as such

well im not positive what to call them. but they are heretics, because they deny the dogmas of original sin, the immaculate conception of Mary, and Papal infallibility.

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